Daily Archives: July 23, 2020

Checking In…

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

I’m sure by now most of you have noticed there’s no TSTO update this week (at least as of this posting).  And I’m also sure some of you have noticed there hasn’t been a new post today.  I’m sorry for that.  Things are absolutely crazy in my life right now, in particular at work, and with no new TSTO update dropping this week I’ve been working to try and calm that craziness down a bit in lieu of TSTO posts.  (and I really didn’t want to drop another Caption This! on you, not two days in a row)

I promise I’ll get a musings post about Game of Games 2 written up and posted for next week. Beyond that, to hold you over until another update, Patric has a new Bob Spills the Beans edition of Friday Filler going up tomorrow; Safi has a new round of Bracket Battle for Saturday, and a musings post for Monday…so we’ve got plenty to keep you entertained until there’s new game content!  (we hope!)

Thanks for your understanding and feel free to use this post as a Thursday Open Thread!
