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Secret Agent Simpsons- FINAL ACT CALENDAR (Finally)


I know, I know…I’m supposed to be a “Kinder, Gentler, Less-Cranky-OldGuy.”  But, HOLYFREAKINSHIRT these events are loooooooooong… tooooooooo looooooooong!

See what I did there?  I just held down the “O” key and let the computer do the work of filling up space. Kind of like the EA programmers did for this last Act…which literally had almost the same prizes…falling on the same days…with minor alterations.  Talk about EALPish behavior!

But…if I am really honest, I have to give a salute (and not the one-finger kind) to the programmer/animator who is making all of these “Spy-worthy” decorations.  I think the characters are kinda, “meh”…but the buildings and decorations simply crack me up. I actually Laugh Out Loud at some of them. They are clever, well designed, and because they are clustered in my “Homage to Langley” section of my Springfield…I can tap a bunch of them and watch them all go nuts. It is hilarious.

So….yes….this last act is even EAsier (sorry…now that someone complained, I’m gonna do it forever), and everyone should get everything by simply logging in 3-4 times a day.

Here are the Calendars…

CLICK the Graphics to enlarge them…

And for you Linear Processors…

I have a solution for EA…it’s rEAlly EAsy… rEAlly!
MAKE THESE THINGS SHORTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(and yes…I just held down the “!” key).
These events should be no longer than 4 weeks…tops!!  Pack all of the great stuff into 4 weeks…make us tap our little fingers off…WAY less grinding…the same fun rewards…and nobody is going to nod off in the middle of the final act!

Make it like a REAL Bond movie…the kind they make these days…with so much action that you are so charged up and awake, that you hardly notice that there is about 2 pages of dialogue and a thin plot.

I’d go for that. rEAlly!

Have fun. Get it ALL (even though a lot of it seems very, very familiar).

Stay safe…the rEAl world is getting scarier by the minute!

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