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Christmas Trees Slightly Irregular Week 3 Challenge Bug (FIXED 12/22)


UPDATE: As of 5 pm EST 12/22 the patch has arrived and the bug is fixed!


UPDATE BUNNY 12/21: Per notes on EA forum post…

Admin note: The studio is aware of the issue and is currently investigating. Please stay tuned for updates.

So hang in there. They’re on it. 🙂

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

LOADS of reports about a glitch concerning the first challenge of Week 3’s weekly challenge.  I’m in the US, and it won’t unlock for me for another few hours so I can’t verify myself…BUT enough of you are reporting it and an issue with it to warrant a post.

The first challenge of Week 3 is to Craft and Place Christmas Trees Slightly Irregular.  However, if you’ve already done this (and why wouldn’t you have, since it earns Mistletoe?) the game is not allowing the task to complete.  It doesn’t recognize that you’ve already crafted and placed it, and no amount of storing/replacing or hard closing/restarting (or going to Krustyland) will fix it.  This is a true bug..and not a fun one.

So what can you do?  Let’s take a look…

The good news?  It’s only the first day’s challenge and you’ll have a full week to complete it.  So EA has some time to release a patch for it and we won’t miss out on those donuts.  (remember you DO NOT need to complete the challenge for the next one to unlock.  The next day’s challenge will automatically unlock when the time is up for it…)

The bad news?  This means you’re stuck…for now.  And that stinks.

What can you do?  Well, first if you haven’t already crafted the trees, DON’T.  Wait until the challenge unlocks and then craft it. That way you avoid this mess all together.

If you’ve already crafted them…like many of you (myself included) because it makes good sense since it earns Mistletoe…best thing to do is contact EA and sit tight.  You can contact them via the website OR you can add your name to the thread on the EA help page forum.   You can find that thread here.  (or you can do both 😉 )

However, just make sure you contact them if it’s impacting you too.  Don’t just sit around and wait for others to do it for you.  The more reports EA gets about it the quicker they’ll be to fix it…so light em up!

Hope this helps clarify the issue for some of you…for those in the US it’ll help give you a heads up about what may happen tomorrow morning.

P.S…don’t expect a fix tonight (Sunday in the US) or right away Monday morning.  Remember EA is based in Pacific Time in the US and the bug happened on a Sunday in the US.  So it’ll take some time for the programmers to write up the code once they return Monday morning.  So please try to be patient.  🙂

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