Gil’s Latest Gimmick: Details and Should You Buy God

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Ol’ Gil is back in Springfield.  He returned to Springfield yesterday with the arrival of the THOH XXX event.  Also always, Gil has another ‘deal” for us.  What’s the latest gimmick he’s peddling? Well, this time around he’s offering up God.  He’s trying his hardest to make us a deal we can’t refuse…or face eternal damnation…

So let’s break down the details of this latest offer and determine if this deal is worth the donuts or if you want to risk angering God…

So when you first get into Springfield (well after you’ve launched the event stuff…of course) you’ll see Gil waving his arms around…just begging you to tap on him…

If you tap on him you’ll see…

Gil: Gil’s no doin’ so well on Earth but I’m gunnin’ for a better life up in Heaven. C’mon, help Ol’ Gil earn his ticket through the Pearly Gates.  Whaddya say?
God: Don’t lay it on too thick, Son.
Gil: No problem, great and powerful God. And may I add quite handsome too. “wink-wink”

At which point you’ll see his latest gimmick…

If you refuse…

Gil: This is awkward.  You’re leaving me standing at the alter just like my first three marriage attempts.  I shoulda bought the tuxedo rather than rent it everytime!

If you accept…

Gil: Praise be!  I knew I could count on you in my time of need.  Stay tuned for more of my needs. I promise that I’ll be in church every day and night.  Mostly ’cause that’s where I’ve been sleepin’.

Now real quick…if you refuse the offer will go back in the store.  It will be there…

This Deal Ends October 30th

And now for the part, you’ve all been waiting for…the Should I Buy…

Character:  God
Decoration: The Ten Commandments
Donut Cost: 777 Donuts 🤯
Size: 1×2
Earns: 7% Bonus on all Cash and XP
Obedience (duh) +10
Can Be Placed: grass|pavement|boardwalk|pier|dirt

This Deal Ends October 30th

-Comes with a questline
-God is voiced.  Yes, he is voiced with several sayings…
-Earns event currency…I assume for all 4 acts (but I can’t confirm that until Act 2 starts).
-7% Bonus on this is a nice bonus for item, especially one that small
-4 visual animated tasks
-24hr task earns $777,777, and yes bonus % applies to this. (pays out normal 225xp)
-Ned has a permanent 4hr task at the 10 Commandments…Memorize Commandments

Insanely overpriced.

Final Thought:
Guys, it’s God.  I’m not going to be the one to tell you not to buy God….
777 donuts is a TON of donuts to spend. So check out the Pros and Cons and make a decision that works best for you.

Of course, in the end, it’s your decision, we can only tell you what we would or wouldn’t do…and as a premium player, I already took the deal.  But whatever you decide, just make sure you make your final decision before it leaves our games for good (or for now).

Remember, there’s a good chance this may come back in a future Mystery Box (although for 777 donuts, I’d be hard-pressed to think it’ll come back in a MB soon.  But EA’s been known to do really screwy things.).  It’s happened a few times now.  If you buy it there’s a good chance it’ll come back at a much lower price and you’ll be mad about it, if you don’t buy it and want it there’s always a chance it may not come back.  So the gamble is up to you to take…

Here’s a look at the tasks…

God’s Permanent Tasks:


Task Length Earns Location
Ignore Flanders’ Prayers 1hr $105, 26xp Flanders’ House
Smite Indiscriminately 4hrs $260, 70xp Outside/Visual
Work His Day Job 8hrs $420, 105 Outside/Visual
Appear In A Burning Bush 12hrs $600, 150xp Outside/Visual
Open Flood Gates of Heaven 24hrs $777,777, 225xp Outside/Visual

And because this is the complete details on the Gil Deal, here’s the Turbo Tappin’ Version of the questline…

Sins of Our Father Pt. 1
God starts

Make God Work His Day Job- 8 hrs, Earns $420, 105xp
Make Jesus Christ Act Out for Attention- 8hrs, Earns $420, 105xp

Sins of Our Father Pt. 2
God starts

Make God Investigate Plagues in Springfield- 8 hrs, Earns $420, 105xp
Make Jesus Christ Trap God- 8hrs, Earns $420, 105xp

Sins of Our Father Pt. 3
God starts

Make God Break Out of Jail- 8 hrs, Earns $420, 105xp
Make Jesus Christ Commit to the Heel Turn- 8hrs, Earns $420, 105xp

Sins of Our Father Pt. 4
God starts

Make God Smite Indiscriminately- 4 hrs, Earns $260, 70xp
Make Jesus Christ Help Clean Up the Plagues- 8hrs, Earns $420, 105xp

Sins of Our Father Pt. 5
God starts

Make God Micromange Jesus- 8 hrs, Earns $420, 105xp
Make Jesus Christ Pass on New Ten Commandments- 8hrs, Earns $420, 105xp

What are your thoughts on God and the Ten Commandments…as they apply to TSTO?  Will you be spending the donuts to bring it to your Springfield? Did you already?  Why or why not?   Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

And finally, because I know a lot of you like to know these things…

97 responses to “Gil’s Latest Gimmick: Details and Should You Buy God

  1. Well, I sure as hell ain’t buying anymore donuts. EA has not given me the 600 donuts I bought for $19.99 twice. Jerks.

  2. Since the commandments looks like a tombstone, it immediately went into one of my graveyards.

  3. For me there was only one place to put the 10 commandments – in front of the courthouse. Not sure which side of the evil/good line that puts me on…

  4. Oh, God! What a deal!

  5. Are leaves supposed to be falling in our towns? And do we get the % after God finishes the questline? It didnt show up for me.

  6. 777 Donuts in real money comes out to about $43 if you buy a Store Full of 900 for $49.99 (not including tax…). Now for DOH-nut farmers it might be worth it. But, giving EA that much of my hard earned real money, sorry, no way.

    • Less if you go with a boatload… which is what I always go with

      • For a Boatload of 2400 @ $99.99, it comes out to just over $32, more reasonable, but still pricey. The current Truck deal with 300+150 bonus gets you to $34 for 777 donuts, as long as the truck deal is good for multiple purchases.

  7. If God were to come back in a mystery box at a later date and basically allow people to get him at a (possibly) freakishly steep discount, it’d be a massive affront to the people who bought him now. I mean there’s the odd “getting character ‘x’ for 30-60 donuts instead of 150”, but going from 777 to something that low would be beyond insane IMO.

  8. If my math is correct,
    Every 24 hours, enough cash is generated to purchase 5 Rat Traps
    That can generate 15 donuts
    Which is 150 every 10 days.
    So every two months, sufficient donuts could, COULD be generated to offset the purchase.

    • But if you have you XP Collider powered up, you will get 5X the cash and XP. So you can purchase almost 26 Rat Trap Trucks per day…
      The donuts you get depends on your bonus%, but if you are reaching a bonus level for each truck (78 donuts/day), you can recoup in just 10 days.

  9. If my math is correct,
    Every 24 hours this will generate enough cash to purchase 5 Rat Traps — which can yield 15/donuts. Every ten days that is 150 donuts.
    So, every two months – one could , COULD, recoup the donuts.

  10. I farmed / blood mobiled to get the doughnuts to buy God. It’s God

  11. It would be very funny if God appears later in the yearbook mystery box.

  12. This is not a very heavenly offer at all, but I bought him. It even took a chunk out of my donut supply. But why not finish my collection of religious figures. That is why I bought him. I am sure the real God would not be mad if I did not.

  13. It’s blastpamy to joke around on god but since they gave us so many demons and satans maybe they did this to even things out?

  14. So when is EA adding Muhammad? I kid.

  15. Josephine Kick@$$

    If I wasn’t getting kicked out of the game every other minute I’d consider it. The cost is too high, I’d be willing to fork out real cash if the cost was more reasonable.

  16. And Springfield said “Let there be God!!”
    And there was. And Springfield said it was good. 🌙⛅😇

  17. Gonna have yo work really hard for this one. It’s ludicrous. Over priced etc but I do have my church area (with Jesus and the rabi Et al ) and it my favorite area. The 7% bonus makes it not quite so bad. I will enjoy it in my game more than any other 4 characters combined so I’m thinking of it that way.

  18. No Deal (my logical reasons)

    🍩 Farming more difficult no thanks to Bart Simpson Screen of Death (if I can’t replenish what sprinkles I spend? then nope!)

    Way overpriced (if you give EA a reason to? they will keep doing this!)

    This isn’t THOH / Halloween relevant! (this belongs in the Xmas Event!)

    You can’t buy the $19.99 🍩 Deal (in fact? there’s too many game glitches EA needs to take care of before I buy 🍩’s again!)

    • You can replenish, it just takes longer. When the Bart screen appears there is always at least two donut collections left, which is 6 donuts. You can either gamble on farming loads, and accepting to lose cash every now and again, or just go for selections of three collections, which guarantee none lost, but takes more time.

      • Dumnomnii
        Or choose not to reward EA for their epic fails, save the 🍩’s for next week’s new Premiums, and not cave in to ridiculous priced content (aka you think I applaud charging $195 to get into Disneyland? Not when I can get a year pass to Knott’s for $99) 😉

        I respect anyone’s decisions to buy G-O-D (it would be funny if Snoop Dogg voiced him!)😅

  19. I am surprised to find myself seriously considering this deal; however I will need to do a lot of farming to get the donuts; which as has been stated repeatedly by folks here is extremely difficult due to game crashing all the time. But I will probably persevere and hopefully have him in my town soon! I am a tiki bar farmer- read that tip once upon a time from a fellow addict on this site- does not have the best ROI but is still very high and has a smaller footprint for farming. I have tons of in game cash so the reduced ROI is not a big deal at least for me…. Happy tapping and crashing everyone! and a big thank you for this site and all the great info!

  20. 777 donuts, and I get to tell God what to do?! Sounds like a deal to me : P

    • The Bart screen of death is annoying as I’ve lost out on so many donuts from Blood Mobiles when it’s crashed before I’ve fully cashed in

      I am KEM farming as well and I bought God. My 5500% bonus meant it was hardly any effort to earn them. I always play on for 3 donuts and only needing two Kwik E Marts to level up means I only needed about 500 of them. I might actually buy every premium item this event

      I complete the build of two, collect my donuts and repeat. I’ve learned that it’s best not to do to many at once as I’m sure that they complete but don’t give you anything if it crashed

      I have stored a lot of none essential decorations which were cluttering the screen up and counting against the item allocation

  21. Assuming the 24 hour task isn’t just a one off but keeps repeating it seems a no brainer as that cash will provide the funds to quickly farm the donuts back?

  22. Doubt this one will be in a mystery box any time soon. Just like the goose that lays the landcoins 😉

  23. For me this was an easy buy, (sort of), as depending on your % bonus, the days needed to earn back the 777 donuts is lower than expected especially if you have the XP multiplier on. (There is a tipping point, which i think is around 200k XP per day, where it is a positive payoff by having the multiplier on permanently).

    With a 500% bonus, it can be only around 8 days to earn the cash needed to convert into 777 donuts, 1,500% only around 3 days, (depending on your luck hitting 3 donuts first time) and every day after that you are massively increasing the cash that can be converted, provided you have the time to do the converting. With 1,500% this is around $12million earned per day, just from this one character, so well worth it, especially if you got the wailing walls while they were cheap!!

    Sadly, at the moment the server disconnects increases the time needed to convert, hopefully this can be fixed.

  24. Oh my God! I’m putting the commandments in Praiseland. Hallelujah. 😀

  25. Is He much taller than other characters? Or the same height? I’m not sure that I want a character walking around town the towers over everyone else.

  26. I wish there was a third option on the vote. I’m on the fence about this one and asking myself, “What would Jesus do” is not helping.

  27. Gotta have it.. and I have a ton of Donuts so it wasn’t an issue for me. I can see many cursing over the cost.. but one takes it or leaves it.

  28. I am insanely happy I purchased him because now I should be able to get over 40 million every 24 hours from him alone and if I use this to buy rat trap trucks I will earn my money back instantly.

  29. Insanely overpriced aaaaaand who needs the cash? They don’t give us anything to spend it on.

    • Yeah, I’m very disappointed that Cecil hasn’t added anything to his ‘Road to Riches’ quest-line in a long time. $80 million? $300 million? How about $2 billion? I’m maxed out on cash even with buying bloodmobiles all the time, so it’d be nice to unload a huge chunk of that on something worthwhile.

  30. As you said insane price but countered by the fact that he is GOD & the small matter of EA just allowing players to virtually print donuts with the wall glitch.
    Sadly even more tappers will be not spending real money now & so inadvertently have probably brought the end of TSTO even closer.
    I don’t blame them & have taken advantage of past glitches myself & donut farm.
    Imagine if EA had come out with price in the early years, there would have been an outcry !!!
    By the way, why have mystery boxes for 50/60 donuts when you can still obtain the same items for 30 in the yearbook ?
    Doesn’t make sense.

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