Charity Case: Rundown

regular splash screen
Right then, a shiny new mini-event means a shiny new Rundown.

If you haven’t done so already, or your device didn’t just do it for you, then you’ll need to head to your App Store and get the update

Here’s a quick look at what’s new for this mini event.

In case you scroll a little too fast here’s what’s included in this post:
• What EA Said
• Prize items
• Premium combo
• Cash Offering
• Currency jobs

What EA said:

Quimby announces that he’s privatizing all city-funded programs. But don’t worry, only nonprofits can apply! You know, the good companies? Except the city’s wealthiest begin exploiting every loophole available to win them. Who could have seen that coming? Lisa fights tax avoidance with tax deductions by re-opening the Lisa M Simpson Foundation, to try to win back these contracts and give them back to the people. Who will win – People with power or the power of the people?


Prize Items:

Prize 1:
● Blue Bail Bonds (Building)
Blue Bail Bonds
Cold as Charity part 1 and 155 Calculators Currency

Prize 2:
● Blue Check Cashing (Building)
Blue Check Cashing
Cold as Charity part 2 and 155 Calculators Currency

Prize 3:
● Lisa M. Simpson Foundation Rocket (Decoration)
Lisa M. Simpson Foundation Rocket
Cold as Charity part 3 and 115 Calculators Currency

Prize 4:
● Lisa M. Simpson Foundation (Building)
Lisa M. Simpson Foundation
Cold as Charity part 4 and 155 Calculators Currency

Prize 5:
● Cowboy Accountant (Character)
Cowboy Accountant
Cold as Charity part 5 and 195 Calculators Currency


Premium Combo:
Cost: 150 Donuts
● Mountain Buddhist Temple and Buddha Homer (Building and Character)
Mountain Buddhist Temple Buddha Homer


Cash Offering:
Cost: In app purchase, 132 Donut Bundle
● Investo the Robot (Character)
Investo the Robot


Currency Jobs: Collect Calculators
Calculators Currency
• Collect Calculators – 4 hours, earns 5 Calculators Currency
Homer, Bart, Lisa, Marge, Grampa, Wiggum, Moe, Quimby

• Collect Calculators (Premium) – 4 hours, earns 8 Calculators Currency
Buddha Homer, Investo the Robot


Right then, enjoy. I’ll be back tomorrow with the Turbo Tappin’

13 responses to “Charity Case: Rundown

  1. When will EA increase the number of character’s and buildings. We are trying to build a town and it’s a shame I have to keep putting the past in storage to allow me to continue to play the game.

  2. Politics that all we need, sarcasm yeh,,, Graham same same

    • If you mean my earlier comment in reply on here please know I was aiming for light-hearted humour, and actually questioned if I’d included the info in the post.
      I almost missed doing that for the cash item with everything that’s been driving me nuts recently, like a keyboard that keeps ignoring some of the keys !!
      ( took 15 minutes the other day to type a 6 word reply that included the letter t and needed spaces in !?! )

  3. Where does cowboy account come from? I don’t recognise him.

    • T’interweb says …
      S34 Ep19 “Write Off This Episode” – He’s the Rich Texan’s accountant

  4. Is Buddha Homer a skin or full character?

    • What does it say in brackets in the post for that ?
      ( it’s been one of those months, don’t make me start questioning what little is left of my sanity !! )

      • Thanks! I haven’t been paying attention if they made the distinction here/in game

      • Graham..I appreciate what you do tremendously! Remember…Don’t Panic..Make sure you have your towel….a Babblefish is yet to come….almost there with AI real time voiced translation…In my personal opinion…the most important and relevant short story at this time in history is….Salinger’s “A Perfect Day for Bananafish”. The New Yorker ..and Nine Stories…1/31/48…..enjoy

  5. This update put my sound back on. I have it muted in the game. I had to turn it up, click a couple people and turn it down again. Seems to be off again now.

    • I have a similar issue. Although the sound is off in my game, whenever I launch it fresh the sound is on. It goes off as soon as I move even slightly. Annoying!

      • Same, I thought it was fixed but quickly noticed its behaving the same as yours. On when I open, then goes off when I move. I have it turned off.

    • Everytime I open the game, the sound is back on even if the bar is at the lowest… It’s really really annoying.

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