Tag Archives: April 1 Update

Superheros Takedown Has Arrived

Update 7pm EDT: If you’re just downloading both the App Store update and the Easter Update at the same time the Easter update will start up first.  However, get past the initial dialogue with Ned & Homer first and then get past the Gil Dialogue and the Mystery Box questline should start up.  However, now Mr. Burns MUST be free to trigger it.  It will no longer auto start.  So make sure Mr. B is free and you should see the ! to start it.

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

The Superheros Takedown is finally in our app stores…a day late but still a welcomed sign!  This download will remove the event from our games (however the Beach House, Bart Cave & Rad Station Air Fortress will remain, until they expire in about a week, 4/7).

Note: So far this is only live on iOS.  Will update when it hits others Update is now available on all platforms


So be sure to head over to your app store and download the removal….

There is one new change to the game…a refurbished Mystery Box!  Back with more details on this in a bit (just have to verify)…

In the meantime remember to reset your Confirm Donut Spend Button once you’ve downloaded the newest version AND be sure to go into your App Settings and turn off notifications again (if you want them off).  Mine were off, but then Homer said he better put on pants so I knew they needed to go back off (not ideal chatter for the workplace 😉 )

So now let’s get to those new details… Continue reading