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Friday Filler – When You’re Out of Ideas Offer Donuts


Thank Grog It’s Firday,

I’m not going to lie. This week almost did me in.  As Ringo Starr once screamed into a studio mic, “I’ve got blisters on my fingers!!!” (between Revolution No. 9 and Helter Skelter on the White Album). In fact, it is likely just blisters from juggling…and juggling…and juggling.

So when one of my true escapes from my “clown circus life” starts getting lazy, it really bums me up. TSTO/EA/Gracie is really dropping the ball in regards to content for this update…unless you are a new player…which I am not.

I hate whining at this point…as we should all just be happy the game is still around. But, come on… a dozen donuts instead of a Major Premium Character?
Have they lost their minds??????

Well…yes…yes they have.

The writing has been so loose on this update, that they have lost me. Although, the fact is, they are all but admitting that the premise is ridiculous, and the prizes are extremely random.

Bleeding Gums Murphy, was one of the most sought after, desired characters in the history of TSTO.  We whined about wanting him for months, if not years. Then, during the HomerPalooza event in August of 2017, we finally got him! For 165 donuts…which was “outrageous” at the time!

Oh…silly…silly…tappers. 165 donuts for a beloved character is pretty much nothing these days.

So…yes, I am happy that some of the newer players get a  chance to get him for FREE. I’ve said it before, I don’t regret it when they do retreads for newer players…even at a discount, or free…because I’ve been able to enjoy him for two years. And let’s face it…time is still the most valuable currency.

BUT…what IS weird…is that it seems they are going to make him a major prize for this Act, and then give the rest of us a dozen lousy donuts. 12 donuts…as in what I earn donut farming in about 9 minutes.  Big. Freakin’. Whoop!

That is certainly not motivation to tap.

And…the writers get it… I loved this line when we got the “Bleeding Gums Cloud”

Yes…I put Bleeding Gums Cloud next to the trumpeting angels…doing a heavenly jam session. I’m cool with that…as long as the LIVING Bleeding Gums doesn’t wander in, and mess with the time space….Ah..Never Mind!  It’s all over…they brought back the damn cat…Snowball One. Time space continuum blown to hell by a fur ball spitting cat.

I’m sure this makes sense to someone…but, when in doubt, go to the SOURCE of making sense of  silly cartoon plots…

OK…I get it.  It makes sense to people who can simply suspend any belief in anything that makes sense. It explains why the biggest blockbusters are comic book movies. I admit it. I just don’t go anymore if it is based on a comic book. Silly stuff.

But, then again…I’m tired. Really, really, really tired.  But, it was worth it…

This week…I was able to introduce “She who is the rehab queen” to her first shower in the NEW Walk In Shower Stall!!!  Woot Woot!

For those of you who love HGTV shows where they come in and demolish a house, and then fix it up…Here’s what it REALLY looks like. They have a huge crew…days and days…and the people who own the house are put up in a hotel.
Me…not so much.

Let’s recap the shower project…

1. Old, Hideous, ceramic shower, science experiment horror of an old shower stall demolished…and half of the closet…removed to make way for 48″ walk in shower.

2. Discover after removing layers of the horrible old shower stall…and revealing the Petri Dish of hideous mold and scum, hidden under layers of ceramic and mortar…only to find the the IDIOTS who built the house…cemented in the sewer and supply lines…requiring me to rent a jack hammer…to begin to open it up to be able to move the location of the drain…and re-pumb all of the supply lines and spigots.

3, In the middle of prepping walls for paint…the Carpenter Ant discovery…and then days and days of sheet-rocking, spackling, primer, paint, while spraying for the ants looking for the nest that is no longer…

4. Finally…the inaugural shower in the newly tiled, and cured walk-in shower stall. Yes…I had to give up 2 feet of my closet…and have been working 16-hour days as caregiver, construction dude, business owner, and web maven (while tapping once in a while). But the look on her face after a long, luxurious shower that didn’t require being lifted into the old tub enclosure in the guest bathroom?  PRICELESS…

So…yes…when EA/Gracie get lazy in the programming and story telling…and mess with the time space continuum, while favoring NEW players…it makes me a bit cranky.  If they really cared about the long-time players, they would RAISE THE ITEM LIMITS!!!!!!!!!

But the good news is…this update is also so, freakin’ easy…I don’t have to care. So I don’t. Real life…way more important.

I’m glad everyone gets Bleeding Gums Murphy. He is the heart and soul of Lisa…who is the heart and soul of the Simpsons.  She needs him around…even if he is just a mirage.

If anyone wants to get DEEP into why people are inclined to make up creation myths, religions, governments and community structure…I very, very much recommend the amazing book, ” Sapiens- A Brief History of Humankind.”   Trust me…you will never look at politics, religion, or our role on the outcome of our species and this planet the same way again.  Brilliant, perspective-creating book!

OK.  Back to finishing the paint…installing the newly plumbed vanity, the mirrors, medicine cabinets, and then onto the flooring.

All is well…moving forward…always moving…forward. 


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