Turbo Tappin’ Pride 2017: Main Questline and Prizes

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

The pride event arrived in Springfield yesterday, along with a ton of buildings busting up a bunch of brackets!

Of course, as with all events, a questline comes with it to help move us through the ins and outs of the event…and unlock all of the prizes.  As was mentioned on the rundown post this mini event is similar to the previous mini-events (like Homer the Heretic and the Most Dangerous Game before it), in that you’ve got to complete various tasks to unlock the prizes.

So let’s take a look at the questline to see just how to unlock all the Pride inspired prizes…


Event prelude…

Mo’Money Mo’ Problems Pt. 1
Homer starts

Make Homer Go Through the Door Marked “Women”- 6s, Earns $35, 1xp

Mo’Money Mo’ Problems Pt. 2
Auto starts

Make Helen Lovejoy Phone the Police- 6s, Earns $35, 1xp
Make Chief Wiggum “Investigate” at Moe’s- 6s, Earns $35, 1xp

Mo’Money Mo’ Problems Pt. 3
Auto starts

Make Moe Release Rainbow Balloons Into the Air- 6s, Earns $35, 1xp

Pride and Prejudices Pt. 1
Auto starts

Make Lisa Collect Signatures- 3hrs, Earns 50, 35xp
Collect Pride Badges- x500.
Here’s who you can send:

Moe- 3hrs, Earns  50, 35xp
Willie- 3hrs, Earns  50, 35xp
Wiggum- 3hrs, Earns  50, 35xp
Juli0- 3hrs, Earns  75, 35xp

Completed Task Unlocks Pride Crosswalk (x5)…

Pride and Prejudices Pt. 2
Auto starts

Make Homer Sign Lisa’s Petition- 3hrs, Earns 50, 35xp
Collect Pride Badges- x750.
Here’s who you can send:

Moe- 3hrs, Earns  50, 35xp
Krusty- 3hrs, Earns  50, 35xp
Brockman- 3hrs, Earns  50, 35xp
Juli0- 3hrs, Earns  75, 35xp

Completed Task Unlocks Armistead’s Mopeds …

Pride and Prejudices Pt. 3
Auto starts

Make Quimby Tear Up the New Law- 3hrs, Earns 50, 35xp
Collect Pride Badges- x 1,000.
Here’s who you can send:

Moe- 3hrs, Earns  50, 35xp
Lenny- 3hrs, Earns  50, 35xp
Carl- 3hrs, Earns  50, 35xp
Juli0- 3hrs, Earns  75, 35xp

Completed Task unlocks Grady and the Village Apartments…

Pride and Prejudices Pt. 4
Auto starts

Make Moe Switch Signs on the Bathroom Doors- 3hrs, Earns 50, 35xp
Collect Pride Badges- x 850.
Here’s who you can send:

Moe- 3hrs, Earns  50, 35xp
Sea Captain- 3hrs, Earns  50, 35xp
Comic Book Guy- 3hrs, Earns  50, 35xp
Juli0- 3hrs, Earns  75, 35xp

Completed Task Unlocks Moped Animated Job

Pride and Prejudices Pt. 5
Auto starts

Make Homer Go Through Door Marked “Men”- 3hrs, Earns 50, 35xp
Collect Pride Badges- x 1,050.
Here’s who you can send:

Mr. Burns- 3hrs, Earns  50, 35xp
Quimby- 3hrs, Earns  50, 35xp
Grady- 3hrs, Earns  50, 35xp
Juli0- 3hrs, Earns  75, 35xp

Completed Task Unlocks One Night Stans…

Rainbow Balloons is a questline that runs along with the main questline.  This one requires you to pop various amounts of Balloons to earn prizes.  The first prize is a set of Pride Balloons and each after is “skins” for them.

Here are the quantities you’ll need to tap…

Pt. 1- 50
Pt. 2- 75
Pt. 3- 125
Pt. 4- 200

And that’s it!  All there is to the main prize track for the Pride mini event!

163 responses to “Turbo Tappin’ Pride 2017: Main Questline and Prizes

  1. Hi. Is there anyway to remove quest events such as Pride and Frankie the politician? Just don’t care for either questline for personal reasons.

  2. Can anyone think of a reason why my pride event won’t start? I updated and tried deleting and reinstalling and still nothing. I’m on lvl 18

  3. Your link for “the rundown post” seems to be wrong. It’s pointing to a post from March.

  4. Does Grady’s quest help to finish Pride 2017, or should I wait until Pride 17 finishes?

  5. Tracy - 1ltwoody920

    Am I missing something?
    One Night Stan’s payout is a 12 hour task that costs $20,000 and builds MORE Rainbow Crosswalks?

    Decent XP with XP multiplier on, but otherwise……?

  6. Sorry to bother, folks, but does anyone knows the prizes we may get from the excavation site mini game? I got a Homer The Barbarian statue, and I’d like to know if there’s any more sweet prizes. Thanks!

  7. bewtifulfreak

    Once you’ve unlocked all the skins, if you buy additional Rainbow Balloons, do they have the skins also?

    (I assume they do, but just want to make sure before splurging 10 donuts on another bunch!)

  8. Oh, sweet…One Night Stan’s creates crosswalks!!!

  9. Springfielders confused & wondering why “Low Battery” icons were painted on roads, according to sources.


  10. Is Grady an NPC or a playable or premium character. Didn’t see that anywhere so sorry if it’s already posted.

  11. Sorry if this has been answered already, but do the badges carry over if I am close and put all 3 people on, or will it just waste the extra?

  12. I have to decide if I want the steel mill now.

  13. MydadlookslikeFlanders

    I got Roscoe and the Steel Mill right away with that nice rebate. Also, the Waylon Smithers loves Mr. Burns cooling towers deco and the Clumsy French Waiter from “the vault”. Really good deals with the rebates IMO. The cooling tower deco always made me smile when I saw it in a neighboring town. Very funny and especially great rebate on that one

  14. Thanks to everyone whos tried to help so far but still no luck getting the event to trigger. Reinstalled the app, kept every character free and even been on ea’s live chat which was absolutely useless.
    Anyone else got other ideas?
    Only character I don’t have that I saw played a part was Helen Lovejoy but I’ve seen that players pre level 50 have got the update so I don’t think it should be that relevant.

    Thanks again in advance!!

    • I know this is a late reply but look at your app store settings. Make sure you don’t have something switched off in regards to updates. What level are you? You need Moe’s Tavern to start the event. Make sure you don’t have any key characters in your storage. The last thing I can think of is if your device has enough room to have the update. A year or two a lot of tappers had to update to a newer device because EA did something to increase stability to the game. I hope I offered some help.

  15. Off topic, I just played the archaeological dig mini game and it told me I’d won barbarian statue, and I would find it in my inventory. But it’s definitely not there! Any ideas?

    • same thing happened to me smh

    • Tracy - 1ltwoody920

      I too won the statue. I immediately chose to “place” it and it is in my town.
      Did y’all get such dialogue “Store or Place” ?
      It is quite small. Maybe it is hidden somewhere. Did your Multiplier go up 2%?

      • It’s the only prize that didn’t have a “store or place” option. From other sources I gather that the item is unique, and as I already have it from a previous event (can’t remember which one!) it won’t award a second one, even though it says it has. Hopefully that’s mystery solved!

  16. I for one am really disappointed that Roscoe doesnt have any interaction with this mini event. I bought him and steel mill last time around and thought for sure he would be used here.

    • Yes! A li’l love for The Scout Leader would’ve been nice as well, even if just a task at one of the new buildings. Alas.

      I really really really wish EA had offered John (voiced by John Waters, whose one-man-show I listen to every night while falling asleep) as well! I guess there’s always next year’s Pride (or they could insert him into some other Event, I suppose)!

  17. PlaygroundPrincess

    I do wish John (from the episode where homer thinks Bart is gay) was an unlockable character. But, oh well.

    • MydadlookslikeFlanders

      I thought he would be in for sure. He’s memorable and in a classic episode

  18. Just found out …you can tap the crosswalk buckets in your neighbor’s towns and it will paint the next color for them🌈…you can still tap three other things, this is an extra item.😁

  19. Sleeplessjade

    I really wish we were getting some lesbians with this event. All the prizes with characters, and all but one store item, are gay men. Where are the lady loving ladies?

    Yes, there is the She She lounge, but the quest line basically has it too “cool” for our resident lesbian, Patty Bouvier. Which sucks.

    Love all the rainbow decor, though.

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