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Friday Filler – The Dangers Of Too Much Nuthin’ To Do…


Thank Grog it’s Firday…

So…yes…I am starting to see a clear delineation between how people are “dealing” with the current Covid Pandemic Pandemonium.  Some are bored out of their minds, and have binge-watched more TV in the past month than they have the previous year. Others are so busy “Zooming” their way through jobs and meetings and other volunteer work, that they have started to really dread even thinking about opening another screen…especially to play a game.

Count me in that second group.

I’m not trying to be a martyr, or whine about doing things that are important…but, damn…I admit that mostly I am sick of people. And that is really weird, because I hardly see any people live and in person.

Having my wife home 24/7 is a blessing that many wish they had. She is a lovely person, when she isn’t driving me batshirt crazy with “her ways” of doing things.  We never comes to blows…but, it comes close.  She is like a family cat…who is ALWAYS under foot…placing herself in the direct line of traffic, and plopping her computer down for HER zoom meetings…in the middle of kitchen.

And yes…it’s all my fault.

I remodeled the kitchen for her.  The new island is the perfect place to perch.  You can work, eat, and even watch the TV in the family room through the new French doors. I made it too nice.

However…she also has a condition called “Mesophonia.” Don’t laugh. It’s a real thing. Trust me.  Here is a brief explanation. Misophonia is a disorder in which certain sounds trigger emotional or physiological responses that some might perceive as unreasonable given the circumstance. Those who have misophonia might describe it as when a sound “drives you crazy.” Their reactions can range from anger and annoyance to panic and the need to flee.”

In actuality, it is me that is fleeing.

This condition is compounded by the fact that she is VERY left-brained…to the point of having “Tunnel hearing.”  In other words…if she is reading something, or watching something, or playing her ridiculous “word game” on her phone…she doesn’t hear a word I say.   I’m not kidding.

However, if I am typing on the keyboard…or listening to music on earbuds…or chewing ice…she hears it…from rooms away.  It. Is. Very. Weird.

So…I saved our marriage, and got my “freedom back,” by dismantling my entire workspace IN MY ROOM upstairs…and gave it to her.  I moved everything down to my basement studio…and am now in heaven…mostly. We’ll make it. Really.  Compromise is a good thing.  Unless you are chewing ice.

But, for the life of me…I am completely unable to give a rat’s patoot about TSTO right now.  I haven’t even gone so far as to “Donut Farm” so I could just blow through it. I’m sure it’s hilarious.  But, nothing seems very funny to me right now.

Between the folks who are demanding to be “set free to make their own choices about taking a chance on Covid” and those who want to spend all of their time doing the “Tsk, Tsk” bit when they see someone who isn’t social distancing, I am pretty much fed up with people in general.

Except for my family…who I can’t really see…unless I sneak away to a SOCIAL DISTANCED meeting halfway between Portland and Eugene…to get a load of toilet paper (we were almost out), and share a meal…from 15 feet apart. But, we have no choice…my daughter’s significant other works in the ER at the VA in Portland- aka Covid central. But, my oldest grandsons made the journey as well. And laughed at me from across the parking lot.  That’s dedication. Or real boredom. Their baseball seasons were cancelled. Bummer.

I miss my East Coast family…that just gathered on ZOOM to celebrate my Grandson’s 2nd birthday. It was nice…but a great deal of it was spent trying to see who was on…and singing happy birthday…while the GREAT grandparents squinted at the screen, trying to see and hear everyone.

Yes.. Jake was suitably confused by so many people singing Happy Birthday out of sync. 

I wanted to be there. To read to him. So, I did the next best thing…and created two “Grandpa Reads” YouTube videos.   If you have little ones at home…or away…but want to share… these go ahead. I love reading to kids.


I also miss my “Head Start” kids. One of our Rotary projects is working with the Head Start Pre-K kids…reading to them a couple of times a month.  I love it. They love it. I miss it. The rest of the school year is now “remote,” (which is why my teacher/counselor wife gets the upstairs to do her distanced learning and counseling with her students).  I really hope things are “back to normal” by next fall.

Delivering food boxes to them…with social distancing…isn’t nearly as fun.

OK. That’s enough for now.  I know. Half as long as usual. But, the fact is…it felt like a huge effort, to switch gears…write about a game I’m not playing, and not lose my shirt over the comments about the game not working right.  Come on, people. 

If you really need perspective…I’d be happy to share first-hand accounts of ER workers in NYC.  Not here.  I guarantee they would terrify and horrify you. And perhaps humble you a bit. I’ve been asked NOT to share them with the media…but, trust me. I think there are a few folks who should suit up, and see it for themselves…before demanding to go back to watching spectator sports or hanging out at the beach, or holding any more press conferences with people stacked in front of the cameras. But, I digress.

People are going to do what people are going to do. Right?

OK. Back to delivering food boxes. It’s been one of those days…but I never miss a deadline. So, there’s that.

Happy tapping…or tipping…or whatever you want to do. This event…and hopefully a lot of other things will be over soon enough.

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