Should I Spend Donuts on Der Krazy Kraut?

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s Valentine’s Day in Springfield…and nothing says Valentine’s Day quite like Gil?  Why? (you might ask..) Well because Valentine’s Day is all about selling you stuff you don’t really need but you buy anyway so you don’t look like a jerk….and who better to do that than Gil! 😉  How I know you may be trying to decide if Gil’s new offer is worth YOUR donuts, but don’t sweat it!  We’re here to tell you what’s worth the donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add der Krazy Kraut and Becky to your Valentine’s celebration?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this Krazy Kombo (see what I did there.. 😉 ) to your Springfield!


Building/Decoration: Der Krazy Kraut
Character: Becky
Donut Price: 150 donuts
Size: 8×7
Earns: $90, 10xp/4hrs
Gluttony +10

Leaves Our Games on February 17th

-Comes with a quest line
-Premium character earns 50% more on all cash and XP
-Becky has some fun outside animations
-Becky has a task at the Krazy Kraut
-Krazy Kraut is animated when in use (fan spins, smoke comes out)

-At 150 donuts it’s a bit expensive for a building/character that’s not a regular on the show.  (not the most expensive, but still pricey)
-No character interaction after initial questline

Final Thought:
I’m honestly not a huge fan of this one.  It’s not a bad buy, but not a great one either.  This is one of those premium “toss ups”, at least in my opinion.  If you’re looking for more females for Springfield I’d pick her up….Just remember if you’re doing it for the female aspect, you will be getting Mona for free during this event (as long as you play the prize track…)  And she’s a whole heck of a lot of fun!

This is one of those ones where you don’t quite know what to do if you’re a freemium player.  It’s not a bad buy, but it’s expensive.  The way I look at it, if you’re saving up for a regular character (like Luann or Manjula)…remember Becky is limited-time and once she’s gone she’s gone.  However, the regular premium characters will still be there once Valentine’s Day is over.  So if you’re really wanting Becky it’s not a terrible pickup.  Just remember if you’re doing it for the female aspect, you will be getting Mona for free during this event (as long as you play the prize track…)  And she’s a whole heck of a lot of fun!

Of course in the end it’s your decision, we can only tell you what we would/wouldn’t do…and I can tell you I’m legitimately still on the fence with this one.  However, this IS a limited-time item.  So if you’re thinking about getting it make sure you make your final decision before it leaves our games on the 17th.

Becky’s Permanent Tasks:

becky_dance_to_dubstep       becky_get_mileage_out_of_dress         becky_victory_pose

Task Length Earns Location
Go Shopping for a Shovel 1hr $105, 26xp Kwik-E-Mart
Dance a Dubstep 4hrs $260, 70xp Outside/Visual
Work at Der Krazy Kraut 8hrs $420, 105xp Krazy Kraut
Get Mileage Out of Her Dress 12hrs $600, 150xp Outside/Visual
Practice Oil Painting 24hrs $1,000, 225xp Simpsons House

What are your thoughts on der Krazy Kraut and Becky?  Will you be spending the donuts to bring this combo to your Springfield (or did you already)? Thoughts on the Valentine’s Day update in general? Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you! 

Looking for Should I Buy Guides for more premium content?  Check out our complete Tapped Out Premium Guide here

54 responses to “Should I Spend Donuts on Der Krazy Kraut?

  1. Got her for sixty D’s Infact for 240 D’s I got get this
    Brandine Becky Laura powers
    And Shauna oh hell yeah lol

  2. I had to get Becky she is amazing to add to Springfield

  3. I assume she is not voiced?

  4. It will be mine, except I spent all my donuts on the cooling towers and she she lounge. I’m just gonna rack up a few more bonuts and hope I get an iTunes gift card for my upcoming bday! If not I’ll just have to buy myself some birthday sprinklies!

  5. I got it right away. I love the look of the building and for once we get a Gil deal that isn’t a complete rip off.

  6. SHUT UP BECKY!!!!

    For that line alone, I gotta buy this combo. Will probably pick up donuts this weekend.

  7. I didn’t hesitate on this. An awesome looking building with a new character, the price seems to really be on the low end for newer premium buys. Still going through her quest line so I haven’t tried her visual tasks but I think it’s a great buy

  8. Could someone who purchased her please describe her “get mileage out of her dress” task? I’m on the fence with Becky as a purchase. I’m leaning towards yes, but was hoping for either some Marge or Otto interaction or some ridiculous homage to that movie she made with Homer and the kids. If the dress task is good for a giggle, I think I’ll end up buying Becky.
    Thanks! 🙂

    • And thank you, Alissa, for getting this SIB up so quickly!! I hope your first week back to work is going smoothly and that Miss Riley’s giving you some extra lovin’ when you get home. 🙂

      • Thanks 🙂 So far so good…although she had her 3 month check up today, which included 2 shots. So she Was not a happy camper today. Thankfully, she’s sound asleep now…sleep off the pain.

        • Oh no!! I bet it was as hard on her mama as it was on Miss Riley. 🙁
          Just remember, extra cuddles make the world a better place for both of you! 😉 Hope you’re both feeling better today than after that checkup. <3

          • She’s much better today! No pain in her leg, which is good. She’s tough when she gets the shots, but after a little bit her leg really starts to bother her. (doesn’t help that she’s constantly kicking lol)

          • Yay!! I’m glad she’s better today!! 😀
            Watch out, mama- she’s going to be an early walker!! 😉

    • You see her in the wedding dress image? She walks around town in that.

      • …and occasionally pulls out a butcher knife and toys with it in a totally not-creepy way.

      • Yes, thank you!! I just wasn’t sure if she just walked around in it, or “ran” from the wedding, or what the action was.
        I was instantly excited to see her, but I waited for the SIB for tasks. I’ve got a lot of donuts saved, but if I get everything I want with every event/mini event, I’ll be blowing a few hundred donuts a month. Not cool on my budget or my hard-earned freebies. 😉
        Walking around in it and pulling a knife (thanks for that tip, too, DrTyler!)… Game on!! I’ll pick her up as soon as I finish Mona’s questline. Then I think I’ll finally pick up Malloy, too. 🙂

    • I’m probably late to the party (because I couldn’t be bothered to play for most of the week)
      but I put some pics of Becky in her wedding dress on the flickr page

      📷 📹 🎥 💘 💟 💚 💝 🙂

  9. Is she the woman who was going to marry Otto? If so, she should have a Slap Otto task or something significantly from the episode.

  10. Shouldn’t it be “das” and not “der?”
    Though “der” always sounds funnier.

  11. Sold! Who can resist a building with a guy in lederhosen and a Kaiser Wilhelm helmet with a hot dog skewered onto it? Gil did overcharge me, but that’s not surprising, is it?

  12. I don’t remember any Gil Deals that have ever returned, not to mention original Characters; Flashback to when Roscoe was available and freaking out (was my first -and only- Premium donut buy). I have enough now but don’t want her now. Just fear that if she is ever re-offered it would with a higher donut price.

    So again. If it wasn’t a Gil Deal and just a holiday character I would pass without a second thought. but the Gil Deal aspect has me on th fence (but still leaning toward no).

    I’m not a big Otto fan, nor fan of that episode. I kind of like the idea of a Marge nemesis (but suspect that won’t play out in the Questline and definately not after). Also strangley expected her Sacrificial Movie outfit for one of her outdoor tasks. :/

    I talked myself out, lol, I’m going to resist. Still waiting for a Level Update and want to hold onto my donuts in case Raphael ever shows up and is premium.

  13. I’ll probably pick her up. Will have to buy some donuts though.

  14. Of course we should spend donuts on it, EA said so in a dream I had last night
    I never should have let them put that chip in my head. On the the plus side I can buy donuts just by thinking about it. But seriously she’s a fun addition.

  15. I really should buy this, as it is supposed to be German… Like Üter and the Hungry Hun. Der Krazy Kraut! Lederhosen! Sauerkraut! Oktoberfest! Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitänsmützenabzeichen!

    • Danube steamship captain’s cap badge?

    • Hozhandgriffsuckerlutzbonbon

    • Tweebuffelsmeteenskootmorsdoodgeskietfontein
      (Afrikaans for: The spring where two buffaloes were killed with a single shot. The longest place name in South Africa…)

      But it wasn’t long enough so found:
      Wildewaatlemoenkonfytkompetisiebeoordelaarshandleiding (Afrikaans for: Wild watermelon jam competition judge’s manual 😄)

      But my favorite in English is:
      Floccinaucinihilipilification (Act of describing something with little or no value)
      followed 1 letter shorted by:
      Antidisestablishmentarianism (a 19th century British political movement that opposes proposals for the disestablishment of the Church of England)

      Supposedly there is a word with 189 819 letters that takes about 3 and a half hours to pronounce but I’m not even remotely going to try typing that! 😄

      And where are the Welsh when you need them?

      • This is getting better and better 🙂

      • I’m not Welsh, but Google is my friend.
        Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch (lan-vire-pool-guin-gith-go-ger-u-queern-drob-ooth-clandus-ilio-gogo-goch) is a Welsh word which translates roughly as “St Mary’s Church in the Hollow of the White Hazel near a Rapid Whirlpool and the Church of St. Tysilio near the Red Cave”. 🙂

        • That’s the one I wanted 😄 Love hearing people say that word – Welsh sounds beautiful even if I don’t understand a word of it!

          Was in my university chamber choir with a girl who would sing the Welsh National Anthem while the rest of us did the harmonies (which we all knew because our university song ‘borrowed’ the melody…). Still get shivers listening to the recording!

  16. I grabbed it as it goes nice in my German village. With the Happy hun, three ski lodges and castle walls, it was a nice add.

  17. I’m hoping Brandine comes around for sale. I was hoping she’d come around for Valentine’s day and help with my recycling.

  18. For me the question a freemium player is Becky vs Mindy

    Still wish there was an option for Kumiko.

    Would be nice if there was some soft of one-off character mystery box or a special for one off characters.

    Granted reruns would be nice once in a while.

    • Yes, it is exactly the same alternative for me, Becky or Mindy…Mindy is a classic character from the “golden years” – on the other hand she seems to come back regularly, while Becky may not reappear for a longer time…

  19. I’ve had a big empty lot next to my slaughterhouse for months, so I bought this pretty quickly.
    As a bonus, the Oktoberfest gate looks pretty good with the building. I was having a lot of trouble finding a good place for that thing.

  20. Wow this was the fastest SIB ever! (i think.. lol) still debating on whether or not to pick her up.. but I snagged the UP UP and Buffet! Thx Alissa! 🙂

  21. Do you know if anyone else use this building?

  22. Considering the amount of free donuts we are getting lately (Maggie’s mini game, railway station, daily challenges) I pretty much got the combo for free, happy I did!

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