2014 Christmas Event

2014-12-03 18.09.26

Happy Holidays Tappers!

The 2014 Tapped Out Christmas Event is upon us…woohoo!  Here’s where you can find any and all of the complete Addicts Team coverage of the event!  So be sure to check back right here for any of the latest details you may have missed on our main page!

Remember…if you’re looking for Holiday Friends put your Add Me Requests here.  And Add me requests posted anywhere other than the designated posts will be deleted by the Grumple 😉 

Christmas is Live- Part 1 Rundown

Christmas Part 2 is Live

Bunny’s Part 1 Present Calendar

Bunny’s Part 2 Present Calendar
Gift Calendar Part 2 Bells

How-To’s And What the Heck is Going on:
How To: Visiting Neighbors (Includes Feds)
Character Tasks (Non Workshop)
Character Tasks (Workshop)
Addicts Question Corner: Feds and More!
Math of Earning Presents
12/22 In Game Update
12/23 New Christmas Quests
Addicts Question Corner: Part 2
Gil’s Here
How To: Elf Bottler
Cannon Level Ups

Turbo Tappin’ Christmas: Phase 1, Jingle Bell Wreck
Walkthroughs: King Winter
Walkthroughs: Zutroy
Turbo Tappin’ Christmas: Phase 2, Project After Party

Should I Spend Donuts On?:
King Winter & His Cave
Christmas Redux Part 1 (Santa Homer, ClausCo, Grumple, etc)
Christmas Rewind: Santa Flanders & Costington’s
New Year’s Redux
Christmas Redux Part 3 (Mr. Plow, Plow King, etc)
Stupid Sexy Flanders & the Ski Lift
Ice Palace
Christmas Rewind Part 4

Santa’s Daily Tasks:
Days 1-4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19

Present Prizes:
Christmas Float (580 Gifts)
Frosty the Hitman (1200 Gifts)
Toy Workshop Bell (2300 Gifts)
Sponsored Church (3500 Gifts)
Festive Light Plunger (5500 Gifts)
First Ever Christmas Tree (8,000 Gifts)
Bonestorm Santa (10,800 Gifts)
Nativity Scene (14,000 Gifts)

Elf Bell Prizes:
North Pole (1,000 Elf Bells)
Control Building (1,700 Elf Bells)
Elf Bottler (3,700 Elf Bells)
Squeal Stop (6,500 Elf Bells)
Annual Gift Man (10,000 Elf Bells)
Little Helper Ralph (13, 800 Elf Bells)
Spruce Caboose (17,700 Elf Bells)
Tropical Island (22,500 Elf Bells)

Where Did THAT Come From? (WDTCF)
King Winter
Christmas Float
Frosty the Hitman
Sponsored Church
First Ever Christmas Tree
Bonestorm Santa
Nativity Scene
Fever Snowmen & Cabin
Ice Palace
Stupid Sexy Flanders
Sequel Stop

Glitchs and Other Issues:
Major Lockout Glitch
Massive Server Outage (12/10/14-12/11/14)
Missing Elves

Holiday Fun:
Addicts Holiday Contest: Show Us Your Lights! (entries must be in by 12/20/14)
Holiday Contest Winners
Merry Christmas from the Addicts
Night Before Grumplemas

Pre-Event Fun:
It’s Beginning to look a Lot Like Christmas

138 responses to “2014 Christmas Event

  1. 《○○★★○○》


    I cant seem to find the christmas takedown post that might answar my question. This christmas we won a snow-shiva kind of statue that I really loved, but I can’t seem to find it again. I checked my inventory several times, and can’t find a puddle anyware around wher I placed it. Did it disapear with christmas, or do I just have to keep serching?

    Thank you so much for your answar. I’ve almost grown as addicted to your site as to tsto:)

    • It looks like just a foot, well leg, now. Could be easy to miss. Keep looking for it, it shouldn’t have disappeared with Christmas.

      • 《○○★★○○》

        Thank you! What I thought was one of the simpsons snowpeople was the god leg:) Mystery solved.

  2. Thanks I believe I got that when it first came out

  3. Thanks I believe I got the ride last year or when it was first available

  4. I can’t find my question so I will repost. Something was posted about a 30doughnut Krustland ride. I can’t find it and am holding off on the update hoping to find it please help thanks

    • I did answer that, but I’ll do it again. It’s gone now. It was offered over Christmas and only to those who reached a certain point in their Krustylands. It was the Happy Little Elves ride…

    For those of you wondering but cant find any info on the island or if its worth losing your job over (since after asking several times and receiving no reply – I decided to check elsewhere).

    The Tropical Island has NO Payout, NO Multiplier and NO Ratings affectation.

    In other words its not worth it – doesn’t even have dialogue to explain itself apparently (its from the episode “I saw grandpa cussing Santa Claus” ***)

    I haven’t gotten it yet so I cannot confirm this information but it has been repeated.

    So, if you’re a freemium adult with a life and responsibilities like me – don’t fret over missing out ob this one.

  6. This might be an odd question. Hope I can explain. When I click on the icon that shows me gifts the countdown days 6 days……..
    However when I click the question mark next to the number of cog wheels, although it says 13th January, the countdown says 11 days. Is it a glitch or do I get an extra week? I only need the last two presents so it doesn’t matter either way but just wondering.

    • We’ve seen both countdowns. Not sure what the plan is from EA. Best bet is to go with the first countdown and then see what happens. My guess is Elvish Spring Break will be wrapped up somehow.

  7. I still can not get the elf bottler to work! I tap the screen and nothing happens.

  8. I am having the cannon misfire glitch, too. For what it is worth, I contacted EA, and they got back to me right away (@ 9 pm, even!). Sounds like they are aware of the issue and are trying to figure out a solution, but that they don’t have a hard fix as of yet. They deleted my cannon and gave me a new one to place… countdown was maintained, so here’s hoping it worked. 🙂

    Fingers crossed, and I’ll try to let you know tomorrow if that fix took…

    • Good to know, that’s for sharing the info 🙂

      • Okay, so it seems to have at least somewhat fixed the issue. Today it fired 3 out of 4 times, which is better than what I was getting before. Still means I am suffering as far as total bell counts, but at least I can get those pesky elves out of the town. 🙂

  9. I have a glitch with my cannon, sometimes I go to fire it and nothing happens! It just resets the counter. Help! Please

  10. Since I was running out of bells half way through visiting neighbors, I came up with a system that maxinizes the bells I get.

    I visit each neighbor, one-by-one, BUT I will ONLY tap on the cannon and the elf tunnel if available. Then I move to the next neighbor.

    The cannon and elf tunnel pay DOUBLE the amount of bells than other items. If tapping a buildibg, etc. gets you 5 bells, the cannon and elf tunnel gets you 10 bells. And with a limited number of times you can tap, I want the highest bells per tap.

    Happy Tappy!

    • Today used my system descrived above when is visited neighbors. I started with 12,905 bells and ended with 13,632 bells. So if my math is correct that means I earned 727 bells just from visiting neighbors.

      How does that compare to others?

  11. Is it just me, or are the elves appearing way to slow to do any good. My cannon’s only level 11, so I can launch 36 every 2h 45m, but in that time I can only collect 15 elves. What’s the point of upgrading the cannon if it can’t be used. A few days ago I had over 200 elves in jars, now I frequently have none. Is there anything in the files regarding a faster elf delivery?

  12. I had one question, I have The Lord Donuts building and last week I got the Christmas Lord Donut building . Why can’t I use it? It is just in my box locked.

    • Try tapping on Lard Lad and see if you can toggle to the decorated version. If that doesn’t work try storing and replacing Lard Lads. If that still doesn’t work…contact EA and let them know what happened in your game.

  13. Is anyone else having problems with not enough elves in there town I’m only getting 11 or 12 elves every 3 hours I was doing really good but the last few days I have not had the elves to fire the cannon

  14. Just a heads up, there’s a typo in your “elf bell prizes” section. The “Sequel Shop” is misspelled.

    Squeal Stop? “That’s what she said…”

  15. Hey, y’all. Question re: the cannon. I’m at 3h 15m cool-down time. But what happens if I don’t fire all three rounds at the same time? Say I’ve only got 11 elves and I launch them. Then it takes an hour or two to get 11 more, and I launch them…. etc. If it takes me three hours to fire the cannon three times, do I still have to wait the full 3h 15m after the third firing?

  16. I have got my North Pole sign, my Cannon, & my Cannon Control Building. But i have NOT got nor have i recieved any Elf Bells prizes, or any Present prizes for the Xmas Float, Toy Workshop Bell, Sponsered Church, First Ever Xmas Tree, Frosty the Hitman, Festive Light Plunger, & the Xmas Float. So y have i NOT recieved any Present Gift Prizes or any Elf Bells prizes? I need to know ASAP please & urgently please. Because this is NOT fair & its NOT right at all. So i beg u 3 get back 2 me asap please. 😓

    • We are into phase 2 of the event. So I am not sure what it is exactly you are looking for here. The CURRENT Currency is ONLY Bells. Nothing else. Once you have the Canon placed, you will see them adding in the lower left corner of your game. The ONLY way to get Bells is capture the Elves, Fire the Elves, Visit Neighbors that Have the event updated too, and get them from completing the questline.

  17. Is there a link to see part 2 calendar I got a late start so I would like to see how far behind I am

  18. Maybe it has been that way for awhile but I just noticed with the update today that I can no longer pop the balloons in krustyland when you tap on the building it makes the sound of a balloon popping but no timer nor the game pops up

  19. Since last night (December 24th) I have been having issues with the app, it keeps crashing. Sometimes it says “retry” so I click on it and it crashes! I only play on my iPad so I have no way of knowing if it is the game or the app. I deleted and re downloaded the app several times….that didn’t work. Then, this morning I got a new iPad for Christmas, I downloaded the app and it’s still crashing!! I’m sure as a fellow addict, you can understand how frustrating this is for me! So I’m wondering, is anyone else having the same problem?

  20. I’ve been trying to log in from both Android and iOS and the game keeps crashing after the log in screen : / .. I don’t know what to do!! Has anyone had the same issue since the new update??

  21. Should I be concerned that Christmas part 2 has not started in my Springfield? I am concerned. And none of the tasks earn presents anymore just money. I completed all the tasks for part 1 days ago and have Zutroy. No feds, no presents, no update. I’m level 48 (I think), maxed friend points.


    • Part 2 starts with Homer begging the Elves to stay. Then you have some quests to do…and then it’ll all start up. Just follow along with the questline 🙂

  22. I completed the tasks for Homer and Lisa to start Part 2 but I still can’t collect bells and stuff in friends’ towns. Am I missing something? Is there a walk through for Part 2? Thanks!

  23. Since the update my Sideshow You in Krustyland no longer works- the balloon icon does not come up and if I tap it it plays a sound effect and the screen glitches for a second. I tried quitting the game and storing it but nothing’s helped!

  24. Other gamers have already begun Zutroy or Z from the nuclear plant, is this realistic or did I miss something here?

  25. I have all the friendship prizes, but I’ve never gotten free donuts for visiting friends after the FP prizes are maxed out.

  26. One of my friends has a flying santa and reindeer, where did they get that?

  27. Where is the feds button? I am on that task and I cannot find it. You are supposed to call your neighbors feds :/

  28. Just got update and no longer have Feds did they go away today?

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