Addicts Open Thread

Don’t forget to vote in this week’s Addicts Bracket Challenge!

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s that time of the week again, time for the Addicts Weekly Open Thread!  So, let’s get the conversation going!  Oh and remember…just because this is posted here today doesn’t mean you can’t comment on it all week long.  This open thread will still be open for comments long after today is over!

Here’s where you can talk about anything you want to talk about…TSTO Related, Simpson’s Related or ANYTHING.  Just no Add me requests…those should go here.  We’ll give you a few suggestions (like most Sunday’s you can talk about the current episode of the Simpsons) but for the most part you’re free to talk about ANYTHING your little Tapping Fingers desire…just keep it PG.

So…here is your Open Thread…well it was teased, and prematurely launched, but Superheroes 2 finally arrived this past week!  What are your thoughts on the new content/event?  Excited about what’s in store?  Enjoying a different way to play TSTO?

Safi’s released week 2 of the Addicts Bracket Challenge this week, to find the most desired character for TSTO.  What are your thoughts on the challenge?  Have you voted yet?  Which week 2 match ups are your favorite?

It’s Father’s Day, at least here in the US, Happy Father’s Day to all the great dads out there!  Hope you have an awesome day!

How was your weekend?  Do anything fun and exciting?  Ready for summer to officially start tomorrow?

So chat about the Simpsons, TSTO, Update fun, or anything else you can think of!  Can’t wait to chat with you all, you know we love hearing from you!

Have Fun!  And happy Sunday!


574 responses to “Addicts Open Thread

  1. I have not seen this discussed anywhere but I have convinced my self that the social battle clock must reset after your last battle. I have written down the time of my first battle and the game will not let me start the next day’s battle 24 hours later. As of now it is at least 10 minutes later than 24 hours later. Has this been discussed? Are my thoughts fact?

    • It has been discussed quite a bit on numerous posts. There is no concensus answer. Some people are convinced it’s 24 hours after your last battle; while others (myself and Sandra included) have been able to play 24 hours from our first battle.

      Now, if yours is not working at 24 hours, but 10 minutes later, it is important to ensure a full 24 hours have elapsed from your first battle.

      Lets say you wake up and play at 8am. Yesterday you had your first social battle at 8:03am and had two more after that later in the day. If you go to any neighbour at 8:02am today, you will still see 0 as a full 24 hours have not elapsed (only 23hr 59min have) from your first battle yesterday. If you go back to the same town at 8:04am though, you should see 3 battles now (as 24hr 01min have elapsed). Now if you wake up same 8am tomorrow, you will have to wait a full 24 hours from today’s 8:04am, which probably means an 8:05am start at the earliest. As each day gets pushed back at least a minute, a month from now even if you keep playing at 8am, you’ll probably see 0 until past 8:30am.

      Myself, last Tuesday (12 days ago), I did my first battle at 9:15pm, second and third around midnight and 10am next day. Wednesday (11 days ago) I was still able to do my first battle at 9:20pm, second and third around 9:25pm and midnight. If it was 24 hours from the last battle, I should not have been able to reset Wednesday evening.

      This trend has continued for me, and each of the past 11 days I’ve been a little later and later (usually due to real life obligations), with my first battle at 11:15pm last night. However, amongst my neighbours, I am the only one who will be at 36 wins tonight, which leads me to believe that some people are resetting 24 hours after their last battle.

      In my experience, you have to wait exactly 24hr 00min 00sec from whence your first battle began in the previous 24 hour period. Now if I’m visiting my neighbours and only 23 hours and 59 minutes have elapsed, and I stay in my neighbours, it doesn’t reset for me. I end up having to go back to my Springfield and then coming back to my neighbours in order for the 3 battles to show up.

      There was even one time early in the event when over 24 and half hours had elapsed from my first fight the previous day and only 12 hours from my last fight that morning. My neighbours were showing 0 despite being thirty minutes later than 24 hours. Yet when I went back to my Springfield and came right back, there they were, my 3 battles. So if 24 hours have definitely elapsed from your first battle, and it’s not working, I recommend try going back to your Springfield and then going right back to your neighbours. Worked for me.

  2. No! Now Bernie! R.I.P.
    You may not recognize the name Bernie Worrell but believe me you’ve heard him. He was one of the main writers and keyboard player for Parliament/Funkadelic. He also worked with Les Claypool and Talking Heads. P-Funk was sampled heavily on N.W.A.’s Straight Outta Compton, Dre’s Chronic and Snoop’s Doggystyle and many other West coast late 80’s/early 90’s Rap. We lost someone just as influential as Prince and Bowie today. R.I.P.

    • Damn. My dad and I love Parliament so I guess I’ll have to break the news to him. What a year. May he rest in peace 💔

    • I take it you’re a big fan, and that’s great, but influential as Prince or Bowie he is not. He’s not close to their level. Nothing against him at all, I’ll listen to P-Funk stuff before Prince or Bowie.

      • Prince would never have sounded like Prince without P-Funk. He’d be the first to say that. Prince may have gained more fame but I’d say in the long run they were equally influential.
        Bowie was a different category, different story. Again though even if people didn’t know who he was, they’ve probably heard more of Bernie’s work than Bowie’s.
        Clinton was the leader of P-Funk but he didn’t write much music. Without Bernie, Eddie, Bootsy baby and many others the funk wouldn’t have been so funky.
        In my opinion the most influential band of all time is Velvet Underground. Barely anyone knows who they are but I’ll bet most musicians do.

        • I agree with your take on Velvet Underground but don’t agree with your take that barely anybody knows who they are but I might be a little older than you and am a huge music fan, they were before my time though though, I’m 37. They got tons of AirPlay on college radio when I was in college. That’s my favorite era of music. Paul Butterfield is somebody I would say was very influential that far too few know about.

    • Whenever I hear an original P-Funk song on the radio, I always first hear the sampled version (Snoop/Dre/etc) in my head. Their songs are usually just as good on their own, or even better than what got turned into a new song. Which is probably why the new stuff sounded so good.

  3. Completely random question! My Casino Nessie is always stuck in my “old west” area. She only walks on dirt roads! Is anyone else having this happen in their games? If she was going to be stuck somewhere I wish it would at lease be with my casinos lol

    • When my characters do that… I take away all roads but a spot somewhere else… they’ll eventually wander to new area.

    • Same here. My Nessie is attracted to the dirt roads in my Old West area like a magnet! Putting her in storage doesn’t change that either after she gets out.

      • I tried to store her too and it didn’t work. I ended up deleting all of my dirt roads and replacing them with the plain dirt. That worked and she’s roaming around now. I put one little square of dirt road randomly in my Springfield to see what would happen. A few minutes later and there she was- standing right on the square! Since it wasn’t big enough for her to walk on she just kept turning around on it. What a weird glitch!

        • It’s a month later and Nessies still wandering on dirt roads only…guess I’ll have to get rid of my dirt roads as suggested… sucks cause I like the look of the dirt roads for my recycling area 😒

          • Josephine Kick@$$

            I bought the street sweeper (with hard earned donuts 😢). I finally found something I could settle with. I hated having it in my old west town, so I took all the dirt roads out of there, put dirt roads around my recycling area (it’s condensed & dopey isn’t as obvious), let it migrate to there, then put the dirt roads back in my old west town 😊 You should try it with Nessie, remove your dirt roads around your recycling area, put dirt roads where you don’t mind she will be, let her start to migrate there, then wait til she gets at least half way, then replace your dirt roads😊😊😊

  4. Went to sleep in Great Britain.
    Woke up in little england.
    Angry and ashamed of my country.

    • Had Scotland officially decided to secede because of the Brexit? Last I heard this morning (U.S.), they hadn’t decided yet, I think. But the main “news” I was getting out of Scotland on CSPAN (the tv channel that usually covers what’s going on in our government) was an incredibly long press conference with Trump, who just opened a new golf course there and was busy saying how much he predicted, and agreed with, the Brexit. I eventually had to turn off the TV to bring my blood pressure back down to a safe level.

      • Scotland voted to stay as part of Britain but were quite clear that if brexit happened they would want to think again.
        Ireland might even reunify after this.
        I always used to be proud of my country but our possible leaders are as bad as Trump now.
        Truly heavy hearted.

        • Have you seen the following funny meme making its trip online when Mr. Hockey Gordie Howe died? Maybe it’s just circulating in Canada, but coming from a country with three main parties (Liberals, aka Very Democratic; NDP, aka Democratic; and Conservatives, aka Slightly Democratic) that are very different from the US Republican party, I thought it was pretty funny.

          Dear God,
          Last month you took my favourite musician, Prince. Last week, you took my favourite humanitarian, Muhammad Ali. Today, you took my favourite athlete, Gordie Howe.
          I just want to let you know my favourite candidate is Donald Trump.
          Yours sincerely,

          • I’ll have to look for that meme(even though hockey baffles me probably as much as cricket baffles you)
            I saw Prince in London in 1988(god I’m old) and it was mindblowing.

            • I’m a huge sports fan. For my 18th birthday, missed three weeks of my senior year of high school to travel to Sydney in 2000 to cheer on Team Canada at the Summer Olympics. So not many (if any) sports baffle me. For cricket, would you like to talk test matches, one days, or T20’s? West Indies seem to be dominating all of cricket right now!

          • That made me laugh

          • I love that! Could be a scary world with Trump as President and Boris as Prime Minister!

          • Sorry Safi I didn’t realise you were up to speed with cricket! Most people(over the pond) are a bit bemused by it. Personally I prefer test cricket and the ashes the most.Windies have been tearing it up a bit recently haven’t they. Not sure if Bravo can sustain that form but Gayle is a class player.

            On Monday we have the start of Wimbledon and our second round match in the euros for the football so looking forward to that at least

            • I was actually working the scoreboard at the first Toronto Sahara Cup between India and Pakistan in summer 1996. Met Sachin Tendulkar and Inzimam Haq. If you saw that series, I was the kid changing the tiles with the scores on it.

      • Even without all the different benefits of being part of a European union and just looking at the financial picture, this country was the fifth largest economy in the world today it’s down to sixth.
        We lost more money today than we have paid to the EU in 40 years and now going back into recession is quite likely.

        • Well, I’m guessing (hoping) that there will be some rebound in the markets at some point…the ones who will suffer most are the older people who are in, or will soon need to start, the withdrawal phase of their retirement. People with a longer time horizon on their investments should fare a bit better.

          But, yeah…I don’t think it was a good choice and panders to people’s baser instincts, much the same as a certain U.S. political candidate had done depressingly successfully.

          • The vote in the UK was split along the following lines
            Majority of under 50s voted to remain
            Majority of over 50s voted to leave
            Yes you’re right the oldies will suffer more it’s one of the things make no sense.
            I also hope you’re right that the markets will stabilise but if what is said today is true the official leave process will start in October and take up to 2 years. That’s a long time of uncertainty.

          • The market went up for the week before the vote. So this drop on Friday is basically just a correction of that move plus a little more. The big drop was in the currency markets.
            Lastly, she may be pandering to the many peoples baser instincts, but eventually they will have to learn they have to do for themselves.

    • I just hope this doesn’t cause disunity . It was a close result , ( 48% in , 52% out ) which means a lot of people are disappointed with the result. 16million odd vs. 17million odd. Perhaps it would have been better if it had been a massive majority ,one way or the other. Whichever way I voted and however I voted , whether I like it or not ,”the people have spoken” and that’s how democracy works I guess. I do find it a little disappointing and surprising that only 72% of those eligible to vote did so , meaning 28% didn’t or couldn’t express their opinion. People died for this important right , particularly in the suffragete movement for women’s right to vote , so the least I think I can do is exercise that right. As for a certain person over here to open a certain new sporting facility- ok , we’re sorry USA , if we promise not to do it again ,will you take him back please? Please? 🙂

      • Exactly BP!

        We are so lucky to live in a democracy where women can vote and our lives are not in danger on the way to the polling station . I am bringing up my children to (hopefully) understand the importance of voting hence why I always take my daughter to vote with me even though she can’t vote for another 4 years!

        With such an important decision hanging in the balance I don’t understand how 28% of people didn’t want to be involved🤔

        • Especially as most of that figure were the young voters who wanted to stay in.

        • My mom used to take me to vote with her, too, when I was a kid. Back then, at least in NYC, there were actual voting booths…you stepped in and then pulled a big lever to close the curtain. You flipped mechanical switches to vote, then pulled the big lever again to register the voters and open the curtain. I know that it was probably an expensive way to run things, compared to the little portable stands and paper ballots mostly in use today, but I think it added a sense of importance and….majesty?….to the whole experience. (Plus, as a kid, it was fun when my mom would let me be the one to pull the big lever!) Voting must look a lot more boring to today’s kids. 🙁

          (Actually, now that I think of it, there is a part in my town’s voting set-up where you get to feed the paper ballot into a machine…maybe kids can get to do that when they accompany their parent, to make it more fun?)

          • New York now uses the paper ballots that you fill in to scan but in 2014 I went to vote on midterms and they had the booths with the curtains and levers. I was like what do I do?

          • Wow! That sounds so much more exciting than going to a cardboard booth in my dingy community centre. I’m not sure we have ever had anything like that in the UK.

            My daughter definitely doesn’t find the voting experience fun but thankfully understands the importance and has lots of opinions regarding the recent referendum.

      • I’m actually jealous of yr voter turn out. America is pathetic when it comes to voting. Most don’t care then complain. Personally I think the right decision was made but I’m an outsider. My main policy I’m concerned about is corporate globalization. The change may sting for a bit but it’s necessary for future generations.

      • I thought it was nice we turned up to greet him waving a lot of Mexican flags.

      • Nah, you can keep him! 😉

        As for your voter turnout… I’m deeply ashamed to say that’s still way better than we get over here in the U.S., even for a presidential election. You’re right – in other countries, people die trying to get the right to vote (heck – in this country, people died to secure some people’s right to vote) and yet a lot of folks just can’t be bothered to exercise this important right (probably because it would mean that they’d actual have to bother to become a bit informed about it, although not being informed sure doesn’t stop some people from voting anyway…).

        I’ve always said, if you’re not going to vote, then you’ve totally forfeited the right to complain if you don’t like the outcome or what your government subsequently does. And, even if you feel it’s just a case of the “lesser of two evils,” then find the lesser evil and vote for it, don’t just sit at home with your hands over your ears going “la la la la la” or your hands over your eyes saying “I can’t see it, so it’s not happening.”

        • I agree with the need to register your vote but not voting for a lesser of evils. Evil is evil and I’m not voting for it! On those occasions I’ve spoilt my ballot and those are counted and recorded. I’ve always wanted a box to say none of the above.

          • I understand you’re sentiment, truly, but by not voting for the lesser of two evils, you’re essentially giving your support to the greater of two evils.

            No one (except the person doing it) notices or cares about any kind of “protest” moves, like spoiling one’s ballot or writing in the name of a fictional character (or a real person who isn’t actually running). I’ve been inn that same difficult position myself (or, worse yet, wanting to vote for a third-party candidate who had zero chance of actually winning), but I’ve had to think strategically (with my head), instead of emotionally (with my heart), and put my support where I actually thought it would do the most good (or the least harm).

            • I’m so the opposite. I always vote with my conscience

              • But would you choose not to vote at all if you didn’t particularly like either candidate? To me, that was the most important part of the disagreement.

                But, to your point – it was Nader who really won that election for Bush the Lesser.

              • I always vote, always. I love the political process. I’ve been campaigning for someone for about a year now. If it comes down to Clinton and Trump however, It’ll be a write in or third party for me. They both scare me.

              • sandrashill

                A write-in/third-party vote will, in effect, be a vote for Trump. If you’re okay with that, then, so be it.

          • When the threads get like this I have trouble posting so you see my reply in the right place. My reply was in the context of UK politics really where for the last 20 years it’s been shades of grey. There has been very little substantial differences in this time no progressive/regressive taxation arguments,nuclear disarmament,nationalisation of industries etc. It would be a little bit like if the democrats had already won and then you had to vote between Sanders and Clinton.

            • I see what Yr saying but the labels have become blurred. The Republicans are lost in the fog. Trump is beyond definition. He isn’t left or right. He’s all over the place like a rubber ball. The far right, Cruz, and the moderate republicans like Kashick can’t find a leg to stand on. Now you have the neoliberals, Hilary, which are really what the Republicans have been for 25 years. Clinton (both of them), Reagan, Bush (both of them), Obama have all followed the same basic policies. Then there’s Sanders. The old left. The left that ruled from FDR to Cater and have been silent for decades. It has become so convoluted the vast majority have no clue.

          • Hi Ryan.
            Looks like I’m wrong and it’s more similar than I ass umed it to be.
            We have Corbyn for Labour who was overwhelmingly elected as labour leader by the party members,is a throwback to old labour values but is disliked by the blairite labour mp’s.
            Then you had Cameron who was a one nation Tory and couldn’t hold the extremes of his party in place.
            I’m with you I vote with my conscience now.

            • Everything has shifted to the right and the gap that was left empty on the left is being replaced with young progressives. Same thing that happened in the 60’s

      • “particularly in the suffragete (sic) movement”?
        I think a million times more people died in WW I and WW II for the rights of the English peoples

        • That parallel you’re drawing there is like equating someone breaking into your home, stealing all your stuff, and holding you hostage to your spouse deciding to sign your family up to join a neighborhood association, even though you’re not really much of a “joiner” yourself.

    • I’m extremely proud of your country and all people who recognize globalism is not a good thing. The richest 1% aren’t to be trusted. Be ashamed of those who think George Soros is a good man.

  5. Josephine Kick@$$

    I’ve had something odd happening when I go back to my SF from visiting neighbors, the game “takes me” to different places in my SF, not the same places. It’s getting more frequent, something yet to come, glitch, or ??? Is anyone else experiencing this? Is my game possessed? It only happens on my Samsung tab, not my iPhone.

  6. Hey everybody happy Thursday.
    I’m jumping in with happy post (finally)
    I took my doggies and full jeep load up to where I’ll be staying for two days. All three of us thought we were in paradise. Huge 1/2 fenced back yard, boys played so hard they have been asleep all day.
    Bonus Bogey got to spend his birthday with his birth mommy & daddy, he was her first born, then his new brother came over, yikes 5 days! him and Bogey could be identical twins. Only difference is brother’s hair is longer. House is huge so will be able to put my bed in room and add some of our furniture, was a nice surprise.
    The very best of trip was got to see my friend again! Way too long we have been apart we have.
    Thanks to all for positive energy. Still have so much to do. Having second garage sale Saturday arghhhhh. Packing is coming along slowly, but have made great progress.😄😴🐶

    • So glad to hear you had a nice time, HH! Hank is a yorkie (right?) but what breed is Bogie? Also you mentioned you have a jeep so I’ve gotta know: how do you like it? Reason being is I’m starting to look for a potential first car for my sister and I and I love the look of a jeep 😁 hope things keep getting better for you!

      • Hi Mini, Bogey is an Imperial ShihTzu he is so cute, also a rare one as he is chocolate colored.
        I love, love, love my jeep. I was always a sports car girl when I lived in mountains and had to commute decided time to change to proper car that could handle bad road conditions. I drove every SUV out there and none compared to safety feel of jeep not to mention seats are so comfortable. I would get her a brand new jeep as they have changed engines and don’t hold up like the old ones (2004 and back). Mine has 149,000 miles on it. Mechanic said looks like 25,000. We take care very good care of our cars. I have a friend who has 300,000 miles and his is still going strong, so I wouldn’t worry about mileage on a used one. Average life span is 200,000 -300,000 depending on how well you take care of it. It’s also only suv on a real sub chassis so safest, least amount of roll overs. Blind sides are minimal if at all. So it’s very safe, gets decent gas mileage for a SUV, this is my 4th and I’m a jeep girl forever. I also turned my girlfriend onto jeeps she has two, one strictly for playing off road and one for street use. She is on the picky side as am I. Good luck car hunting, but I will tell you she will love it!

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