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3/5/14- In Game Update: Episode Tie-In (Updated and complete)


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers,

Little update just hit our games everyone.  Working through the details now but you’ll need Homer free to complete the first task! 🙂

Milhouse kicks off the Episode-Tie in with dialogue, so make sure he’s free.

More details as we go through them.

Get to tap tap tapping!

UPDATE 2:45pm EST: Ok guys sorry this info took so long to get out.  Having issues with my phone wanting to cooperate!  Anyway double episode Sunday means 2 part Episode Tie-In.

Part 1 should auto-start between Homer and Lisa.  This is a 3 part quest-line where you’ll need to have Homer, Lisa AND Cletus free to complete.  Ending with a new item to grow on Cletus’s farm.

Part 2 will start after you tap Milhouse.  A dialogue will pop up between Milhouse and Bart.  No quests with this, but at the end you’ll be given the option to buy a new premium (NP) character.

So to quickly recap…with out giving away any spoilers….Part 1 will give you a new item to grow on Cletus’s farm and Part 2 will give you the option to purchase a new NPC for donuts.  

Not much too this Episode-Tie in…in fact it’s a little disappointing.  BUT nevertheless more details, including spoilers, below the fold.  

Freedom: New premium character (non-playable)- 40 donuts (Limited-Time):

GMO Pomato: New crop on Cletus’s Farm.  Takes 4hrs and costs $80.  Rewards $225, 25xp

Part 1 Between Homer & Lisa:

I Say Pomato, You Say Pomahto Pt. 1
Should Auto-start

Lisa: Ugh, I hate March.  There’s nothing at the Farmer’s Market except fried dough and figurines carved from last year’s gourds.
Homer: Cheer up.  “March Madness” is coming, by which I mean my behavior on St. Patrick’s Day.
Lisa: Is it so much to ask to fresh, locally sourced vegetables in middle of winter?
Homer: Yes.  Yes, I’d say it is so much to ask.
Lisa: Well, I don’t care.  I’m going to keep loudly and annoyingly demanding what I want until I get it. (note from Alissa: gee this sounds familiar!  EA trying to tell us something?)
Homer: You are wise in the ways of parental manipulation.  I’ll go see if Cletus has any of these…uh…what are they called again?
Lisa: Vegetables?
Homer: Eew!  Yeah, those.
Reach Level 6 and Build Cletus’s Farm
Make Homer Visit Cletus’s Farm- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

I Say Pomato, You Say Pomahto Pt. 2
Cletus Starts

Cletus: Welcome to Spuckler Farms, your source for hupcaps, questionable fireworks from Mexico, and roasted varmint parts.
Homer: Two possum drumsticks and i squirrel tail for me.  Are you growing any fresh vegetables for my daughter?
Cletus: Sorry, but the main thing we farm here is government disability pensions.  Every new young’un pretty much guarantees us another couple hunnerd a month.  Double if he’s got a actual tail.  Which they mostly do.
Homer: Yea, it’s great to be on of America’s takers.  But no vegetables, huh?
Cletus: Well, now that you mention it, a MYSTERIOUS SCIENTIST done come by last week and give us a big bag of seeds.  Said they was genetically modified hybrid of potatoes and tomatoes that’d grow anywhere, any season, and cut the time to make potato-tomato salad in half!
Harvest GMO Pomatoes– Costs $80, Takes 4hrs, Earns $225, 25XP

I Say Pomato, You Say Pomahto Pt. 3
Homer starts

Homer: Lisa, I’ve done something unusual – I’ve satisfied your request.  Here, a bag of farm fresh “pomatoes”.  Half potato, half tomato, all delicious.
Lisa: Uh, you don’t mind if I run them through my “Li’l Forensic Scientist” DNA kit do you?
Homer: Take your time.  I’ve got a crate of Mexican Fireworks and Flanders’ lawn ornaments to blow up.  I’m set for hours.
Make Lisa Investigate Pomatoes- 24hrs, Earns $600, 150xp
Make Homer Pass the Time- 
24hrs, Earns $600, 150xp
Lisa: Well, Dad, those pomatoes are total legit…if you ignore the fact that they contain DNA from a combination of at least 15 different mammals, fish and birds!
Homer: That explains their delightfully horsey aftertaste.
Lisa: We should also check under the sofas and in the closets, because I’m pretty sure I saw one sprout little legs and run away.  Stil, GMO foods may be the only hope for our generation to survive the messed-up planet your generation is bequeathing us.
Homer: Bless sweet death for saving me from having to live through your awful future.

Part 2 Between Milhouse and Bart…unlocks the option to Buy Freedom

After tapping on Milhouse

Milhouse: Bart, I’m worried about this text message you sent me.
Bart: I said I was looking for a new pet.  So what?
Milhouse: But I thought I was your favorite pet!  Your little pet Milhouse who’s so great because he cleans up his own poops.  Mostly.
Bart: Milhouse for the last time try and remember you’re a human.  I meant an ANIMAL pet, something dangerous and exciting.
Milhouse: Like a gerbil in a ball?  Oh boy!  Just imagine the thrill of not knowing where he’ll roll next!
Bart: Sure.  You get your gerbil.  I’m getting the animal that dives from the sky at Mach 1 and eats your gerbil.

And that’s it Tappers.  That’s all there is to the Episode Tie-in update.

What do YOU think of this little update?  Will you be spending the donuts to get Freedom?  Do you like having a new option for plants on Cletus’s Farm?  Will YOU be watching the double-episode on Sunday?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

All original art and content © Up All Night, LLC and
All Screen Shots of Game Graphics & Dialogue and Game Graphics from files ™ and © EA, Gracie Films and FOX

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