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Superheros Takedown Has Arrived


Update 7pm EDT: If you’re just downloading both the App Store update and the Easter Update at the same time the Easter update will start up first.  However, get past the initial dialogue with Ned & Homer first and then get past the Gil Dialogue and the Mystery Box questline should start up.  However, now Mr. Burns MUST be free to trigger it.  It will no longer auto start.  So make sure Mr. B is free and you should see the ! to start it.

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

The Superheros Takedown is finally in our app stores…a day late but still a welcomed sign!  This download will remove the event from our games (however the Beach House, Bart Cave & Rad Station Air Fortress will remain, until they expire in about a week, 4/7).

Note: So far this is only live on iOS.  Will update when it hits others Update is now available on all platforms

So be sure to head over to your app store and download the removal….

There is one new change to the game…a refurbished Mystery Box!  Back with more details on this in a bit (just have to verify)…

In the meantime remember to reset your Confirm Donut Spend Button once you’ve downloaded the newest version AND be sure to go into your App Settings and turn off notifications again (if you want them off).  Mine were off, but then Homer said he better put on pants so I knew they needed to go back off (not ideal chatter for the workplace 😉 )

So now let’s get to those new details…

When you first start up TSTO after the takedown has been downloaded from the App Store you’ll see some dialogue popup between Mr. Burns & Smithers…

Mr. Burns: Mystery box sales are down again this month! How could something that once topped the charts every week fall so far out of favor with the public?
Smithers: Actually sir, that’s to be expected. People experienced the mystery box, they enjoyed it for a while, and now they’ve moved on.  Perhaps we could come up with something else to sell them — something new and original!
Mr. Burns: Yes yes, we’ll get to that. But first we have to do everything we can to keep them interested in spending money on the old thing!
Smithers: Really, sir? Wouldn’t it make more sense just to appreciate the mystery box for what it was and just remove it from the store? Let it die with dignity?
Mr. Burns: Die? With dignity? I intend to do neither of those things. And the mystery box won’t either!  Change the interface! Offer a promotion! Rebalance the economy! Inspire nostalgia! We need to try anything and everything we can to keep it afloat!
Smithers: I suppose we could offer a new set of prizes for the mystery box.
Mr. Burns: That’s a start… but I was hoping for something more superficial.
Smithers: A new icon?
Mr. Burns: Excellent.

Yes it’s a whole new look and feel to the Mystery Box…

And the first one is free….

The box will regularly cost 6 donuts:

And here’s a look at the new prizes they’ve added to the box:

First, some old items are still there.  The Lemon Tree is still there (as it’s the only way to get it!), Squeaky Voice Teen is still there, as are the options to get 10 and 30 donuts, Lard Lad Donuts is still there and of course the Tire Fire remains a Mystery Box prize.

But now here’s what they’ve added….

Blue Haired Lawyer (worth 90 donuts)
Kearney (worth 60 donuts)
Channel 6 News Van (worth 40 donuts)
Itchy & Scratchy Billboard (worth 40 Donuts)
Chalmer’s 1979 _ONDA (Worth $9,800)
Bomb Shelter (worth $5,600)
Minnow Pond (worth $4,500)
Khlav Kalash Stand (worth $760)

A note of warning….remember a lot of the items are unique.  So if you already have BHL, Kearney, the Tire Fire or SVT you’re more likely to get one of the other prizes.  So be prepared for a Minnow Pond, Stand or something else.  

And just for a bit of reference…in my D game, where I’m at a low level (Level 11) and have nothing my first box awarded me 10 Donuts.

In my A game, where I’m at Level 50 and have at least 1 of Everything in the Box already my first box awarded me 30 donuts.

Now there are a few other changes as well..

First, you can now store the Radioactive Man Statue.  So if you’re sick of looking at it you can now tuck it away in storage!  (and I checked, so far nothing from Superheros can go in Krustyland)

Another new change is purchasing in game cash!  I know something we encourage you to NEVER do.  It’s not wise to spend donuts on in game currency.  Not when donuts are so hard to get (or you spend real cash on them) and in game currency is fairly easy to obtain (in comparison).  Nevertheless there are still some changes to purchasing in-game currency with donuts.  So let’s go over those now…

First it’s important to note that the higher the level you are the more cash you’ll get for your donuts.  Here’s the breakout at Level 50:

 – $11,750 will cost you 9 Donuts

– $58,750 will cost you 30 Donuts

 – $141,000 will cost you 65 Donuts

 -$235,000 will cost you 100 donuts

 – $705,000 will cost you 285 Donuts

 – $1,410,000 will cost you 550 Donuts

 $2,820,000 will cost you 1,000 Donuts

Again this will vary depending on your level.  The above numbers reflect it if you’re on Level 50.  As you increase your level over level 9 you’ll start to increase the payout for each one.  I’m not going to get into to much detail with this because we honestly do not encourage you to do this in your games.  Do not spend donuts for in game cash…it’s just not worth it (at any level).

House Farm Changes (and General Price Changes)

There are also rumors floating around about EA limiting House Farmers.  For those of you that don’t know, House Farmers are people who have areas of there towns that are covered in houses.  It’s a way to earn more income or a way to make sure your neighbors always have something to tap.  Not sure about EA limiting the number of houses you can build, as I’m not a house farmer.  But I can tell you they have increased the pricing of houses.

Just as an example the Brown House…

In my game it now costs $1100 for 1 Brown House.  Originally it was only $355.  It looks like the more you have the higher the pricing.  Here’s some examples from my game (and again i don’t house farm, I do have several of each type of house as part of my residential areas)

Again these are examples from my game.  Your pricing may differ…the original price however is what the house cost prior to the update.

Purple House- Originally $1100, now $2750 (I have 4)

Blue House- Originally $1800, now $5,000 (I have 4 in my game & 1 in inventory)

Pink House- Originally $3400, now $4,800 (I have 2)

White House- Originally $7,700, now $16,500 (I have 6)

Orange House- Originally $24,500, now $28,000 (I have 1 in inventory)

And I currently have 5 (+2 in inventory) Brown Houses

So it looks like the more you have of a certain house the higher the price goes.  There’s also a notion that if you have a certain number of 1 type of house it will cap you and prevent you from buying more.  I tried this in my D game…i was able to continue building Brown Houses well into the 30s.  However…the pricing did cap on the Brown House once I built 25 homes.  And the cap was $17,300.

So I think it’s safe to say…yes they’ve added some higher pricing elements to the game, but no there’s no cap on the number of houses you can build.  There is however a cap on the pricing increase.  And it looks like around 25 of the same house built the pricing will stabilize and no longer increase.

Hopefully that housing info makes sense, I’ll try to get more details and play around with the caps when I can.

For now that’s in on the new info for this Takedown update!  Enjoy your free Mystery Box and I hope you all get loads of premium goodies! 🙂

What do you think of the Mystery Box?  What item did you win with the free one?  Thoughts on the new housing price scale?  How about the ability to store the Radioactive Man Statue, have you stored it already?  Will you be using donuts to buy cash?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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