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Friday Filler – When EA Bores You- A Master Class in 3-D


I guess if you saw the last Addicts Live, you realize that I am not a fan of this last Act.  If there was ever an argument for shorter, 2-Act events, this…is…it.

There was such a lack of continuity in this final mix-mash of content, that I kept looking up from my padular device to scream, “where ARE we????”  This of course alarmed my wife to no end, as I am approaching the age where someone who may be showing signs of CTE from too much football and rugby, may very well forget where he was occasionally.

“You don’t get it! They are giving us stuff from the Caribbean, and then a couple of casinos that aren’t part of the other casinos which might be in Miami, or Cuba…and then we go to the Hague!!!  THE HAGUE!!!! They never really went to the Hague!! And then there is a skinny version of a fat guy who ISN’T the fat’s all so confusing!!

By this time, my wife as banished me to the adult version of “time out,” which is going into the living room, and leaving my padular device on the table, while she checks the browser history.

So…yes…now I am bored. I have once again finished the event with LOADS of time to spare…and have earned a ton of bonuts…without anything I really want to spend them on from this event.

So…what to do…what to do?  Maybe create something out of nothing?? Create something WAY cooler than anything EA is giving us this event…out of a bunch of clutter from other events?  BOOM! Let’s Go 3-D-ing!

In my last Friday Filler, I covered some 3-D designs from a few of my neighbors. Some fun little ways to re-purpose clutter left over from other events.  But, I also asked if anyone had any good 3-D designs they wanted to share.

I found a master.

In the email, Joe (not our Wookie Joe) wrote:
“Good afternoon Patric,
I’ve been a fan of yours since your tstofriends days. Your article on 3D designs caught my eye because I too like to use a little creativity to grind through long events. Since pickles210 was kind enough to gve me a shout-out in your comment section, I thought I’d snap a few pics and send them off. If you enjoy the designs, please feel free to send me an invite (njscorpio16) and I’ll happily add you to my friends list so you can check out some of the bigger (!) buildings. Thanks for your time and your contributions to the site.

So…I friend requested him…and HOLYFREAKINSHIRT!!!  This guy takes 3-D to an entirely different level of amazing, cool, and fun!

Buckle in… Here are some Screen Grabs that he sent, along with some captures I did on my last visit. I didn’t do a video this time…because I wanted you to be able to take this in at your own pace. These really deserve more screen time than a video enables.

There is only one word for this kind of work, njscorpio16…AWESOME!!

Take your time…look at the details and creativity. Just…plain…cool!

And, you want TALL?? He DID say Tall…right??  

Are those cool…or what?????? I have to believe that he gets the “Item Limit” warning all of the time. I tried to count how many fences he was using in a couple of those…and stopped after my wife told me to “count to yourself!” and lost count.

The bottom line here, and the amazing thing about 3-D rendering with 2-D clutter, is that it adds a new dimension to the game that the LazyAss Programmers at EA hadn’t thought of!  Instead of repeating, or slightly altering old buildings and decorations (repeatedly)…or going into random worlds that may or may not have ever really been mentioned on the TV Show or Movie, you are able to create almost any kind of  structure you want!  

Building blocks of clutter…a little imagination…and BOOM!  You have a work of art/architecture that is completely unique to your town. 

And speaking of building….
We got off to a GREAT start on the funding for our building in Buyijja…and then it kinda sputtered.  So, if you can find it in your heart to be creative, supportive, and generous, please donate to this worth cause.  We want to break ground over the summer… every dollar helps!!

Donate HERE



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