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Monorail 2016: Where Are My Rail Yard Donuts?! (or Monorail Stations)


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

First, let me apologize this is going up later than usual today. It’s been a bit of a crazy day…

Anywho, the recent Monorail return has turned TSTO players into two groups of people.  Those that have the Monorail and those that don’t.  And we’re seeing LOADS of questions from both groups.

Those that have the Monorail want to know Where Are My Rail Yard Donuts?!  Or Is EA Really Getting Rid Of My Rail Yard Donuts?!  This is usually followed by threats from some of you, you know who you are, to stop playing TSTO if they take the Rail Yard Donuts away.  (which we all know is an empty threat, because you’re a TSTO Addict, just like the rest of us 😉 )

And those that are working on getting the Monorail for the first time want to know How Do I Get the Other Monorail Stations?!  Which of course is usually followed by some comments about envying them in a neighbors town and wanting a massive Monorail.  (of course those of us that all ready have the Monorail know that a massive Monorail isn’t necessarily a good thing, just look at how long it took me to load Pimp’s town in this video)

Of course, as with all sides of any issue, there are always those of you are are in between.  You played the Monorail Event and you missed a couple of things (mainly the Rail Yard) and you want to know how to get it back.   For those of you with this particular issue, I recommend contacting EA.  Because it should popup for you.  So if it’s not, something is certainly wrong with your game.

Oh and still those are those of you…in all groups…having issues collecting trash from the Dump.  This is a KNOWN glitch.  EA is working on it.  I don’t have a time frame for a patch, but hopefully soon.  Fortunately, this is NOT a timed Event.  This is a permanent addition to our games, so there’s no need to panic.

Now, after that crazy long intro, let’s take a look at the answers for those of you screaming…WHERE ARE MY RAIL YARD DONUTS?!  Or WHERE ARE THE OTHER MONORAIL STATIONS?!!

So here’s the deal for everyone….especially those that don’t like to read:

**DISCLAIMER** This is only what’s currently visible in the game coding and it’s subject to change by EA at anytime.  (in other words, don’t come after me with pitchforks if EA makes changes)

YES the Monorail Donuts Are Coming Back…be patient!
-YES you’ll get more than 1 tunnel.  Again, be patient!
-YES if you don’t have the other Monorail Stations, you’ll have a chance to get them (for free).  Be patient! 

Here’s the quick shakedown of things….

For the next 4 weeks (including this week it would be 5 weeks), the Rail Yard prizes are going to be slightly different than what everyone is typically accustomed to.

At the end of weeks 2, 3 & 4 you’ll be awarded MORE donuts than your traditional 5 donuts each week from the station, as long as you’ve gotten all of the other Monorail components (i.e. other stations).

If you don’t have the stations they’ll be awarded to you (along with their accessories) on the Rail Yard prize track at weeks 2, 3 & 4.

For week 5 you’ll be awarded another Monorail Tunnel.

And at Week 6 and beyond things go back to the way they were…5 donuts/week. (for EVERYONE that has the Rail Yard and all of the Monorail Stations).

Oh, and for those curious…your weeks start when YOU start the Monorail building.  So if you’re on level 15 today and in a couple of weeks hit Level 20 and the Monorail tasks popup for you, that is your week 1.  So you’ll earn everything you see above.

This isn’t going anywhere.  The Monorail is a PERMANENT addition to our games.  Everyone will get everything offered, even those who join the game tomorrow.  🙂

In short….Yes, you’ll get more Monorail Stations.  Yes, donuts will be back.  So everyone can stop screaming and running around in a panic….and if you still want to do so.  Please, I must insist that you wrap yourself in bubble wrap and put a helmet on.  Those walls come out of no where!  Oh and if you do it, I also ask that you record it and send it to me 😉

Oh and one more time…the Springfield Dump is Currently experiencing a Glitch/Bug for many of you.  You cannot send characters on jobs there.  EA is aware of the issue and they’re working on a patch.  I do not have a time frame for the patch…but hopefully soon.  

Thoughts?  Questions? Comments?  Want to scream and yell?  Have you experienced those walls that jump out of no where?  Sound off below, you know we love hearing from you!

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