Cecil Terwilliger’s Daily Tasks 5/15

Hey there Hoppereenos!

This is your Daily Bounce By to let you know what time drops I saw for Today’s Cecil’s Daily Tasks.

Cecil Make Amends

Here was the breakdown of Cecil’s Daily tasks I got in both my games…


1st Daily Task 2hrs
2nd Daily Task 6hrs
3rd Daily Task 4hrs
4th Daily Task 4hrs

Remember, the tasks and Character Groups will vary for every player. Let us know if you see anything different in your game.



In case you missed it in the rundown post, as of Act Three there are new payouts for completing these.

Corn DNA Theater Masks Music Notes
1st Daily Task 10  150
2nd Daily Task 30  150
3rd Daily Task 100  150
4th Daily Task 250  150



Here are the Top 5 I always leave free for the Daily Tasks (also in the post below). This allows my other Characters to focus on other Material earning tasks. (This list was made to be friendly to all players. If you have some Premium/Freemium Characters that you feel you could replace them with, feel free to.) 

Comic Book Guy WolfCastle Rod OR Todd Quimby Grandpa Abe
Brainiac X
Entreprenuer X
Celebrity X
Civil Servant X
Criminal X
Glutton X
High Roller X X
Dimwit X X
Youngster X
Kook X
Pessimist X X
Saint X
Senior X

You can find a lot more detailed post on the Daily Tasks HERE.  😉

FYI… If you did NOT complete a task from the prior day, it rolls over to be the FIRST task of the next day. You will lose the higher payout. So finish them BEFORE the reset or you will have it become the next day’s task. 

How are your daily tasks coming along? Getting them done? Visiting Neighbors still going well? How are your New Music Notes counts coming along?  Let us know.


77 responses to “Cecil Terwilliger’s Daily Tasks 5/15

  1. I’m another in this boat, yet again another day goes by and I will finish the 4th task after midnight. Seriously that’s crap if this keeps up. Sorry for complaining, but it’s just not right. Especially considering I grind constantly everyday and don’t see having extra to get walls, desert patch, etc. I got the market and gas station, but may be lucky just to get the boat now. And rest… Sheesh why they even put it all there if you can’t earn enough. It’s bad enough they throw so many donut only items out, that to get all and multiple of the crafting items you’d have to spend donuts there too

  2. I’m unable to complete again. This time i didn’t stay up past midnight fir the first task, so I’ll be done with task for at two am. third time .

  3. Okay. I apologize for the randomness, but has anyone else been getting totally hosed on the mutant seeds today? I have LITERALLY been grinding on this game since 6 a.m. today, and I have LITERALLY received ZERO seeds. Just bad luck, or a sign that EA is grinding its players for every dime they can get? My apologies, neighbors, but EA is giving me nothing!

  4. Peter Holland

    Any benefit to upgrading the opera house and crafting items x 10 missions?

  5. kimberlyah794

    *sigh* I just upgraded my Opera House to level 9, so saints now have a task there. I know for certain that in other quests Marge has been considered a saint, but she still has NO tasks for this event. WHAT is wrong with EA? She’s a lower level character that I’m sure many players would like to use for this event. I’m level 52, so it doesn’t severly Impact me, but it seems quite poorly planned on their part.

  6. Danny(dannythoma899)

    My third task for 16th was 2 hours

  7. Danny(dannythoma899)

    Just to make some of you sleep easy the first 2 tasks for 16th are 1 hour tasks. Am GMT plus 8 so a little ahead of some of you.

  8. I’m at 6 and 6 and due to work will not finish today. If the next is 4 I never could’ve finished…. Does EA know we sleep and have jobs and stuff? Frustrating

  9. Has anyone else been experiencing a glitch where after tapping a character’s picture in the upper left (or even tapping a character directly) their task window opens but then immediately closes again? This sometimes happens 2-4 times in a row until it will finally stay open long enough for me to send them on their task. Mods (or anyone really), do you know if there is anyway to fix this? It’s been getting pretty annoying as I go through and assign event tasks. Sorry, I’m off topic.

    • well reported already. Means results have been posted, e.g. an object is ready to be tapped. Doing characters first, then tapping on objects will help. If a house farm is posting, come back later or clear the house farm first.

      • I wasn’t able to find it on this site. Where was it reported?

      • Everyone uses different terminology but if you read the comments for the last couple of weeks, you will definitely see it mentioned numerous times. As far as I know, there is no separate menu item for current bugs as EA is generally pretty good about fixing them and there is no need. This is the only long-running bug I know of (although there probably have been more).

  10. So… today (Friday), I’ve had 4-6-4-… and just started my last task of 4 hours. This is the 2nd day this week I’ve had 18 hours of tasks. I get a midnight start every day so I have been able to finish (thank goodness I am self-employed!) the daily assignments, but *yawn* I’ll sure be glad when this event is over! =)

    • Whoa… Had to look twice & be sure I hadn’t posted, since Orchidpup’s post is nearly identical to what I was planning to say. Thank you for saving me time, Orchid. 🙂

  11. My first task was a 4 hour, which means an 18 hour day for me. Since I didn’t start it til almost 1am that gave me 23 hours to do it in and of course I slept more than 5 hours. Wtf EA? People need sleep. These task days of 16+ hours is uncalled for.

    • wait until the 20-hour day of tasks, slated on the weekend


    • I absolutely agree! In truth I’m tired of the timed events in general. I have deadlines at work (for a stress factor) I don’t need them for my entertainment too. I wish they would go back to the community prizes. I played just as much but enjoyed it more when I could play whenever I wanted. (and in case you’re wondering, I’ve collected all the level prizes, farmers market and gas’ n gulp, so it’s not because I’m not collecting the goodies)

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