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I’ve Got A Problem…Common Bugs/Glitches During the Terwilliger Event


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

We’re officially 1 week into the Terwilliger Event and as with (almost) all Events this one has it’s share of bugs & glitches.  So, we’ve compiled a list of the most common bugs & glitches that are popping up in your games for the last week.

Having trouble placing pavement under the Monsarno Buildings?  Getting extra Farm Houses and Founder Statues?  Is your Monsarno Research Center telling you to upgrade, but you can’t?  We’ll we’ve got some answers and solutions for you, so let’s take a look at these common issues and more!

How Can I Place Pavement Under the Monsarno Buildings? 

This is a common one.  First of all it’s not a bug or a glitch that you can’t place the buildings on Pavement.  The buildings are coded in the files as they can only be placed on grass.  So there’s nothing wrong with the game, that’s just how it’s coded.  (ie it’s intentional)

Now all that being said…Bunny’s got a solution on how you can give the Pavement appearance.  Here’s Bunny’s Pavement How-to:

For those that are wanting an idea of HOW to put the Pavement blocks UNDER the Monsarno or other buildings, it is a matter of making L shapes over and over. 

You basically are going to “trick” the game into letting you sneak a one tile underneath. First, go to your Movement Menu.

From there, tap on the Pavement Tiles. Then go over to the Monsarno and start laying Pavement Tiles on the outer most edge of the Monsarno Building as close as you can get to it until you have completely surrounded it. (You can skip this step if you want. I did it so I knew where to place the Monsarno as it fits right in the center.)

Now for the trick. Go back to the Pavement Tiles and “Place” one by the edge.

 This next step is for the MORE stubborn buildings that don’t seem to want to allow the Pavement under them (Including ones from previous events, not just this one)… Next, you will “Drag” just one tile down following the path that is OK to put tile on around the Monsarno Research (the direction the Blue + sign lets you go). Just ONE Tile over…

Now the moment you get one tile over, immediately turn and drag the tile UNDER where the building is sitting. Making an “L” shape. 

It will show up in red, but you can still tap on the Check Mark to complete the “L” shape. You now have a Pavement Tile UNDER Monsarno covering the grass. Repeat this step over and over all around the Building til you have that outer grass section covered. (One spot will remain in the center.) 

Now you will have the Monsarno with Pavement underneath it. Just remember, unless they change it, you will have to do this all over again if you try to move the Monsarno Research to another location.

For the LESS stubborn Buildings, a straight swipe underneath it may work too. Just see which one works best for you and go for it. 😉 (Same concept as above.)

I’ve Got An Extra (or many Extra) Old Simpson Farm House and/or Monsarno Founder Staute, What’s Up with That? 

This is another common one we’re seeing.  When you win a prize and then log into your game from another device (usually Android to iPhone or vice versa) sometimes this will result (during this update) in giving you a second (or 3rd) of that prize.  So there are some players out there that have 2 or 3 Farm Houses and 2 or 3 Founder Statues.

From what we’re seeing, there are no issues in your game from having multiples of each.  So it’s just a happy glitch 🙂

My Monsarno Research Center Keeps Telling Me to Upgrade, But I’m Already on Level 7 and it Says Upgrade Isn’t Available Until Act 2. What do I Do? 

First, know that Act 2 won’t start until April 28th.

Now, there is a glitch going around with upgrading.  It’s not a critical glitch and it won’t stop game play, BUT once you’ve Upgraded to Level 7 and earned more Corn/Fertilizer you may see the upgrade Icon over Monsarno Research… .  BUT you cannot Level Up past Level 7 until Act 2 starts, so if you see this Icon and you’re already at Level 7 just ignore it.  It won’t impact your game, it’ll just drive you crazy.


I Left Mutant Seedlings In My Friend’s Town And They’re Saying They Never Got Them, What Do I Do?

This is a new one we’re seeing (just in the last couple of days), where some of you are leaving seeds in your A town from your B town, or leaving seeds in your girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse/child’s town and they never get them (even if they check their town before the 4hrs is up.  This is a known glitch with EA, and apparently they’re working on a patch for this.

The good news is….it doesn’t always happen.  Often times the next day everything will be back to normal.   You can contact EA and let them know you’re impacted too, you never know if they may compensate you (or at least refund the seedlings).  But it is a known glitch, so no you’re not going crazy.  🙂

And that my friends covers the few Act 1 glitches/bugs we’ve been seeing over the last week!

What do you think of the solutions?  Anything you weren’t aware of?  Have you experienced any of these problems?  Are you noticing any different bugs/glitches in your game?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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