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Friday Filler – There’s Whole Lotta Ploppin’ Goin’ On!


Thank Grog It’s Firday!

I’m writing this early (Thursday) because I’m going to be on the road  Today (not actually today, but Friday…which is when you are reading this…so it’s still today, kinda…). I am heading out to a golf tournament/college reunion with a bunch of my old football team buddies (those who still remember playing before they started diagnosing CTE).  It should be a wonderful chance to roll out the traditional greeting for reunions, “You’re OLD!  No…YOU’RE Old!!

I’m old. I don’t mind admitting it. My white hair and creaky body (did I mention I played college football, and then rugby until I was 35?), reminds me every day. But, that doesn’t stop me from being active mentally…right?

And, as it pertains to TSTO…that means being active in the game…active in design…and resolving to keep powering through, no matter what the game throws our way! Unless it makes us grind to a dead halt…which I’ll talk about later.

This whole “KrustyItchyScratchyLand (or KISLand as one of our community suggested) Post Nuke Era,” has people clearly divided into two camps. Those who have attacked the opportunity to put on their Uber-Design-Hats, and those who seemingly have been rendered immobile by the overwhelming possibilities.

It has created a reality of “Designers – vs – Ploppers.”  And there is a Whole Lotta Ploppin’ Goin’ On!

I spent the better half of an hour (OK…half an hour), going through all of my neighbor’s towns, and looking to see what they had done with their KISLand designs.  As it turns out…the vast majority (as in 76 of my 92 neighbors), had either done almost nothing…or simply plopped items into the new land, with no real design in mind.

I admit it. I was surprised. And yet…I think in some ways, it makes sense.  They forced us to blow up something that may have taken many of us weeks to “perfect,”  and then put it all in a box, and said, “Here ya go! Rebuild it all nice an new!”

But the added challenge of designing, once you realized that you could now use all sorts of elements from your Regular Springfield Design Pallet, may simply have become overwhelming for some.

I don’t know the full answer. But, I’m curious…because there seems to be only a small percentage of folks who have immediately looked upon this opportunity as a way to “Get the Creative Juices Flowing” again, after some very long lulls in both land, and freedom to design, when it comes to KrustyLand.

But, for those of us in the “Super Designer” category…there is an ever-present throttle on what you can and can’t do. And I’ll go ahead and say it again…

EA F’d UP!!!!!!!!!!

Whoo… That felt good. And of course,,,I meant foweled up.

It’s all fine and good to give us a TON of new land and allow us to store our old designs to make rebuilding EAsy.  However…it is NOT COOL AT ALL to not increase the ITEM LIMITS to match what we stored.  Once again…EA is penalizing us for creativity.

This is what I STILL have in my storage…after I have hit the hard wall…
That is 766 items that I USED to have in KL and can no longer use in my KISLand. That blows…

I am happy with what I have done in my KISLand so far…

And I would love to do more… MUCH MORE…
But, I can’t. WHY? Because I am stuck now, as I have once again, hit the HARD ITEM LIMIT.

Many of my neighbors have hit the same issues…but when you look at their KISLand’s, you can see that they are using the same design elements. Some really creative use of plants, water, decorations…to MAKE IT LOOK REAL!

If You Want to See EA’s Vision of what a town should look like…Go to your “Other Springfield.”  Talk about bland…underwhelming…and boring!  It’s clear that the EA programmers are bereft of actual creative talent. No wonder they don’t worry about item limits…there’s nothing memorable there!

EA is once again, making us decide between settling for BLAND Designs, with few details or decorations…or needing to find ways to sacrifice old designs, to be able to create new designs.  It. Just. Plain. Sucks.

It’s like making an artist use the same canvas, over and over again…

Remember Ebron’s GORGEOUS England/Italy Section, and her amazing row of decorated mansions?
This is what it looks like now…

That’s Right…She had to simply go “Scorched Earth” on her creations…so she had enough space before Hitting Her Item Limit…to do this.

Very nice… but sad at the same time. Why should anyone have to choose??  It’s the like every event has turned into “Sophie’s Choice!”

And While I’m On my Rant Wagon…
What the heck is up with the stupid new Highway tiles??? With no curves…they can only go one place…NOWHERE!!!!

Once again…I find myself asking the very same question…with no logical answer…
Yes… I get it…it can create Performance Issues!

But, I’d rather have “performance issues” than not be able to perform at all!!!  (Yes…I’m still talking about TSTO. My hydraulics are fine…thanks).

In fact…I think some of the “performance issues” that happen near the item limits are hilarious!

Seeing ghosts in my town?  No problem…I’m old…I hear and see weird things all of time.

But, not being able to design is a deal-breaker. Why should I continue to play? Why should I continue to care about the plethora of “new stuff” when I can’t place it anywhere?

Fix this. There is no good reason to keep throttling us. You continue to move the bar…slowly…like eeking out rewards while training someone using the Stockholm Syndrome.  It makes no sense whatsoever… it does not compute or correlate to anything reasonable in storage code.  And it can’t be as hard on the servers as your “greatest new idea” that is causing lag like crazy…

I’m waiting for an answer… you know where to reach me. You and I are “friends,” right?  Please don’t leave me hanging… 


So,,, as more than a few have pointed out… I you want to avoid the huge lag times I wrote about in my last post… you can/should de-select Land/Water on the selection tool to the right.  I tested it…and yes…it makes a HUGE difference. Doesn’t seem to work as well when moving things…but, at least it speeds up KEM farming. Yay…

OH… and I forgot to do this a couple of weeks ago, when I saw it… BUT CONGRATS to Wantcoffee99!  Very cool!!

OK. Back to the weekend…and doing my best to shoot low…while having a good time!

Peace. Out.

GIVE US YOUR THOUGHTS ON ITEM LIMITS… OR KISLAND DESIGNS… Are you plopping or producing?  Are you overwhelmed or in “MehVille” (not to be confused with Herman).

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