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Crazy Cat Lady Halloween Bundle(s)- Should You Buy?


Let’s start off with the fact that there has been plenty of “crazy” to go around here lately.  And as the movie “A Beautiful Mind” taught us, there are many levels of “crazy” that border on genius.  I think that one of things that attracts me most to crazy cat lady, is that she in fact borders on that line, and dares to step across it from time to time (stepping back to “normal” from crazy).

Aren’t we all just a little nuts about something in our lives? Say…oh…a digital game or something? But, I digress…

Eleanore (bet you didn’t remember she has a name) started out in life like many of us, with ambitions and dreams that are far above those of an average 8-year-old girl. According to the WIKI, “Eleanor Abernathy was a smart and ambitious young girl who wanted to be both a lawyer and a doctor “because a woman can do anything”. She was studying for law school at 16, and by 24, she had earned an MD from Harvard Medical School and a JD from Yale Law School. However, by 32, suffering from burnout, she had turned to alcohol, became obsessed with her pet cat, and would randomly take to cutting pieces of her own hair. By the time she was 40, she had assumed her present state as a drunken, raving lunatic. She once shared a cat with Moe.”  (See her full life story HERE)

So, right away, there is something deeper and more substantive than the average Springfieldean.  There is something endearing about someone who has found a way to deal the general insanity of the world (throwing cats), and has found an outlet for her unrequited love for humanity, by absorbing herself into another obsession. No. Not a mobile app game…CATS! Makes as much sense to me as loads of other things people do to cope.

But enough amateure psychology. What you guys really want to know is, “Should I BUY the Crazy Cat Lady Bundle or Not!!!  Get to it already!!!!”

OK. Let’s take a look.

CCL first showed up in our game during the Easter 2014 update. Yes. The very event that drove a good number of players CRAZY! (Remember the wHell? Remember Shary Bobbins? Remember? Remember?)  She was Premium at the time, and came with the Crazy Cat House.  And later, during the Clash of Clones event, we were able to earn a “Cat-apult” that uses cats as ammo. Not being a cat person, I love being able to fling cats over the wall into the High School. But, call me crazy. 

The original price of CCL.House bundle was 180 donuts.  You can find Alissa’s original SIB HERE.

But right here…you can see why some of us long-time players may get a little “crazy” over the new bundle pricing.  We spent 180 for CCL and the house.

If you DON’T Have CCL, you can get the bundle, including the house, AND the skin, for a NET price of 110 donuts (150 spent, with a 40 donut Rebate). CCL, House, and Crazy Iguana Lady Skin…for 11o donuts. That is a GREAT Bargain, compared to the old price.  But, you don’t get the swamp.

 If you DO have CCL, you are only offered the Swamp/CIL (Crazy Iguana Lady) skin for 110 donuts.

Yes. This is unfair to all longtime players who already own CCL. But, let’s not start another thread on “fairness.” Life isn’t fair. Ask Eleanor.

So…What are the Details? Well…they are a bit complicated, and the rewards are not evident, UNTIL you buy the bundle…which I did.

I’m gonna break this one down by option, because I do think there is a difference.

Bundle One- If You Have Crazy Cat Lady

 Foggy Swamp
Skin: Crazy Iguana Lady
Donut Price: 110
Size: 9×6
Conform-O-Meter: Tree-Hugging +200
Earns: Earns—regular task currency (for skin tasks as Crazy Iguana Lady) Earns Update Currency for Monster Battles

– Earns Update Currency for Battles
– Ads a new skin to Crazy Cat Lady with full list of quests
– Ads another “Spooky Decoration” with funny animation

-Swamp is a relatively small decoration with no earning power
– Cost is high for what amounts to a skin
– You likely don’t need her to meet daily/weekly THOH update goals
– Not Voiced…REALLY want to hear her babbling!!

She DOES Earn Battle Currency

Final Thoughts If you Already Have CCL:  I bought the bundle, mostly because it was one of the few things in the update that peaked my interest. But, when I step back and look at this from a pragmatic view…unless you have donuts to burn…I’d pass. Premium players- Sure, why not. She does help you reach your Daily Monster Quota more quickly.
Freemium Players- PASS. You don’t need the skin to win.

Bundle TWO (If you don’t have CCL)
Well…this is where it gets interesting (and a little unfair for all of us long-time players).  This bundle, with the rebate is a GREAT DEAL on CCL… let alone the bonus of the CIL (Crazy Iguana Lady) skin.

You don’t get the swamp.  But, really…as I already said above, it’s small, and just a decoration. NOT of any real value to the bundle…so you didn’t miss much!

Building: Crazy Cat Lady’s House
Character: Eleanor Abernathy aka Crazy Cat Lady WITH Crazy Iguana Lady Skin
Donut Price: 150 donuts- LESS 40 donut REBATE (Net cost 110 donuts)
House Dimensions: 7×4
$500,45xp Every 24hrs
Conform-O-Meter: Indolence +10

You are getting a DOUBLE WHAMMY for a ton less than the old-time players paid for just the character/house combo.

– Earns Update Currency for Battles
– Ads a new skin to Crazy Cat Lady with full list of quests
– Has a couple of hilarious outdoor tasks
– You can gloat that you got a GREAT DEAL that was far less expensive than the original!

– You likely don’t need her to meet daily/weekly THOH update goals
– Not Voiced…REALLY want to hear her babbling!!

Final Thoughts on Bundle #2-
Premium Players? BUY HER. She will make you laugh for months to come…and every time you do, you can know that you got a better deal than longtime players. She will help in doing battles against the monsters, helping you to “get everything” in this update.
Freemium Players?- If you have the bonuts (because we know you only play with bonus donuts) I would STILL recommend this as a buy.  She is absolutely worth it for a house/character/skin trifecta character.

FINAL FINAL HEADS UP... when I bought Bundle #1 …It also automatically elevated my MAG points to the next level, opening up Martin as another trick-or-treat kid!  Pretty cool. So at least for this update, it was a win-win-win again!

In the’s your call. What do YOU think about this bundle? Are you Crazy to pass it up?



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