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Tree House of Horror XXIX – Act One Calendar and Math You Need to Get It All


The wait is over and now we are back to the grinding!

This early in a major event, there is no way to know if EA has made any huge changes or not…like how many items we are going to be allowed to place before we hit the limits again…or how much land they’ll give us to place the HUGE list of stuff we see coming down the pike. But, you CAN bet that there will be a lot of grinding.

And, if you WANT IT ALL you are going to have to drop some donuts (purchased or farmed) over the next six weeks (yes, this one is “shorter” than a few others we have had).

And…yes…because so many of you complained about the “Do It Yourself” Calendar I did at the end of the last event (which some of you also loved) I am willing to compromise, and combine the “Artistic Freedom” of the big calendar, and the “convenient simplicity” of the digital calendar…into one calendar of function and beauty.

Here is that calendar, and all of the numbers you need to stay on track with the main prize track!

Yes…doing a spreadsheet calendar is way faster than doing a regular “Gregorian” calendar.  But let’s face it…Pope Gregory had a heck of a lot more time on his hands back in 1582 than I do today.  I mean, what did a Pope have to do back then? The Bible was already pretty much put together by a handful of Popes, thanks to the good work of St. Jerome in 400 AD.  And the Spanish Inquisition had been over for almost 50 years.  So, if you are a Pope, and want to make a real change in how you keep time…Pope Gregory had the time to do it right!

Want to know more about the origin of the Gregorian Calendar?  CLICK HERE to find out Six Things You May Not Know About The Gregorian CalendarIt’s fascinating stuff!! 

Oh. Wait…you don’t care about history? You JUST WANT THE NUMBERS??

OK… then click the graphic below for a full-size  version of the ACT I calendar from the Treehouse of Horror XXIX.  And yes…those are Roman numerals…which is part of the very thing that Pope Gregory was trying to change!

As usual…the numbers seem daunting. But, I am going to take a wild guess, that if you log on every 4 hours, at least 4 times a day, you are going to be just fine.

This event may not be entirely “Simpsons Canon,” but I actually think it looks fun!  Give me old school scary over the silly slasher/super-hero/Potteresque stuff of today any day!

Have fun!  It’s all about finding the time to grind… and you WILL!

Stay safe. Don’t tap and drive. And thank the guy who invented the Digital Spread Sheet (Dan Brickland). In my world, whipping out the chart in Excel, instead of going the way of Pope Gregory is a winner every time!  And NO Scissors Required! 

Time saved…allows for more time grinding. Right?

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