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Squidport Tile Bores: A New Hope (A MUST READ)


CURRENT UPDATE: This Glitch No Longer Works.  

NOTE: This glitch is supposed to no longer work as it was fixed with the Holiday 2013 Update.  Some folks report the glitch still working so there is no harm in trying it out.  I hope we’re wrong.

Per Bunny: The Glitch is still alive and well working quite nicely in both her towns. Others still report it is gone. So it is a hit and miss. Keep tapping just in case, can’t hurt right? 

Hey there exhausted Halloween Party People.

I know it seems dumb to add “a must read” after a post title but I really had to this time.  I wanted to shoot out a quick post to all my favorite addicterinos who frequent this site with some potential awesome news about those blasted Squidport Tiles.

Back on June 12, 2013, EA gave us Squidport (SqP) to enjoy over the summer (provided you were already at Level 15).  I really enjoyed the expansion but building those SqP tiles quickly became a chore.  The first ten were easy to build at 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 hrs and the prices weren’t too bad either increasing slowly from $250 to $3,350.

Then it got fun.  The next 5 took 24 hours at $5000, followed by 15 tiles at 1.5 days/$7500.  Tiles 31-60 increased to two days/$10,000, 61 to 90 to 2.5 whopping days/$12.5K AND it kept rising!  The last two time frames are 3 days/$15K and 3.5 days/$17,500 respectively.  To sum it up… you’d have to steadily build tiles for over 257 days solid with no breaks spending over 1 and a half million dollars of your hard earned game currency!  That’s a lot of tapping and you thought Halloween lasted forever, eh?

Easy to understand why people think of a tiles as a four letter word, right?

Well, as the title promised, there’s hope.  Recently (about 6 days before the end of Halloween) on, I found out about a supposed tile glitch that lets you earn tiles faster via your friends.  Not wanting to report on a glitch that would disappear with the mist and goo, I held off but as of yesterday, IT STILL WORKS!

Currently, I think this may actually be intended by EA but before I’m wrong and it disappears, I wanted to share with all of you.

Here’s how it works.

1)      When your Squidport tile is ready… do not tap it.  Leave it be.

2)      When your friends visit your town, they will see the tile floating and be able to tap it for a nice XP bonus (last one I hit was 750 XP).

3)      In your game… you will see multiple handshakes floating above your SqP Entrance.

4)      Carefully tap one handshake at a time allowing the tile, cash and XP to be collected by the game for each one.  IMPORTANT: Ensure you leave at least one handshake floating to keep going.  Two can sometimes look like one so it is a good idea to zoom in on the entrance to distinguish how many you have.

5)      Once your done, go back to your neighborinos and see if they have any tiles you can tap.

If you give a neighbor a tile, you will not be able to give them another until the first one is collected.  If you have a good line of communication with a friend though, it is possible to give each other 3 tiles in one day.  If you don’t care, tap one.  You can also tap the tile, leave their town and then re-enter for another big XP tap but this only helps you.

There are reports of people having upwards of 8 handshakes at one time.  I have a friend who has earned over 42 tiles in a week with this!  My usual is 1-3 extra tiles every 24 hours but considering my tiles take 3 days right now, I am so not complaining.  I’ve earned 16 tiles so far at the time of this writing but plan on heading back for more lol.

I hope this all makes sense, please put any questions you may have down in the comments.  I seriously hope this special treat was done on purpose by EA but only time will tell.  Until it stops, there really is no better number than free!

I know this info was available for a little while, but here at Addicts we wanted to make sure it wasn’t a glitch that would disappear quickly before posting about it. Special thanks to John O. over at tapped-out for sharing this info and Strong Work EA if this was intentional!  If not, why not just pretend it was lol.

Y’all stay classy… Wookiee out!

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