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TSTO Musings About Multi-Events


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Another TSTO Thursday and as usual I have some thoughts for you.  This time I’m musing about…multi-events. With the latest update hitting our games I thought it was time to weigh in with my thoughts on the infamous new event format.  And of course, I’ve got a bunch of thoughts so let’s get to ‘em…

-Love ‘em or hate ‘em, the Multi-Event is here to stay.  At least for a little while.  The new format was rolled out at Christmas and has stuck around since for major events. (3 multi-event major events so far).

-Yes, a multi-event is still a main/major event in TSTO.  Despite what some of you may opt to label it…it’s still a main event.  Just before the format/style of play has changed doesn’t mean it’s not still a main event.  Some of you may want to go sulk in the corner because it’s not what you wanted, but it’s still a big event in TSTO.
4 weeks long, 20 prizes.  It’s still a big deal.

-EA has a history of changing up event formats over the years.  This is, at least, the 10th major format change to a main event over the 7 year TSTO history.  (with some minor tweaks to the format in-between).  That’s HUGE.  Compare that to a game like Family Guy.  Their main event format has remained the same throughout the 5-year history of that game.  EA is doing their best to listen to feedback, keep the game fresh, and make adjustments accordingly.
Do they always listen to the feedback we want them to?  Nope.  But they do listen to bits and pieces and try to make changes. (For example: For the longest time we complained events were too long…now they’re 4 weeks.  But also an example, we’ve been asking since 2014 to bring back Stonecutters like puzzles, and its fallen on deaf ears over there)

-Indulge me here guys and let’s take a minute to go over a brief main event history of TSTO….
Halloween 2012…the first major event of TSTO.  An event consisted of no prize track.  It basically was collect a special limited-time currency to buy items.  And this format stuck around through Valentine’s Day 2013.  For Halloween 2012 it was Candy Corn. Christmas 2012 it was Coins.  Valentine’s Day 2013 it was Heart Valentines.

Whacking Day 2013…four major events into TSTO…and this is the first time a prize track was introduced.  This became the format most of us got used to.  Collect event currency to unlock the prizes on the prize track.  Typically you had 10 or so prizes to unlock through the entire event.  1 prize track, the entire event to complete it.  This event stuck around off and on, with some tweaks, throughout 2013 and 2014.  Clash of Clones was the last event where we had this traditional prize track format.   With a few exceptions in this time period….

These exceptions took place during Christmas 2013, where the concept of the Wheel (plus the traditional prize track) was introduced. You had the standard 10 prizes on the single prize track, and then you could also collect coins to take a try at the holiday wheel to unlock more prizes.

Valentine’s Day 2014 followed a similar format.  Except there was no prize track.  Just a wheel to earn decorations, and if you unlocked all the decorations you won a bonus prize.

Easter 2014 was the big one.  And one that just about everyone hated.  Oh the complaints during that event!  Easter had no prize track.  Instead it had 3 mystery boxes that you could only unlock if you collected enough of 1 color Easter Egg.  It was rough.
After Easter 2014 they went back to the regular format until…Halloween 2014.  Halloween 2014 was the first introduction of the “Act” format many of you are familiar with.  It was also the introduction of crafting.

Then EA did something really crazy for Christmas 2014.  Two entirely different updates.  Both of which required an app store download.  Very different formats, but still fun.

After that we started to settle into a routine.  Superheroes 2015 had 3 Acts, Crafting and Level Upgrades.
Then we fell into the traditional pattern many of you are “missing” these days.  3 Acts plus crafting.
And now we’re onto the multi-event.

-So what’s the point in me giving you a full rundown of the history of TSTO main events?  To show you that this game, much like you, has changed and evolved over time. And it will continue to change and evolve. Don’t like the multi-event?  Ok.  Give it a few updates and it’ll probably change to something else.

-The other point of going over all of this is the remind you that every time there’s been a format change people have complained.  Every. Single. Time. It’s nothing new.  And people will continue to complain because that’s the nature of people.  2 months shy of 6 years of TSTO blogging and I’ve heard complaints about everything in this game. And I’m certain I’ll continue to hear them.
I know there are some of you that will complain no matter what because you just don’t like it. Nothing I say will change your mind, I get that.
I’m not going to tell you not to complain, this is a place where a community of TSTO players get together to discuss the game…the good and the bad.  Despite what some may say, it’s not all rainbows and sunshine in the world of TSTO.  I am however going to tell you to chill out a bit.  It’s a game. You may not like what’s happening right now, but odds are something will change over time and you’ll like it again.  And if you’re really not happy…uninstall the game. Nothing in life should make you that miserable.  Especially not a mobile game.

-So what are my feelings on the Multi-Event format?  I like it.  I’m a fan. For reasons I’ve outlined before, but I’ll share again.
-No rush to complete each Act.  While the Acts won’t unlock until the new week, you can complete them at any time.  As the individual (weekly) questlines won’t leave until the event is over.
-20 prizes (actual prizes, not event currency or just a land tiles) available throughout the entire event. Compare that to 10 or 12 actual prizes via previous prize tracks.
-No crafting. I’ve never been a fan of crafting.
-New questlines/content Every. single. week. until the event ends.
-Great storylines.  If you actually read the dialogue for this event (and I plan to post the full dialogue for each week as the week closes out for those who missed something), it’s funny and on point.  The dialogue makes you feel like you’re watching an episode of the show, and I love that!

Of course, those are my feelings.  Yours may be totally different.  Maybe you loved crafting.  Maybe you loved 1 prize track.  Maybe you prefer no prize track.  Everyone is different.  That’s what makes this place great.  It’s also what makes TSTO our favorite game…like us, it evolves and changes over time.

Thoughts? Care to share your own musings?  What topic do you think I should tackle in my next musings post?  Sound off below, you know we love hearing from you!

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