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Rise of the Robots Act 1 is Live! The Rundown and What You Need To Know


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

The Robots are coming, the Robots are coming! Get ready for a dystopian Springfield, as the robots try to take over!  Can they be stopped?  It’s up to you to save Springfield in the latest event to hit our pocket-sized towns…Rise of the Robots!  As always, loads of dialogue with this one, so be sure to read along to see what happens! And of course, I’ll be posting it as each week wraps up…

Once again we see another multi-event in Springfield.  So love them, or hate them, they’re still here.  So let’s all try to make the best of this…

Anywho….things kick off with a series of 6s tasks for Homer and Bart.  

After you’ve completed the initial task you’ll kick off the Rise of the Robots Event!

First, remember this was an app store update available for download.  So if you haven’t already done so, and you don’t see the Splash Screen above for your game, head to your app store and update TSTO.  You may have to search the store for Tapped Out, as it doesn’t always appear on the update list initially…

Second, if you’re looking for details on what’s to come (beyond this first Act), so you can prep donuts, etc..check out the Spoilers post here.

Third, ALL of the details, as we post them, for this event will be linked on the Rise of the Robots Event Page here.

Now on with the details for Act 1!

Here’s EA’s event synopsis:

Robot Rumble is all the rage in Springfield, and Bart gets the schoolyard nerds to help him build a real
fighting robot. After Bart’s bot humiliates Frink Jr.’s, Professor Frink lets competitiveness get the better
of him as he designs an even more advanced fighting robot. Frink’s upgraded bot soon conquers all of its
opponents and bends them to its robotic will. Bart enlists the aid of the mysterious pos-i-bots to take on
this robot army, but predictably the robots unite to dominate the organic citizens of Springfield.

Frink and Bart join forces and concoct one desperate final plan to save Springfield from the robot
uprising. Bart becomes a half-kid, half-machine warrior to infiltrate their numbers and orchestrate their downfall. Will Bart succeed, or will the robots see through his subterfuge and enslave the people of
Springfield once and for all?

We should all know by now unless of course, you’re new to TSTO that the prizes for this event follow the same questline format to unlock as our regular mini-events do.

Just like every large event recently, this is not your typical Major Event.  And there are pros and cons to that, and everyone will find their own pros and cons.  And some people’s pro will be someone else’s con.

As always, I just ask that you have an open mind, and reserve judgment until we’re into the event.  It’s 5 weeks long, it should be fairly easy to complete, you’ll unlock a bunch of new prizes and no crafting to grind through,  so let’s just have some good old-fashioned TSTO fun! And, as long as you don’t rush things, you won’t get bored because it’ll change each week!

Here’s the event schedule:

Act 1 Starts April 7th (WEDNESDAY)
Act 2 Starts April 16th (FRIDAY)

Act 3 Starts April 25th (SUNDAY)
Act 4 Starts May 4th (TUESDAY)

Event Ends May 12th, 2021 (WEDNESDAY)

As I stated above, the initial quests are 6s.   Once completed you’ll start the Robo-Mania questline, which is the Act 1 story to follow.  This is how you’ll unlock the Act 1 prizes.

Note: Some of you have mentioned you are having trouble getting the event to start.  You need to download the latest update and the requirements for this are: Level 15 and you MUST have BART unlocked.  It won’t trigger without those two.

Dance With Robots

Announcer 1: Robot Rumble is back and it’s going to be more troubling than ever!
Announcer 2: We’ve got new gears, increased battery life, and added pain circuits so robots will feel every drill bit and saw tooth.
Announcer 1: And we’re going to be auditioning fan-built bots here in Springfield next week!
Announcer 2: Get those circular saw blades from the garage and wake your dads up from their naps! You could be the next Robot Rumble Star!
Bart: Hey homer, how would you like to spend some time together where I pretend to appreciate and respect you?
Homer: Hmm, there’s a first time for everything. but I’m busy, so no.
Bart: BUT DAD!
Lisa: I thought it was very sweet the way you dressed up as Bart’s robot, Chief Knockahomer, and fought in the Robot Rumble for him before so he wouldn’t think you’re a failure as a father.
Homer: Yeah, but those other robots almost killed me! and that was before i would have to add a concussion circuit.
Lisa: Dad, you were already getting concussions when you fought before.
Bart: Yea, now the robots can get ’em too, so it’s finally a fair fight!
Homer: Oooh, I do like a fair fight…
Make Bart Try to Talk Homer Into Fighting Again- 6s
Make Homer Consider Fighting Again6s
Announcer 1: One last thing i should mention is that the robots are going to be way more stabby, too!
Announcer 2: they’re going to stab harder, faster, and deeper…and like it more!
Homer: You’re on your own, boy!
Bart: aw man! what am i gonna do now?
Lisa: Maybe there’s a way you can still bring Chief Knockahomer back to “life”…

And this triggers the entire story premise for each act…

(and yes, just like I did for the past multi-events, I’ll be posting full dialogue for this one before the next act starts)

Now let’s talk about what’s included…

Here’s the Act 1 Synopsis from EA:

Robot Rumble has started a new, more extreme season and is all the rage around town. Bart goes to the schoolyard nerds who already have a robotics club, but it’s lame and focused on nerdy stuff like getting robots to climb stairs. Bart convinces them to build him a fighting robot instead.

Mr. Burns is intrigued by the new trend and wants in on it. Smithers buys a bear robot that terrorizes
them after Homer accidentally messes with its controls.

After failing to impress the kids at school, Bart achieves a decisive victory over Frink Jr.’s robot at the Robot Rumble open competition, prompting  Professor Frink to vow he’ll do whatever it takes to prove the Frink family can build Springfield’s superior robot.


I’ll lay out specifically what you need to do for each part in the turbo tappin’ post, but I don’t want any of you to get messed up with this.  So don’t forget to SCROLL!

Currency Act 1:

Here are the prizes for Part 1:

The Prodigy Barn (Building)- Robo-Mania Pt. 1 AND 115
Chocobots (Decoration)- Robo-Mania Pt. 2 AND 155
Bear Robot (Pet)- Robo-Mania Pt. 3 AND 115
Robot Rumble Trophy (Decoration)- Robo-Mania Pt. 4 AND 155
Chief Knocka-Homer (Character)- Robo-Mania Pt. 5 AND 195

Questline, which I’ll post later, will show how each is unlocked. 

Characters who can complete tasks for Act 1:
Robot Rumble Announcers (New Premium)

Each Act will have a new premium character that will earn event currency.  From what I can see, based on the info from EA, characters will be used throughout the entire event.  So Act 1 will be used in Act 2, 3, and 4…etc. 

Characters earn:

5 /4hrs for Freemium
8 /4hrs for New Premium

The Store

Here’s what’s included today:

New stuff…

   Robot Rumble Arena and Robot Rumble Announcers- 150.  Will earn event currency for the entire event. It does appear that they act as 1 character (like Sheri and Teri)


Mystery Boxes…

Robotic Mystery Box-  Mystery Box Token Only.  Includes:

Giant Robot
Mecha Hawk
Mech Robot
Skyberdine Systems
Kwik-E-Mart 2054
CryoStasis Memorial
Homer’s Dream House
Itchy and Scratchy Bots
Future Simpsons House
Frink’s Robot Dog
Music Automaton
Bart’s Moon Mansion
Big DigiBen
Astro House
Global Housing
Grief Counselor
Hover Copter
Holo Bundle
Robot Ant Bundle
Super Collider and Black Hole
Efcot Center
Tomorrow’s Costington’s
Office Towers
Mushroom Office Building
Simpsons Hover Car
Holo Theater
Future Duff Sign
Electric Car Bundle
Mobile Dome
Vacation To Venus Sign
Parked Hover Car
Teleporter Billboard
Fountain of Tomorrow
Hover Street Sign

The Mystery Box requires tokens to unlock.

Mystery Box Tokens can be purchased via donuts.

Tokens are 60 Donuts each or you can get 5 tokens for 240 donuts.


All returning premium content will be available from today until the event ends on May 12th.  Also, I’m not doing new SIB posts for the returning content (I may do the Mystery Box, but not sure yet).  So I’ve linked the previous posts for you to review here.  And I’ve also linked them on the Event Page for you to find later in the event. 

Here’s the returning premium content…

Cremo Bot*- 30

Spotlight Dance Bot*- 30

Murderpuss*- 30

Robot- 30

Drone- 30

Springfield of Tomorrow Sign*- 35

Frinkosonic MHV*35

Self Reliant House*- 35

Future Monument*- 35

Battling Seizure Robot*- 35

Robby the Automaton*- 40

Home of Tomorrow*- 40

Plane Bot*- 45

Holo Flower Hedge- 2

Holo Bundle– 20

Ultra House 2*- 90

Elysium Project*- 90

Robot Homer100

Future Proofed Home and LadyBot*- 100

Soul Extraction Institute w/ Robo Burns and Doggy Smithers*- 100


Ziff Wedding Home and Robot Marge– 150

Hall of Vice Presidents and Aaron Burr– 150

Springfield Hyperstadium and Rockstar Maggie*- 150

Yard Work Simulator and CHUM*- 150

Truckasaurus*- 175

*Denotes available in Yearbook Mystery Box

There may be a couple of other premium bundle offerings available, but I can’t see them in any of my games.  (I see icons for them in the game files, but no other info)

Donut Offerings:

These are donut bundles available for CASH purchases (real-life cash)..

Again, these are the US prices.  This is what EA gets from the totals.  Your pricing may be different and that as to do with VAT from Apple and Google, not EA.  Pricing varies per country…

It does appear that we have, for the first time, a RETURNING Donut Promo item…

Hans Mechman- $9.99 USD + a Tray of 132 Donuts.  Hans is a FULL character for TSTO, and you can see the original rundown info on him here.

Item Limits

Item limits last increased during the 2020 Halloween Event, they have not been increased for this event.

And that’s it my friends.  The details of Act 1 of the 2021 Rise of the Robots Event!

Your thoughts on the event?  Thoughts on the content?  Excited to see the storyline? Sound off below, you know we love hearing from you!

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