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TSTO Anonymous: Jonesing for the Next Event


So it’s been a while since we held one of our TSTO Anonymous meetings and I thought it was high time we did one while we still had some time before the next big thing. I wracked my brains for a topic and Alissa kindly suggested we discuss the idea of “jonesing for the next event.” While we jokingly named this site TSTO Addicts, the idea of needing the next big fix is something synonymous with addiction. Why should it be any different for people that play mobile games?  We all want more of the stuff that we love. With that idea in mind, I found some images in my saved pics and rambled on with my thoughts about the next big thing. Fair warning, this might entail it being past midnight and half awake so pull up a chair, warm up the coffee, and let’s get this shindig started.

Hi… I’m Joe “The Wookiee” Riot and I am a TSTO Addict.

So…Level 60 dropped meaning the end of regular levels and even Maggie seemed to get pessimistic about the game.

What do you mean no new levels? Didn’t the dialogue say something about events in the future? What’s the next big thing going to be? Did you read that clue about something something? Didn’t Wookiee mention some of these items years ago? Did I read Alissa’s well-written and informative post and still ask THAT question? Ugh… I need something new. I want, I want, I want. Why hasn’t the pusher man at EA brought out the next (insert whatever it is you wanted)?

Phew… that felt good to write. Anon meetings are about clearing the air and your soul, right? In fairness, not all comments are like this on this amazing site but there are some. It’s the internet and never perfect. Sometimes, it just seems like we’ve all gotten our first taste of chili laced with insanity peppers and now we’re all crazy for the next taste of something.

If you’re truly feeling a hankering for that next fix, I have it on good authority that the cure for what ails you is to tap a tortoise. If that’s doesn’t make you feel better… I don’t know what will.

Okay, maybe I am just loving insanity mode in the game. New stuff is always good in the game but speaking of insanity mode, it also means a lot of work (especially for Alissa). Every once in a while it’s nice to have a break to play catch up and clean up and just kick a blue tortoise. I know Willie appreciates the break. Changing those banners at the top of the site is alot of work for him.

I lov this pic and imagine he has all of the different ones we’ve had stored somewhere. I can hear him grumbling every time there’s some new event or holiday lol. New stuff is definitely coming on the horizon and yes, I think it might be a superheroes event. I’ve been waiting for the part deux to this event ever since I saw the 2015 event’s dialogue.

Seems pretty clear to me that EA was planning something way back in early 2015, maybe earlier. Anyone familiar with superhero stuff knows that sequels and reboots are commonplace with them. Makes sense to me that another event would roll around a year and a half later and Jebus knows there’s plenty more stuff we could get. Here’s just two images from my Bartman post several tappers discussed in one of the threads.

So what’s next? Something.  The fact is we’re all human and like new schtuff. My personal bent is to not worry too much about coming next. I’m content in knowing there will be new stuff and enjoying the game with or without it. This site and community is one of the number one reasons that I am able to continuously enjoy TSTO with or without new content. I love speculation as much as the next person but a long time spent playing this game informs me that something is coming and ultimately I will be happy with most of it. Every time EA drops a hint, we forget that this game is based on a television show with a rapscallion who loves to play pranks. Sometimes I picture Bart running away in glee whenever I hear about hints.


Of course, I think about advising patience and happiness when dealing with event expectation while simultaneously having Homer all cued up to celebrate the next big thing.

Soon enough we will all be neck deep in whatever event drops, oohing and aahing, and then hoping none of the fireworks fall on anything burnable. Whenever a new level drops, I’m ready for the wonder to fade while we blame Homer for lighting the fuses in the first place and start lamenting just how many tasks there are for Homer in the new such and such. Kent Brockman has been warning us all along.

With the new way the game is going to be released, there certainly will be many more tasks for characters from lower levels. Now I’m having a flashback to Halloween 2013 when Homer was needed for EVERYTHING and my game saw fit to make Homer disappear. Certainly anything new will come with some sort of glitch flooding the comments with what’s not working in the game.

If only it was as easy as putting a sign like this up. A bright side is new events usually come with ways to earn and spend donuts. I just hope Mr. Burns isn’t put in charge of deciding how many we will get.

It’s safe to say that new stuff is great. It keeps the game fresh and allows for more creativity and funny dialogue. I already have Lisa ready to start working on where everything comes from.

Oh no… I gave away how I find origins lol. I might also know where things come from because I watch what some might consider an unhealthy amount of Simpsons. That’s an idea to overcome the urge for new content. Watch episodes and ponder what you might want from episodes of the Best. Show. Ever.

There’s a whole section of this blog dedicated to episode recaps of recent episodes and even more origin posts in the WDTCF section. Totbox has started going through older episodes and boy howdy is Tot funny. However you choose to spend your time and brainpower during lulls between events, just remember this is a game. We jokingly call ourselves Addicts but if any of this ever became unhealthy for me or truly not fun, I’d walk away with the best of them. This is a game and meant to be fun. If you take nothing else away from this post, HAVE FUN. Be excellent to each other and when the next big thing comes… PARTY ON DUDES (and dudettes)!

So what’s the next big thing Mr. Wookiee?

I don’t know. It all just makes me think of when I was little and Santa left presents under the tree. Unlike Bart, I was always ready to be surprised by whatever was left for me. Heck, as a poor kid, just getting a grey bear under my stocking was enough to bring me joy. You should have seen my mom’s face when Santa brought her an African American Cabbage Patch doll. Now that was a diverse holiday full of emotion. I named my bear Fred and still love him to this day. I guess my point is, Fred is coming and the best thing to do is enjoy him when he arrives in whatever form he chooses to come as. Some might call Fred cheap and a poor gift. I’d tell you Fred was the best thing a small Wookiee could get. Might not be what he asked for but at least it was something new.

Ouch… I poked my foot paw on a splinter from this stump I suddenly found myself standing on. I’m tall enough as it is… I don’t need to stand on one of those. Those are definitely for much more impressive speeches about liberty and taxation and make me think of country songs for some reason. You know what Bart says about Country Music.

You know I once jokingly wrote a country song about TSTO? I found it in my future posts lists and it made me giggle.

And I’m proud to be a Springfieldianite, where the donuts are sometimes free,
And I won’t forget the company, who gave this game to me,
So I proudly tap on….. thankfully, and remember them today,
Cuz there ain’t no doubt I love this game… Jebus Bless the Team EA!

Count that as something dumb I never thought I’d post that I found a home for in a post lol. You think EA will like my song? Okay… maybe that was a little too Lee Greenwood for a post about wanting a new event but I do have a point. EA brings us this game and like it or not, it is what it is. I’m thrilled that we’ll keep getting new events and mini-events and episode tie-ins. I want EA to keep working on this game and trying new things. Come what may, I’ll do my utmost to enjoy whatever it is. This site and community will be here to help us all through the details of said new thing. Well, that’s all my thoughts on wanting the next big thing. Possible I wrote something cohesive. If not, hopefully the coffee was good.

What do you think about the idea of jonesing for the next event? How do you deal with it? Are you a TSTO Addict? Got any ideas for a future meeting’s topic? Did you know we had som many Simpsons characters working behind the scenes for us? Sound off in the comments and happy tapping to all of you. Until our next meeting, we end this one as usual with the TSTO Anonymous Serenity Prayer.

“EA, grant me the serenity to accept the updates I cannot change, the courage to recommend the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Much love… TTFN… Wookiee out!

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