Better Late Than Forever: Dialog Recap

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If you’ve been zapping through your tapping and it’s all been a bit of a blur or if you just fancied a reminder of what the writers got up to this time you’re in luck.
Here’s all the dialog and tasks for this mini event …

Here’s what’s in this post:
• Intro: Why 2K?
• Prize Track: A Modern Stone Age Catastrophe parts 1 to 5
• Outro: A Sound of Blunder

Intro: Why 2K?

Quimby: Oh er-uh dear Lord! New Year’s is almost here. We’ll all be devoured by the Y2K bug.
Homer: Devoured by a bug? That sounds more like Halloween than New Year’s.
Lisa: No, Dad. Y2K was the thing where the world was going to end when all the computers stopped working because, uh, people on the news said so.
Homer: Really? I thought Y2K was that brand of yogurt that tastes like crap.
Lisa: But Mayor Quimby, that was over two decades ago. It turned out that it was really easy for qualified professionals to fix, and nothing bad happened.
Lisa: You did hire qualified computer professionals, didn’t you?
Quimby: Er, define “qualified”.
Doug: I’ll have you know I was top of my class! It was a dance class, but still.
Gary: We’re pretty good with computers now, but at the time we really didn’t know what we were doing, so we gave the mayor our internship rate.
Quimby: Taxpayers love discounts!
Benjamin: Anyway, we kept putting it off to play video games…
Homer: So just put it off another year and let’s get to the party.
Gary: We’d love to, but now it’s so badly screwed up that unless it’s really fixed by midnight, all the computers in town will go ka-blammo.
Doug: Including the ones at the nuclear power plant. Which will cause an ACTUAL ka-blammo…and an explosion that will destroy the city.
Homer: Yes! For once the power plant will explode, and it won’t be my fault!

• Make Mayor Quimby Try to Explain the Problem – 6 seconds
• Make Homer Be Confused About the Problem – 6 seconds
• Make Former University Nerds Go Back to School – x 3, 6 seconds
• Make Frink Propose a Radical Solution to the Problem – 6 seconds

Quimby: We need ideas people! How are we going to save the city from what is clearly not my mistake?
Homer: Or mine, this time!
Lisa: You could finally pay up and hire real computer experts to fix our computers.
Quimby: Let’s call that Plan B. What would be better is for this whole bad coding thing to have never happened. Or for us to at least pretend it never happened.
Time Traveler Frink: Actually, I’ve been dabbling in time travel recently, with the tachyons and the boryons and the “Don’t kill your mother”.
Time Traveler Frink: I could send a smidgeon of code back in time, and it would be like the university nerds never screwed anything up.
Lisa: Doesn’t that risk screwing up the timeline?
Quimby: He said a smidgeon, kid. How much trouble could a smidgeon cause?
Time Traveler Frink: It’s the smallest unit of measurement in mad science.
Lisa: Oh, great.


Prize Track: A Modern Stone Age Catastrophe parts 1 to 5

A Modern Stone Age Catastrophe part 1:
● Caveman Homer (Skin)
Caveman Homer
Marge: Are those dinosaurs walking around town?
Homer: Is it me, or does that one kinda look like my dad?
Grampasaurus: Get out of my way, shorty!
Time Traveler Frink: Something went wrong and the entire city has been sent back to the Pleistocene!
Quimby: Like all of my political mistakes, no one could have predicted this.
Lisa: *sigh*
Moe: So we’re stuck back in the Stone Age? At least my eyebrows will fit in here.
Homer: It’s gonna take a lot of donuts to speed up time enough to get us to the present.
Time Traveler Frink: The important thing is avoiding the Butterfly Effect. Anything we do here could cause catastrophic changes to our future!
Moe: Uh…what?
Homer: I think he’s saying the butterflies are even more dangerous than dinosaurs!
Homer: There’s one! Get it!
Time Traveler Frink: Oh, boy.

• Collect Wooden Clubs – x 155 Wooden Club currency
• Make Springfielders Complain About Being Stuck in the Past – x 5, 4 hours
• Make Time Traveler Frink Warn About the Butterfly Effect – 4 hours
• Make Lisa Help Explain the Butterfly Effect – 4 hours
• Make Homer Eat the First Butterfly He Sees – 4 hours

Time Traveler Frink: Did you just eat a butterfly?
Homer: You know what they say — butterflies are the donuts of the Stone Age.
Time Traveler Frink: No one says that.

A Modern Stone Age Catastrophe part 2:
● Tar Pit (Decoration)
Tar Pit
Caveman Moe: Y’know, this Stone Age ain’t so bad. No responsibility, no pressure, free pickled eggs all over the place…
Lisa: Uh, Moe, I think those are just regular eggs. Regular pterodactyl eggs…
Caveman Moe: Is that why I keep feeling wings beating in my stomach?
Time Traveler Frink: I need to figure out a way to transport Springfield back to our old present before things get really crazy.
Caveman Homer: Without my donuts, I feel crazy already.
Caveman Moe: *throwing a rock* Go back to your cave, you ape!
Lisa: Our odds of avoiding crazy seem to be pretty slim at this point.
Time Traveler Frink: Less than a smidgeon.

• Collect Wooden Clubs – x 125 Wooden Club currency
• Make Time Traveler Frink Panic – 4 hours
• Make Lisa Watch Frink Panic – 4 hours
• Make Springfielders Embrace Stone Age Lifestyle – x 5, 4 hours
• Make Otto Get the Good Kind of Stoned – 4 hours
• Make Caveman Homer Get the Bad Kind of Stoned – 4 hours

A Modern Stone Age Catastrophe part 3:
● Pharaoh’s Sarcophagus (Decoration)
Pharaoh's Sarcophagus
Caveman Moe: Not workin’ and relaxin’ are both nice, but is there anything needlessly reckless to do around here?
Caveman Homer: Well, we could hunt dinosaurs.
Time Traveler Frink: Dinosaurs? Great Marsh’s Ghost! They shouldn’t be in the Stone Age!
Caveman Homer: Are you sure? I’ve seen a lot of nature documentaries. Well, Saturday morning cartoons, but I assume they’re based on true stories.
Time Traveler Frink: I’m worried about the timeline…something’s floyvin where it’s supposed to be flayvin…
Caveman Moe: Forget this, let’s make cool prehistoric cars like in the cartoons. Like instead of a steering wheel, it’ll be a rock! And instead of an engine, it’ll be a rock! And instead of a seatbelt—
Mummy: Does someone want to explain why dinosaurs are using my sarcophagus as a chamberpot?
Time Traveler Frink: Okay, that’s definitely wrong.
Caveman Moe: You didn’t let me finish. Instead of a seatbelt…
Caveman Moe: It’ll be a rock.

• Collect Wooden Clubs – x 125 Wooden Club currency
• Make Time Traveler Frink Realize Timeline is Falling Apart – 4 hours
• Make Caveman Homer Run From Dinosaurs – 4 hours
• Make Springfielders Make Cool Prehistoric Cars – x 5, 4 hours

A Modern Stone Age Catastrophe part 4:
● Prehistoric Car (NPC)
Prehistoric Car
Caveman Moe: Okay, the Stone Age car thing is old now. Let me check my myPhone for something else we can — Hey, wait a minute, my battery is dead!
Caveman Homer: Mine is too!
Cavewoman Marge: Can we just go home now?
Time Traveler Frink: Well, we could — except it turns out that you people stripped my time mobile when you were making your hot rods.
Caveman Moe: Turns out, stones don’t make good engines.
Time Traveler Frink: You may have doomed us all to live the rest of our lives in this mixed-up Stone Age crazy land!
Caveman Homer: Come on, Moe. If we’re gonna be stuck here anyway, let’s reinvent something actually important: beer!
Caveman Moe: Good idea. I’ve never seen you sober for more than four hours; I’m scared of what will happen.

• Collect Wooden Clubs – x 155 Wooden Club currency
• Make Springfielders Get Bored of the Stone Age – x 5, 4 hours
• Make Caveman Homer Try to Reinvent Beer – 4 hours
• Make Time Traveler Frink Scrounge for Parts – 4 hours

Caveman Moe: BLEAH! That’s terrible!
Caveman Homer: I’m sick of trying to make beer. Let’s just relax. I’ll grab some beer.
Caveman Moe:
Caveman Homer: D’OH!

A Modern Stone Age Catastrophe part 5:
● Cavewoman Marge (Skin)
Cavewoman Marge
Lisa: Professor Frink, are you sure you can’t repair your time device and get us back to our old present?
Time Traveler Frink: I’ve got it mostly repaired, but it won’t work without a massive power source.
Caveman Homer: How about that sweet, huge firework?
Time Traveler Frink: Holy Alvarez! That’s no firework. That’s the asteroid that destroyed the dinosaurs. Perfect!
Cavewoman Marge: Perfect?! It’s about to kill us, too!
Time Traveler Frink: Ah, but I can harness the energy of that meteor to send us home.
Caveman Homer: Mmm, meatier…
Lisa: But how can you harness its energy?! You don’t have any more tech to build with!
Time Traveler Frink: Young lady, remember you’re speaking to a proud graduate of the Elizabeth Holmes School of Technology!

• Collect Wooden Clubs – x 190 Wooden Club currency
• Make Time Traveler Frink Build a Time Harness Out of Coconuts – 4 hours
• Make Lisa Help Frink Build Time Harness – 4 hours
• Make Caveman Homer Run From Dinosaurs Again – 4 hours


Outro: A Sound of Blunder

Lisa: Congratulations, Professor! You got us safely back to our time, and it doesn’t seem like the Butterfly Effect did anything.
Time Traveler Frink: Well, I wouldn’t go that far…
Donut Homer: AAAH! My head is a giant donut again!
Marge: Professor Frink, can you turn Homer back to normal before he eats his own head?
Donut Homer: Oh, have a LITTLE faith in me, Marge.
Marge: I already see two bites taken out!

• Make Donut Homer Try to Resist Temptation – 4 hours
• Make Lisa Stop Her Father from Eating His Own Head – 4 hours
• Make Time Traveler Frink Take a Well-Earned Nap – 4 hours


That wraps things up for this event, back when the next update hits.

6 responses to “Better Late Than Forever: Dialog Recap

  1. Robert Maldonad

    Off topic, anyone using Android having trouble logging in? Haven’t been able to open game all day today, (Sat).

    • No issues here (UK)
      Head to Recent Apps and make sure it’s closed then restart usually sorts it if I get stuck with Bart

    • I”m not getting a code from EA when I try to login to my no. 2 game – no. 1 game is no problem

  2. Can’t hide my disappoinment with this event, poor reward course with two costumes and no new character available (just a building). I hope this is not setting the mood for the remainder of the year and then next event already does better.

    • Yeah super lackluster update. They need to do a donut and character rife event. These scraps they’re giving us right now just aren’t it.

  3. Thanks for this. I normally just speed my way to the quest (player from day 1!), but have recently started reading dialog again, there is some good writing there, being a fan you read it in their voice.

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