Tag Archives: Is it ok to vandalize neighbors for Friend Points?

The “Art” of Friendship: Vandalizing

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

How are you all enjoying visiting your neighbors?  Are you taking the time to enjoy their towns and designs?  Remember this is not a limited-time event.  There is no countdown clock going on the Friendship Rewards…so take your time with it.  And enjoy looking at what your neighbors created!

Ok so now that all of that “lovey-dovey” stuff is out of the way I want to take a minute to discuss a hot button issue with this event.  Something that seems to have a lot of you either really giddy or really ticked.  And that something is….Graffiti!

Ah yes vandalizing your neighbors…which for the longest time has been something many of us have tried to avoid (and some of us only do) because of the negative dip in Righteousness Rating points.  BUT with the Friendship event vandalizing your neighbors seems to be beneficial to BOTH of you when it comes to earning those precious FPs!  So let’s take a closer look at some of the pros, cons & solutions of spraying that graffiti…

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