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Black History Month -Gameplay Hints


I was sooooo hoping for some twists and turns…in the next “major update event.”  But, no…it appears that the only real twists are that I am stuck doing update info, while Alissa and her family are doing “Everything Disney” down in Orlando. It’s OK…she deserves a break…and I haven’t had to cover an update for months and months.

BUT…like it or not, you also get my commentary, along with as many “facts” as I can pull out of thin air.  I don’t do the “frackin’ thang,” so most of what I will be posting is just from my own game play experience.

Luckily (or unluckily), EA has made this another “wash, rinse, repeat” kind of update…with the ability to earn “coins” that can be used to buy stuff most of the long time players already have. Meh…

But, just for the sake of filling out some content so “Mom” knows I did my chores while she was gone…read on!

So, yes…we are still stuck in the “4-hour cycle” with 4 acts over 4 weeks bit once again.  And yes…almost ALL of what you can “earn” and purchase with “coins” is old content. And yes…this is a very, very, boring format. But, it looks like this is what we should expect in foreseeable future.  At least there is funny (if uncomfortable) dialogue.

Currency for ACT I… Stethoscopes. 
You can earn Black History Tokens (which for PC reasons, I am going to call coins)   Which can be turned in for stuff most of us already have.

I only had two items…so, for the rest, I’ll cash them in for donuts…which I don’t need.

Players who can Earn Stethascopes are:

And YES….There are two Premium Offerings Currently…
One that is New…and One Retread, that is strangely a duplicate.  We’ll see if they correct the Jay J mess…or not.

Regarding the DUPLICATE JAY G… If you have it already…and try to buy another, you get this message-

And no…I’m not going to store all of the stuff from the bundle I already have, and then try to buy it again. That would be silly.  Like offering something for sale that you can’t really buy. EALP (EA Lazy Ass Programming) strikes again!

I’ll do a SIB on Hibbert’s Dad later.

Enjoy the update…cringe at the dialogue…it’s all part of the fun…right?

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