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Friday Filler – Giving Thanks Where Thanks Is Due


Thank Grog It’s Firday!

There’s one out of the way.  Because thanks is what this entire post is about.

And yes…the neighborhood turkeys are multiplying, and oblivious to the dangers of the season. THEY should be thankful that it is illegal to shoot them within city limits.  But, I have a sneaking suspicion they are acutely aware of this fact.

But, back to my thankfulness…

It has been brought up to me recently, that “these informational posts are great, and would be even better if a bit of the judgemental close-minded conjecture was slightly reduced…Alissa is my favourite hard worker because she sticks more to the facts and doesn’t lace a good chunk of her posts with subjective intense opinions…”   

Yikes. Words hurt HT! But you did make me realize that this time of the year we need to work on being thankful, and full of grace. In this fractured world, with so many opinions about everything, it is easy to start a conversation with the negative. Or even worse…do the “but, flip flop.”

“I’m very thankful that there is still a TSTO, BUT…”

See? It’s the “thankful, but syndrome.”  So not being truly thankful or penitent!
However, before we go too far down the road of explaining the “thankful, but syndrome,” I want to be perfectly clear that I am not mixing it up with the phrase, “I’m thankful I have a butt!”

I am very thankful I have a butt. At my age, there are loads and loads of men with no junk in the trunk. But, one of the benefits of my football/rugby days, is that I have junk in the trunk…and am, in fact, thankful for my butt. Old people sit more, and the extra padding is more than welcome.  Those flat, bony butts that lots of guys in old age get, look uncomfortable when sitting on a stool or a hardwood chair.  I am indeed thankful for my butt. But, I digress…

The “thankful, but syndrome” is the “thanks version” of the “I’m sorry, but…syndrome.”  Nothing says a person isn’t really sorry like a sentence that starts with, “I”m sorry, but…”  I am guilty of this more frequently than I care to admit (although I am clearly admitting this now).  Am I sorry about this?  Well…yes…I’m sorry that most people are too stupid to get the original intent of something I wrote.

See? That doesn’t really feel like I am very sorry at all.

It works the same way with the “I’m thankful, but…”syndrome.

As in, “I’m thankful that TSTO is still around, but, I would LOVE it if they lifted the damn Item Limits so I could enjoy the game more!”

So…no…not, that thankful.

But, I feel that after spending the day with some of my kids and grandkids for Thanksgiving, and knowing that I truly am blessed for a huge variety of wonderful things in my life, I owe it to the readers to actually try and simply make a list of things for which I am thankful. With no buts…or modifiers.

I am Thankful For…

I could go on and on and on. But, at some point, it begins to feel like bragging. I have had an amazing life…full of amazing people…and amazing experiences. If I am cranky, or discontented with something, it is usually because I expect more out of others than I probably should.

And even more important…every time I throw my hands up, and begin to get fed up with the way the world seems to be heading, I am amazed by the giving nature of strangers, who choose to help other strangers, simply because there is a need to do so.

With very little “cajoling,” we are more than halfway to our goal for this term’s school supplies…after just ONE WEEK!  Now…that is pretty amazing.

We are all different…yet all the same. Especially in this funny little community of TSTO Addicts.  What I am truly thankful for…are those of you who keep life in perspective, and can still have fun with this “silly little game.”

My best wishes to all of you…the very fact that we can play the game…commiserate about it…and still remain friends, is something for which to give thanks.  And I do…

Join in on doing something that matters…and actually does something to change the world for the better…


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