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What Would The Addicts Do: What WOULD We Buy With a 132 Donuts?


To buy or not to buy?  That is a common question facing many Tappers!  TSTO is a “freemium” game, and as such you can completely enjoy the game with out spending a dime of real world money!  But what if you’re looking to invest a little in the game?  What if you see some of those coveted “premium” items in your neighbor-eenos town and you want them in yours?  What do you do?  What do you buy?

With various donut buying options (from $1.99 (for 12) to $99.99 (for 2,400)) it can be hard to decide just what you need…and what you can get for each level.  So, I thought it would be a fun little experiment to see what our writers would buy with various donut purchases.

The first in this series is everyone’s favorite Wookiee and his take on what he WOULD buy witha 132 donuts (or a Tray Full for $9.99).

Let’s take a look at what Wookiee has to say….

What I WOULD BUY- from the Wookiee!

Hey hey hey Addicterinos!

 What would I buy for 132 donuts?  Of course this is only my opinion but here are some items I bought or would buy all over again if I had my life to do over knowing what I know now.  

Once upon a time I was a brand spanking new tapper and wasn’t even close to being a completist.  Level 6 was rocking on my iPhone and I was in love with this brand new game called The Simpsons Tapped Out (I really still am, why else would I choose to blog about it?).

Halloween 2012 was rocking and I figured out I had to buy a silly Ray Gun to shoot down that alien craft circling my town.  150 donuts?  Jeesh… who would spend real money on a free game?  Well, Kang kept circling and I eventually gave in with some of my fun money.  20 smackeroos got me 300 donuts and I was off to the races.  With the ray gun bought, what ever was I to do with the remaining 150 donuts?

First non-regret purchase of my TSTO experience (ok… second if you count the Ray Gun)… Otto and his School Bus.  By and large, this is the single best deal offered in TSTO IMNSHO (See Cranky, I read your stuff!)  For 120 donuts, you get all his hilarious outdoor tasks and a building-ish that earns 300 game dollars/30 XP every 12 hours.  This works awesome in the parking lot of Springfield Elementary but is really only limited to your imagination.  Gnarly dude.

#2… Squeaky Voice Teen (or SVT for the cool kids).  AT 30 donuts, you won’t find a cheaper premium character and his sayings are very funny. I’m sure we all had a #@$% job or two we wish our teenage/younger selves had avoided.  Revenge is sweet at a low, low price.  Watching the young relive our nightmares is what growing up is all about, right?

Numero Tres… Bumblebee Man.  Growing up in Southern California… Spanish Television was a part of my every day as well as bilingual signs, etc. Nowadays, Spanish is everywhere but as a young boy, this character always made me laugh and still does.  In TSTO, it’s no different and for 60 donuts, he’s a laugh riot steal.  His quest line is dope and just tapping the silly guy to hear his sayings can turn a bad day into a better one.

Car (fifty) four where are you?  The Police Car.  I’m a decoration fanatic and love me some cars.  This decoration gives you a 2% Cash/XP multiplier and looks great any place you put it.  I personally enjoy seeing it next to Lard Lads the most.

Lastly, the Springfield Pet Shop and Jub Jub.  While it is a weirdly tall building, it comes with the only pet that has its own task. Jub Jub also has a 6 hour task with Selma which is creepy but hilarious. The building earns you $135/15 XP every 4 hours.  That’s $35/7XP more than regular 4 hour buildings.  Much better than cramming your town with Gulp N Blows (emphasis on that last word) and for 90 donuts, not too shabby.

I am a Simpsons fanatic and really love anything in the game but I can promise I do not regret a single one of these purchases. Happy tapa tapa tapping Addicterinos and y’all stay classy.

Wookiee out!

Hope this helps any of our fellow Addicts looking to make that purchase with the Tray Full of Gooey Donuts!

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