Where Did THAT Come From – Victor’s Secret, Things Unnecessary, Abercrombie & Rich, Your Picture on a Rembrandt, & the Murdered Snowman

Just hear those sleigh bells ring-a-ling, jing jing jing-a-ling too… Yes Addicts it’s lovely weather for an origin together with you!

In our silly lil game, we sometimes see things pop in that we have no clue as to their Origin. They seem familiar, but we just can’t pinpoint from where. So that is why we decided to make a fun lil reminder out of it. To let you know just Where Did THAT Come From?

victorssecret_menu thingsunnecessary_menu abercrombierich_menuyourrembrandt_menumurderedsnowman_menu

Woo hoo! It’s holiday time in TSTO and with the first two Acts of goodness we got all sorts of different items. I’m seriously enjoying this event so far. Snowmen, Moe dressing up animals, merrymakers, reindeer burgers, holiday facades… so cool. I could probably gush and gush about everything but that’s not what I’m supposed to be doing… it’s time again for me to dip into my noggin of Simpsons info and write about specific stuff.  This post ended up being a grab bag since the items all come from the same episode.  Three were made available during Act I of the 2015 TSTO Holiday Event and the other two cme as prizes in Act II.  But what do they have to do with the Best. Show. Ever.?  Let’s take a look at the TV Series to find Victor’s Secret (85 donuts), Things Unneccessary (Basically the crafting headquarters with the perfect name for what it does), Your Picture on a Rembrandt (first Act II prize), Abercrombie & Rich (second Act II prize) and the Murdered Snowman – $30K (freemium decoration).

I actually wrote up the origin for the Act I stuff but as often happens, there’s so much stuff to shoot out to y’all and this post was still sitting when Act II descended on us.  Since all this stuff comes from the same episode, literally within the same ten minutes, I included it all together.  Anywho… on to the episode.

“Tis the Fifteenth Season” (S15:E7)

In this Christmas episode, Burns gives Homer a Joe DiMaggio rookie card which gets him lots of Christmas money at the Android’s Dungeon. With the moolah, our favorite family can afford to shop at the rich people’s mall… the Springfield Heights Promenade.

Springfield Heights Promenade Simpsons

Before our favorite family descends on the mall, they gather to pass out the shopping money.  The stall in the background should look very familiar.  This image should make Moe’s TSTO dialogue make sense in reference to the decoration.

your picture on a rembrandt simpsons

Three of the stores at the mall are Victor’s Secret, Things Unnecessary, and Abercrombie & Rich. The first is pretty self-explanatory… an underwear store for men.  Marge’s technique to find the right size briefs for Homer always makes me laugh.

Victor's Secret Simpsons

Things Unnecessary is just that.  A place to get things you don’t need spoofing a real world store that does engravings.  I love that when you tap the Things Unnecessary building you get to hear the personalized talking astrolabe.  It’s even in the window if you look closely.

Things Unnecessary Simpsons

Abercrombie & Rich is just seen as a store exterior.  It was also seen in “White Christmas Blues” (S25:E8) at the Towne Centre at Springfielde Glenne.  It’s apparently a chic outlet as popular as the real-life chain it is parodying.

Abercrombie & Rich Simpsons

Of course I have to be a nerd and point out that just two seasons before, that store was called something else in “The D’oh-cial Network” (S23:E11) and was right next to the dancing fountain. I guess Abercrombie & the Other Guy was no match for the chain originating at the Promenade.

Abercrombie & the Other Guy Simpsons

Back in the Season 15 episode, the family plans to buy gifts for each other and then “a Christmas tree so large, it’s absence from the forest will cause mudslides and flooding.”  Unfortunately Homer blows all their Christmas tree money on the aforementioned talking astrolabe so they’re forced to get something in the seedier part of town.  It’s while they’re on there way to buy a tree that we see the murdered snowman.

Murdered Snowman Simpsons

I think it’s ironic that I talked about the sign for the mall in the Springfield Heights WDTCF and mentioned the sign didn’t make sense if we didn’t build a rich people’s mall.  Guess that was what the TSTO designers planned all along. Seeing as the stores come from a Christmas episode, they were just biding their time.  What do you think of the items?  Two are freemium and two are prizes so I call it a win. Did you buy Victor’s Secret?  Earn the Act II prizes yet?  Sound off with your thoughts in the comments and happy tapping.  Hopefully we are all much kinder to snowpeople in real life.

TTFN… Wookiee out!

20 responses to “Where Did THAT Come From – Victor’s Secret, Things Unnecessary, Abercrombie & Rich, Your Picture on a Rembrandt, & the Murdered Snowman

  1. Does anyone else think that the animation on the murdered snowman is a little gruesome? Gives me the willies every time I tap on it… but I still tap on it.

  2. Where can i find the Things Unnecessary? Thanks

  3. Ha! I thought TTFN meant, Take That F-ing Nerds!

  4. Well, poo. Now I want Victor’s Secret and it’s too late. Oh, well. Le sigh.

  5. Hope we get some stuff for bad, rundown springfield eventually too – ive been meaning to build dangerous part of town..

  6. Has anyone finished act two prizes and not received Festivus GBG, I have re installed game and rebooted iPad all to no avail any advice would be appreciated

  7. Hey Wookie, what does TTFN stand for? I’ve always wondered but I always forget to ask.

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