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Thank You Tappers…When Tappers Step Up


There is no doubt that when I posted the plea for support for our rural school in Buyijja, Uganda on Saturday, I had very little hope that we could hit our goal over the next month.  Let’s face it…times are tough everywhere. If you haven’t read the papers (remember newspapers?), there is rioting in the streets, record unemployment, a contentious, raucous election, and…oh…that’s right…a global pandemic going on.

So, surely…common sense would tell you that it would take weeks to raise the target goal of $1,850 for remote teaching packets and supplies for the village of Buyijja, if at all. And especially for Tappers…who are known for playing TSTO “Cheapium”or “FullFarmer Freemium.” But, I had to try.

And I was wrong…

Because of Tappers from THIS AMAZING site, that reaches readers across the globe…We Hit Our Goal in Just Two Days!

That is not a typo. Two Days!

But there is more to this story…

We started “Friends of Buyijja” back in 2014, as a way to help the small rural school in the village of Buyijja, Uganda. At that time, I was writing for my old blog, TSTOFriends, and was overwhelmed and overjoyed by some of the tappers who supported the work we do there.

Amazingly…some of the largest contributors to the latest fundraiser, are the very same people who have supported us throughout the entire journey (including my return to Addicts back in 2016).  They are amazing…and almost always post as “anonymous” on the GoFundMe site. We have become friends through the years…and seeing their names, warms my heart to tears.

But equally amazing, sweet and gratifying, is seeing a large number of NEW names added to the roles of donors. These are tappers (along with a handful of friends and family) who are not as familiar with the work, but saw the need to contribute. I continue to be overwhelmed and grateful for the support!

Here’s the the thing folks…Every Dollar Raised goes to the work we do there (after the banking fees from GoFundMe are subtracted).  Every dollar. And in these times, there is no way to know if $50 is more dear to someone than $200.  So, I value every donation, as a symbol of “Peace, Hope and Love,” (our motto for Friends of Buyijja).

So when you see that we are “over our limit” when you visit the GoFundMe Page, know that you are simply adding fuel to the fund we use to distribute the packets, the last bit of hope for countless village children. The school can’t open yet…so we are bringing the school to the kids.

I am going to list the first names of all of the donors (as of Tuesday morning), and yes…even those who wish to remain anonymous.  I will do a recap on Friday if you would like to add your name with a donation.

But a special thanks goes out to Alissa…who graciously allows me to raise money every few months on this site, and offers up a percentage of profits each month to keep hope alive.  Without her, there are no TSTOAddicts…without the Tappers, it would be so much more difficult to do the work, it boggles the mind.

This is the LIST OF HONOR…(read from the bottom if you want to honor those who donated first!).

If you want to add you name to the list… YOU CAN DONATE BY CLICKING THE LINK BELOW! 

Thank You doesn’t even begin to cover the depth of gratitude I have for these amazing people.  Join their ranks…


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