Superhero Prize Guide: Issue 3, Prize 2 …Death Mountain

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

The Superhero Event is upon us and Springfield has been invaded with Superheros, creeping Criminals & a whole new Comic Book look!  In the third Issue of the Superhero Event, action will slow down a bit as Dr. Colossus takes over.  You’ll see the questline require more prizes in order to progress…but don’t be discouraged.  For the lull in the questline doesn’t mean a lull in the action.  There’s plenty of Criminals to tap, Felons to clobber & freeze rays to get!

The Event is broken up into 4 Issues, with each Issue containing part of the Story.   To help you along with the story line you’ll get at least 3 prizes per Issue.  Each prize will help further move you through the story and uncover what comes next! For Issue 3 you’re tasked with collecting Freeze Rays to unlock each prize!  The second Issue 3 prize awarded at 37,000 Freeze Rays is Death Mountain. Because what good is an Evil Villain with out an Evil Lair?


So let’s take a closer look at this Villainous Hideout and just what happens when you unlock it in your Springfield…

WARNING Mild Dialogue Spoilers Below…

Once you’ve collected 37,000 Freeze Rays you’ll automatically be awarded Death Mountain and you’ll see this message popup:

2015-03-16 00.06.41

Once you’ve won it, it will automatically be placed in your inventory.  So remember, you’ll have to go into your inventory to retrieve it and place it in your Springfield.

2015-03-16 00.06.47

Once you’ve unlocked Death Mountain, a questline will start up for Dr. Colossus.  So make sure you have him free…

Death Mountain
Dr. Colossus starts

Dr. Colossus: With my Death Mountain laboratory operational, I can devise an even greater scheme to take over the world!….plus the geo-thermal heated floors feel great on my tootsies.
Build Death Mountain- Remember it’s in your inventory.  It’ll take about 4hrs to build.
Make Dr. Colossus Hatch a New Scheme- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp
Hank Scorpio: Nice Mountain Fortress, Hector.  Are you taking over the world or putting on a production of “Sound of Music?”  I’m more a Volcano Lair man myself.
Dr. Colossus: Your Volcano Lair doesn’t have an elevator.  Who wants to walk down 21 flights of stairs to get to work everyday?  Not me.
Hank Scorpio: Oh, you did not just bring that up! 

Death Moutain Quick Info:


Size: 12×12
Build Time: 4hrs
Payout: $275, 70xp/ 8hrs
Conform-O-Meter: Obedience +10
What Does it Do?: Basically like any other building for Springfield.  Will earn you income & is animated when in use.
What’s Next?: 37,000 Freeze Rays and the Collider!

Now…if you don’t have Hank Scorpio this is where the questline will stop and you can just keep moving and collecting Freeze Rays.  However if you do have Hank Scorpio (or you purchase him) a bonus questline will appear…

Duelling Honchos Pt. 1
Hank Scorpio starts

Hank Scorpio: I’m tired of you taking swipes at my lair Hector.  Especailly from a villain whose Mountain Fortress has screen doors.
Dr. Colossus: They regulate airflow.  And I don’t hear my skull-lined walls complaining!
Hank Scorpio: Maybe your skulls should come up with your next evil plan for you.
Dr. Colossus: That’s it!  I challenge you to a diabolical duel of destruction!
Hank Scorpio: That’s a lot of “D’s,” but okay, you’re on!
Make Hank Scorpio Discuss the Terms of the Duel- 8hrs, Earns $420, 105xp
Make Dr. Colossus Discuss the Terms of the Duel- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp
Hank Scorpio: So this is how it’ll go…Three rounds to prove who’s the eviller evil genius.  Whoever loses has to clean the other’s lair for a month! Totally transparency… I haven’t knocked down cobwebs in a while.  But we’ll need an easy-going judge.
Homer: Did someone say “easy-opening fudge?”
Hank Scorpio: ….Or a dull-minded judge.

Duelling Honchos Pt. 2
Dr. Colossus starts

Dr. Colossus: Round One: Whoever has the most villainous device wins!
Homer: I have a pair of scissors that always pinch my fingers.
Dr. Colossus: The true test will be ignoring Homer.
Make Hank Scorpio Test Flame Thrower- 8hrs, Earns $420, 105xp
Make Dr. Colossus Activate Colosso-Boots- 24hrs, Earns $600, 150xp
Hank Scorpio: It’s obvious who won that round, right Homer?
Homer: …..
Hank Scorpio: Oh, c’mon!  Hector’s Colloso Boots couldn’t fill my tennis shoes!
Homer: But they looked cool with his outfit.  Plus your Flame Thrower was more smoke than flame.  I’m calling this one a draw.

Duelling Honchos Pt. 3
Dr. Colossus starts

Dr. Colossus: A good villain must command respect!  Whoever gets the best results from his minions wins round two!
Hank Scorpio: You refer to the backbone of your evil organization as minions?  I consider mine equal partners in crime.
Make Hank Scorpio Be a Great Boss- 24hrs, Earns $1,000, 225xp
Make Dr. Colossus Crack the Whip- 24hrs, Earns $600, 150xp
Homer: So how’d your associates make out?
Hank Scorpio: We didn’t finish.  They were doing so well I gave them the rest of the afternoon off.
Dr. Colossus: And I might have Death Ray’d one or two too many.  We also didn’t finish.
Homer: C’mon!  Get your black hearts into this!  I’m calling another draw.

Duelling Honchos Pt. 4
Hank Scorpio starts

Hank Scorpio: So what’s the final round, Hector?
Dr. Colossus: To be honest, there isn’t a final round.  I thought I’d have won by now.
Homer: I’m calling it a draw!
Hank Scorpio: What does that mean?
Homer: It means that you’re both losers and you both have to pay the forfeit.
Dr. Colossus: You’re mopping up Death Mountain, Scorpio!
Hank Scorpio: Right after you scrunge my Volcano Lair, Hector!
Make Hank Scorpio Clean Death Mountain- 8hrs, Earns $420, 105xp
Make Dr. Colossus Clean the Volcano Lair- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp

So that my friends is the full breakdown of Death Mountain!

What do you think of Death Mountain?  Thoughts on the questline up to this point?  Have you earned it yet?  If not how close are you?  Do you have (or did you purchase) Hank Scorpio to continue the questline?  What did you think of it?   Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

55 responses to “Superhero Prize Guide: Issue 3, Prize 2 …Death Mountain

  1. Anyone know why my Dr won’t do part 3 and crack the whip?

  2. Can death mountain go on water as well as land?

    I seen it in 1 of my neighbours town and never thought of it being there. I don’t have the space to test it for myself just now. Anyone else know?

  3. Death Mountain is a piece of crap and will go straight into storage the minute this event is over and will never come out again.

  4. The Hank Scorpio / Dr. Colossus story line was the best I have seen in this game!

  5. For the Zenith buildings, should I buy seconds of the building of I can or do you think there may be a special building after issue 3 is done. I’m apprehensive about using all my collected items in case something shows in the next issue. Any input?

  6. Just wondering do you need the final price for the next issuse don’t think I will make it with collcecting freeze rays?

  7. Bunny, any idea what’s going to happen on the 24th? I’m not sure whether to use the collected items (capes, cuffs, etc) or save for the final stage of the event?

  8. Finally got it! Am -so- happy about this one, especially that Scorpio gets in on the action outside of Christmas card sending! And now I’ve got the perfect second layer to fit with my volcano one! I’m only proud of one section of my springfield- and it’s the frinky/quirky/evil-villain-esque section!

  9. Do you think/know if death mountain will or eventually be able to be places in krusty land as it would fit in better there thanks

  10. Emmanuel Chavez

    Will the bonus questline still be available after the event is over?

  11. Building now! After this event I need to do a little remodeling. So much new stuff!!

  12. I just noticed my ‘rightousness’ has gone down half a star and I cannot figure out how to up it during the superhero quest. Any ideas? Thanks!

    • Level 50 came out which means you require MORE points to MAX each conform rating. So you may need to add an extra training wall or 3 to combat that change.

      • Thanks Bunny forgot about the training walls! Can’t wait to get back to cleaning up spray paint! 😉

  13. I’ve had death mountain since Saturday 9000 freeze rays from the collider. Super hero card really helped.

  14. I’m not sure whether Death Mountain is going to stay in my town once this event is over…it doesn’t really fit my town’s “vibe.” But, for now, I have out looking over the Calmwood Mental Hospital, to really freak the paranoid out lol! 😉

  15. Yeah another bonus questline since have Hank Scorpio

  16. what the? No info on St. Patrick’s Day???? 😉
    It just popped up completely out of the blue in my game

  17. I love Death Mountain. I’m going to pretend that it twilights as a sweet death metal concert venue. 😉

  18. Best day ever! DONUTS! FREE DONUTS !!!

  19. Off topic- st. Paddys day update with free donuts!! Fruit batman here I come!!

  20. i just do not understand freemium tappers complaints when it is truly the premium players investments that help the shelf life of the game! Besides, there is soo much to be had with just in-game cash! I got my death mountain and just about 20k left for collider! I am so looking fwd to getting him and issue 4!!! 🙂

  21. Got a St. Patricks Day update!

  22. st paddy update here yahoo!

  23. I’m not sure where else to ask this so I’m choosing here: before level 50 hit I was getting 2-3 donuts a day from visiting neighbours, but now (after getting the last friendship prize on Saturday) I’m not getting any! How long after getting the last friendship prize did others start getting donuts again? I’m a mostly fremium player and so much want harry plopper 😛

    • It’s pretty quick. But again… they are random and vary. So it is hard to give an exact of when YOU will see them. (They also can hide). Just keep the most Neighbors you can and tap them all. The more, the better chances.

    • I’m a SocialButterfly addicted! R U 2?!
      On my adventurous TurboTappin I can tell you something

      “‘s Days of gold and none” ( brazillian saying, Yeah I from BR )

      yesterday i got 5donuts – after 2 with NONE! I just relax and tap.
      I already have 65.095 on the Issue3, and with still 5days to Issue4
      i can get ten donuts more!! At least
      6 donuts with the 72.000
      4 donuts with the SocialButterfly

      Keep being a awesome neighboreeno and GO vigilante season!

  24. Matthew Petersen

    I got Death Mountain yesterday.
    I like it since it fits with the entire Super Hero/comic book theme of the event (and it will fit easily in my superhero section of town, Zenith City).

    I don’t have Scorpio though so I won’t be able to complete the bonus mission.

  25. I have stored this mountain for the time being until the next questline requires it. It is so big and earn so little. The zenith apartments also take up spaces but not so value for income I feel.

  26. Do you think this will be extended? This is very difficult to keep up, I just started issue 3 today 🙁

    • Honestly, i doubt it. However, it’s pretty easy to get caught up. most players who started issue 3 on time are already working towards the collider. So I think you’ll be able to catch up as long as you log in frequently..

  27. Hi. Thanks 4 ur post. Always helpful. Wish there was a way 2 get the freezer rays faster.

  28. So many quest lines lately are worthless without premium characters. It’s getting irritating.

  29. Thank you for all your help with the site! You guys rock!

    Is there any information about the specific buildings in Zenith City? I am trying to decide where to spend my precious handcuffs.

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