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Jebediah Springfield Statue Skin Glitch…That Isn’t a Glitch


There seems to be a ton of confusion with many players about the recent Act III prize award of the “Damaged Jebediah Statue.”  I understand your confusion…as EA, once again, in their infinite desire to make things clear and easy for the user (NOT!!!) have failed to mention that this is a SKIN… As in, you have to have the statue first, or the skin won’t work.

It has been so long since most of us long-time players got the statue, that it is easy to forget that many of you started playing the game well after August of 2013. Makes sense…

But, there is an answer that should make it clear that this glitch isn’t a glitch…

Waaaaaaay back in TSTO time, Alissa posted this on how to earn the “Secret Prize” of the Jebediah Springfield Statue.

The cool thing about this…is that you also get 10 free donuts, along with the statue.  So…if you are getting a notice that you “need to build the statue” to use the skin you won (makes sense, I guess), then take the time to do what the post tells you to do.

And when you are done, click your heels three times and say, “There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home,”  and you will be sent back to Kansas…or Act II…which how many acts this event SHOULD have had!

And as one reader pointed out, it is strange that once the head is lopped off, the patina on the statue changes from Gold to Gray…but, maybe there is a “life force” that burns bright in old Jeb, that goes dark when the head is removed. Or, EA is just being lazy and careless again. You decide.

So, yes…another skin prize in this event…a way for the programmers and animators to be EALPish (EA Lazyass Programming), and not have to come up with new content.  But, hey…it was free…right?

As you can tell by the screen shot at the top of this post, I placed mine in my town square, in front of my cannon…with Abe watching the mayhem.

Hope that clears up this “Clear as mud” situation!

Peace Out…

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