Tag Archives: Lisa’s First Word

Super Safi’s Monday Morning Musings 69 – Where’s the beef?

Morning Musically-Minded, Medically-Minded, Masticators!

(Today’s post is sponsored by the letter “M”)


Over the past 600+ episodes, The Simpsons has taken us on an amazing journey involving music, science, and food to name a few concepts.

And what better way to start your week, than by discussing some of these concepts Monday morning?

So let’s get started this week by talking about a popular 1980’s slogan.

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As often happens here on Kashyyyk, this Wookiee is wide awake in the wee hours of the morning. No complaints though dear readers, a little known fact is that I’m often at my most productive while the ravenous beasts and carniverous plants of the Shadowlands do their nasty business. Safely tucked away in my wroshyr tree, I decided it might be time for another random, yet hopefully poignant post.


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