Addicts Bracket Challenge: Most Desired Character Week 2

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers! It’s time for Week 2 voting of our Addicts Bracket Challenge!  
Once again….here’s Safi:

How much longer EA can keep Tapped Out going is up for debate. But what isn’t debatable is that there are plenty of characters in the rich history of The Simpsons universe still not in our little game. From Homer’s college mates to his look-a-likes, from Bart’s crushes to Lisa’s idols, from four-eyed friends to four-legged pets, there is plenty of ‘untapped’ potential (pun intended). But which character do we really want?

We present to you the TSTO Addicts: Most Desired Character Bracket Battle…..

Addicts Bracket Image 2


For all the rules on who was picked and why, and when/how voting works check out our week 1 post which can be viewed here.

Now without further ado, a recap of the results of our first eight matchups:

MENS CONFERENCE – Rabbi Krustofsky (86.05%) def. Principal Harlan Dondelinger (13.95%)

BOYS CONFERENCE – Wendell Borton (87.85%) def. Hubert Wong (12.15%)

PETS CONFERENCE – Furious George (56.37%) def. Lovejoy’s Sheepdog (43.63%)

COMBO CONFERENCE – Nerds (83.86%) def. Eliza & Lester (16.14%)

DOPPLEGANGER CONFERENCE – Mr. Sparkle (69.10%) def. Guy Incognito (30.90%)

ONE HIT WONDER CONFERENCE – Mr. Bergstrom (78.31%) def. Joey Jo-Jo Jr Shabadoo (21.69%)

GIRLS CONFERENCE – Allison Taylor (80.15%) def. Annika Van Houten (19.85%)

WOMENS CONFERENCE – Sarah Wiggum (88.14%) def. Gloria Jailbird (11.86%)

There is also one major change I want to bring to your attention in the bracket this week. While many characters failed to make the cut, most of these characters didn’t really have a strong chance of winning their respective conferences. That however is not true about Mary Spuckler, whom I accidentally left off the Girls Conference, and should have been on the original bracket rather than Annika Van Houten. As Mary Spuckler does have a legitimate shot at winning the Girls Conference, I have replaced Alaska Nebraska with Mary Spuckler. This will be the only change to the bracket. I apologize to all the Hannah Montana fans; I mean Alaska Nebraska fans.

Here’s the updated full bracket:
Click to view larger

TSTO Bracket Week02

Click on any image to view larger…
Now onto the second set of eight Round 1 matchups:

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Reminder, voting is open until noon EDT Thursday June 23.

Week 3 match-ups will be available for voting on Friday June 24th.

What are your thoughts about the results from last week? Any surprises or shockers in those results? What are your thoughts on this weeks eight match-ups? Of the eight match-ups above, which was the easiest decision and which was the hardest? Sound off below, you know we love hearing from you.

101 responses to “Addicts Bracket Challenge: Most Desired Character Week 2

  1. Kingzhabit985

    I just won two sure heroes battles and they came up as losses? So now I’m 61-2. Who can I speak to to get this fixed? If there is someone can you post a link. Thanks.

    • You have to contact EA

      But odds are, since it’s a saturday you’re not going to get anyone until Monday

      And This really isn’t the place for this comment…the rundown, open thread or any other event related post is better than the bracket challenge post. Since this post has nothing to do with the event.

    • Plus, really, there’s nothing to be gained from it; you don’t get more points or goodies, and even if you’re a bit OCD it’s just not worth the time or effort to fix.

  2. I think Senior Ding Dong Events could be a Mexican Heritage event (Cinco De Mayo?), while Leon (yes could go with a music event) could be part of a Mental Health event (doctors, imaginary friends, tin-foil hat currency). 🙂

  3. Whoops, I think I voted for G.K. Wilma instead of G.D. Billy (surprised that she’s in the lead, maybe other people hit the wrong vote also?) but in the end I doubt either will be able to beat Mr. Sparkle.

  4. Definitely bleeding gums murphey or sarah wiggum.

  5. You BETTER apologize to all of us Alaska Nebraska fans!!! 😡


    • I did: “I apologize to all the Hannah Montana fans; I mean Alaska Nebraska fans.”

      But my dear neighbour, I want to apologize to you especially. When changing girls midway through, I should always check to make sure its ok with Da Pimp first.

      • Da Pimp knows you apologized: By emphasizing “better,” it’s like saying “you’re darn right.” Think of Homer to the Egg Council guy: “You BETTER run, Egg!”

    • Yeah I know you did, that’s the only reason why I said it. Lol 😄

  6. BraveElfgirl1994

    Anybody get the basketball court with what looks like a spaceship floating above it?? What is it and what does it do? Thanks for the help

    • This really isn’t the place for this comment…the rundown, open thread or any other event related post is better than the bracket challenge post. Since this post has nothing to do with the event.

      • BraveElfgirl1994

        I have to go with the crowd favorite on this weeks bracket… Go Bleeding Gums Murphy!

        On an unrelated note, I always post my tsto question on the newest post giving me better odds of having it answered. And I use the open threads if I have anything non tsto related to say.

        • I’ve done that myself a couple of times, but I don’t do out regularly because it’s bad netiquette. Fortunately, there are plenty of people who subscribe to the various threads and see all of the comments via email. So, you could post a question on the very first thread for this event and I’d see it as readily as if you posted it in the most recent thread. 🙂

  7. many choices aren’t real choices. I mean… Bleeding Gums Murphy? I’d kill for him. And who was the other guy from the bracket? I don’t even remember him. 😀
    I really like these polls. It reminds me of all these interesting characters we are still not having in TSTO.

    Oh, and since we are on this topic…
    Where is Troy McClure!? 🙂

    • No Phil Hartman characters because it’s (unfortunately) very unlikely that we’ll ever get them. To make room in the bracket, Safi made the decision to pre-eliminate these characters.
      I know, Troy is my most wanted, too. But I understand the reasoning.

      • I also see the reasoning, but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t include him unvoiced, or maybe his “twin brother” Trey (yeah, I made him up, doesn’t exist, before anyone asks who’s he lol)

      • Wouldn’t having a Phil Hartman character in this game be like an honour for his input into the show, I can understand if he did something extremely socially unacceptable but passing away shouldn’t deny him not being in the game.

        Who knows if there is a return of the Monorail event they may slide him into that, thats an event I’d love to see again and I know others whom would too as they missed out on some great content.

        • I agree. I’ve said many times that I don’t think it would be disrespectful, that it would be an acknowledgment of the great work he did. Doesn’t matter what you and I think about it, though, it matters what EA thinks about it.

          • I really think we’ll see him someday. Guest stars are never voiced and he wasn’t designed to look like Phil. I doubt many of the younger players even know who we’re talking about. Since he’s in such high demand I’m thinking they’re saving him for something big. Look how long it took us to get Maggie.

          • It like saying that they wont put in any other characters that were voiced by other people whom have passed away, it’s just ludricus.
            Certainly a big event would get Phil in. Could they have possibly spoken to the head of his estate as well to see if they mind?

    • Like the Doc said, all Phil Hartmann-voiced characters (Troy McClure, Lionel Hutz, and Lyle Lanley notably) were no included. Its mentioned in the week 1 rules and guidelines.

    • Yeah, most of these are far from memorable. I wasn’t excited about any of the characters in the first round, and apart from Murphy none of these gets my attention either. I also think it makes no sense to exclude Hartman’s characters, especially considering a) they’re clearly the most wanted characters and b) we already got some in the game (VOICED, to boot). Also, I’d add Frank Zappa to the musical event – I know he never appeared on the show (which is a shame), but if it wasn’t for him there probably wouldn’t be any Simpsons to speak of. Although the royalties would probably be unaffordable even for EA.

  8. Bleeding Gums FTW!

  9. Just me I’m sure, but I find this lot a pretty uninspiring bunch. It didn’t stop me voting though.
    Senor Ding Dong and Francine are the only 2 I’d really like to see in the game, and they’re both losing 🙁

  10. “Maybe you could say… ‘Nooooobody rocks like Bill and Marty on KBBL!’?”

    “Well, we don’t know that, do we?”

  11. Not a lot of surprises

  12. Leon and Bleeding Gums are definitely in my top ten wanted characters 🙂

  13. I bet no one can guess who I voted for in the pets conference bracket 😉

    The men’s conference was the hardest choice for me, followed by the women’s. But poor Senor Ding Dong…..🎶 why do birds suddenly appear 🎶

  14. Any character from Lemon of Troy gets my vote.

  15. Someone stole my burrito™

    Senor Ding Dong is losing. I can’t….even look at you people today.
    Don’t forget Itchy and Scratchy.

    • Itchy and Scratchy? You can buy them for KrustyLand but they are men in suits (mascots.) The thing about Itchy and Scratchy is that they are cartoons within the cartoon universe so they aren’t considered real. The only time they escaped out of the cartoon and into the “real” world was in the treehouse of horror episode “The Terror of Tiny Toon.” Possible they could do it for Halloween.

      • I have a space mutant rampaging around Springfield as I type this. I think the space-time continuum can survive having Itchy & Scratchy as playable characters. Haha

  16. Some don’t seem as good alone as with a group. Like the Superfriends. I don’t know how many more groups there are, so I don’t if a “groups” category would have made sense.

    What does one-hit wonder mean? I see more than one episode listed for them, which seems odd…

    • While the do pop up or are mentioned briefly in other episodes, it’s just one episode that made them hits.

      Michael Jackson only voiced Leon once in that phenomenal episode, but Leon is seen drawn in Springfield mobs in other episodes; Dustin Hoffman had one unforgettable episode as Mr. Bergstrom, but is seen in a picture frame in Lisa’s room in other episodes; etc

      • Thanks for the spot. I like your layout, although your Squidport gives absolutely no clue about where your from….

        • My town is a complete disaster. I nuked it recently and have thrown everything out for the income and bonus percentage while I farm Kwik-e-Marts. I really need to fix it.

          The only part that I am very happy with is Squidport and Ornate Pier. I fixed it for the showoff. I need to fix everything else.

          Pretty happy with the monorail too, as it goes in and out, around all my Springfield. Just need about another 100 straight long pieces before that pretty happy upgrades to very happy, as I wanted the Monorail to be the crowning jewel of my Springfield and give neighbours who ride it a view of every area, like yours does. Unfortunately unlike yours, every area is still a disaster.

    • One-Hit Wonder, someone who did something that was popular, but everything after that bombed. The songs Who let the Dogs out, and Whomp there it is comes to mind…

  17. Fun project 😀

  18. I strongly considered voting for Gravedigger Billy, because I thought he would go well with the cemetery stuff we have, but Wilma ultimately got my vote because we need more female characters in this game! (Plus, I liked the idea of a potential Shelbyville event, although I think they’d need to make Shelbyville a separate travel-to place, like Krustyland, for it to make sense having any of the Shelbyville characters in the game.)

  19. Oops – you need to fix your “memorable moment” for Ugolin and Cesar!

    • Nice catch. My bad. I won’t trouble Alissa with changing the pic and will make sure I updated all the boxes in week 3 and 4.

      Ugolin and Cesar were memorable for treating Maurice better than Bart.

  20. While I like Pinchy slightly better than Sir Oinks-a-Lot, I voted for the latter because I like the idea of the collegiate event better than any event I could think of that would include Pinchy.

  21. Pinchy! Do you think whichever character is listed first somehow has an unfair advantage?

    • Lower seeds (aka characters listed second) actually won two match-ups last week, and are winning a few this week. So no, I don’t think everyone is just going with the first choice.

  22. Also, there is a mistake on the Cesar and Uglion chart.

    • My bad. I’ll double check all the week 3 and 4 conference quarter final tale of the tapes to make sure I updated all cells.

      Ugolin and Cesar were memorable for treating Maurice better than Bart.

  23. I still think Alex Whitney should be added to the bracket.

  24. So umm at the risk of sounding dumb, where do we vote this week? There’s no link to a voting list other than the images that I can see. Reviewed this page throroughly and cannot find it. Last week there was a mini form, click the options that you vote for, don’t see anything like that on this page….

  25. Bart:Hey, Samantha, I’m sorry about getting you thrown in the penguin house.
    Samantha: That’s all right, Bart. I love Saint Sebastian. It’s run by a group of French-Canadian nuns. They’re very nice, except they never let me ewt.

  26. Pinchy!!!

  27. Nice, most of the ones I voted for won.

  28. Poor Joey Jo-Jo.

    …and come on people, more votes for Señor Ding Dong!

  29. I love these posts and look forward to them every week! 🙂 Thank you Safi!!!

  30. 2 upsets in week one. I’m pulling for pinchy and cosine to pull it off in week 2.

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