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In Game Update: The Return of Episode Tie-Ins…The Kids Are All Fight


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Just got hit with a little in game update…this one will focus around Bart.

So head over to your tapping device and check it out 🙂

Back with more details in a bit…(as EA seems to like to release updates when I’m at lunch…)

Details below the fold…

Ok so…as with most episode tie-ins there isn’t too much too this one.  Just a couple of items and a questline.

This will kick off (should auto-start if Bart is busy) with a conversation between Bart and Homer..

Regression Aggression Pt. 1
Auto starts

Homer: Bart, you got paint on the driveway!  It ruined my favorite oil stain.
Bart: Lisa was there too!  Looks, she’s got paint all over her hands – you just can’t see it because it’s yellow.
Homer: Now you’re in trouble for tattling too!
Bart: Ugh, I only get blamed because I’m the oldest!  I wanted to be born second, Mom and Dad just didn’t listen to me.  If I was the baby, I’d never get in trouble.  They have the system wired – they don’t even have to wipe themselves.
Make Bart Act Like an Infant- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

We’ll breakdown the full Turbo Tappin’ version of this walkthrough at the end of this post…


So now let’s take a look at the new items..

 Bart’s Three-Wheeler- $7,500.  Impacts Vanity. Leaves stores early morning on Tuesday 4/28.

Nightmare Pile- 100 Donuts.. Adds 3% bonus on all cash and xp. details below.

After you’ve started Part 2 of Regression Aggression you’ll see this popup


The Nightmare Pile is a premium item for your Springfield that will be sorta like the moonbounce, in that it adds tasks for characters.

Once placed in your Springfield you’ll get a short questline that’ll popup, triggered by Bart, Night-Night-Nightmare.  You’ll have to send both Bart and Lisa on a 2hr task to dig for a costume….3x each.

You must complete those tasks before you can actively “use” the Nightmare Pile.

Once done you’ll unlock 4hr tasks for kids to wear costumes.  Similar to their Halloween Trick-or-Treat task.


Initially I could only get Bart and Lisa to wear costumes.  However, then you’ll get a task for Martin to dig 3 times, called Night-Night-Nightmare (Martin).  Once completed Martin will have a task.

This will continue until all of the kids have their costume tasks at the Pile.  However, the ! won’t popup for each child.  You’ll have to watch the task bar for the Nightmare Pile Icon (clown face)

When in use, only 1 child can wear a costume at a time.  Here’s the list of all the children…


Regression Aggression Pt. 1
Auto starts

Make Bart Act Like an Infant- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

Regression Aggression Pt. 2
Bart starts

Make Bart Block the Basement Door- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp

Regression Aggression Pt. 3
Lisa starts

Make Lisa Ride Old School- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp
Make Bart Pout- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp

Once you’ve completed the entire Regression Aggression questline you’ll unlock….Lisa’s Kiddie Car! 


The Kiddie Car is just a decoration for your Springfield…


For this questline you’ll first need Bart and Lisa to Dig for 2hrs each 3 times for a costume.  And then more kids will join.  Here’s the order in which the children join:

Remember for each child they’ll have to repeat the dig task 3 times in order to unlock their costume…

Sherri and Terri
Squeaky Voice Teen

Now a few changes happened to our games with this update, here’s a look at those..

Mr. Teeny has tasks again!

Yup, Mr. Teeny is back to having tasks and this time they added a 1hr task.

Ignore the first task listed there, that’s part of Cecil’s Daily tasks, as Mr. Teeny is considered a Celebrity. 

The locked 3hr task is associated with the Terwilliger Event only and will unlock at some point during Act 2.

Akira Can No Longer Earn Bonsai 

It appears as though some of Akira’s Bonsai tasks need in order for him to get free bonsai, have disappeared.  Not sure if this is a temporary issue or intentional.  Digging more into this one.

This is now working again in my game.  Not sure if it was a glitch on my end, or another update hit.  However, I’ve always had issues with Akira and bonsai, so it wouldn’t surprise me if it was just my game.

So be relieved Akira will still earn you Bonsai…

Monsarno Upgrade Icon is gone

That pesky upgrade icon over Monsarno after you’ve upgraded to Level 7 is now gone!  🙂


And that my friends completes the details for this little Episode tie-in!

What do you think about the episode tie-in?  Thoughts on the items added?  How about the Nightmare Pile tasks?  Those on Mr. Teeny coming back?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!


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