Addicts Open Thread

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s that time of the week again, time for the Addicts Weekly Open Thread!  So, let’s get the conversation going!  Oh and remember…just because this is posted here today doesn’t mean you can’t comment on it all week long.  This open thread will still be open for comments long after today is over!

Here’s where you can talk about anything you want to talk about…TSTO Related, Simpson’s Related or ANYTHING.  Just no Add me requests…those should go here.  We’ll give you a few suggestions (like most Sunday’s you can talk about the current episode of the Simpsons) but for the most part you’re free to talk about ANYTHING your little Tapping Fingers desire…just keep it PG.

So…here is your Open Thread.  The Simpsons are all new tonight, what will happen in the new episode?  Do you plan on checking it out?

The fire event is still burning in our Springfields, although many of you have already completed it.  What do you think will be next to hit our pocket sized towns?

Sunday Night Baseball tonight features my Yankees at the Tigers.  How do you think that game will turn out?  How’s your team doing so far this season?

How was your weekend? Do anything fun and exciting?

So chat about the Simpsons, TSTO, Update fun, or anything else you can think of!  Can’t wait to chat with you all, you know we love hearing from you!

Have Fun!  And happy Sunday!


989 responses to “Addicts Open Thread

  1. Just want to thank you all for the support and love this last few weeks! ❤ 💋 It is amazing how you guys welcomed me and helped me true everything that happend. Thank you guys so much that you accepted me as one of ‘ the addicted family’ . It means the world to me. Lots of love, Kimby

  2. Just looked up “Spring Cleaning” on Frinkiac and found Marge saying “Well, here’s another low-rated annual event: spring cleaning!” which I think they used right into the game. If confirmed (and my memory is right) that means EA might be using Frinkiac as a guide of sorts (sure they can just find the quote elsewhere, but it is interesting to think about) 🙂

  3. I have a problem with my game. When I tap the mime, he doesn’t make a sound. Is this normal or is my game broken? 😉

  4. Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere and I missed it, but did the aspirational items disappear from the store? I went looking for the Krusty Oil Rig today and can’t find it or any of the others.

  5. I have some time to kill at work so I thought I’d scribble a couple thoughts on the game.

    Monorail – I really enjoyed the event but had a lot of “real life” stuff going on at the time, so didn’t get the rail yard. I was bummed at first but the monorail (for me) lost it’s appeal very quickly, so I don’t mind not having the rail yard as an element to my game. I’m sure the donuts are great, but I only have two small parts of the monorail going and like how the rest of my town looks without it.

    Heights – I can’t EVEN. I don’t know why but I just ignore this portion of my town. The only reason I’m slightly interested in this is to clear the tasks in my book (I have 3 from SH on there at all times…) Occasionally I will pop over there and make yoga mats while I visit neighbors but I really can’t stand the grinding aspect of the game – I’m not super patient.

    Krustyland – I love it, I go twice a day at least. I wish EA would just make the premium stuff for KL freemium so I could get the rest of the attractions. (While I like KL I won’t spend donuts there because my main town is where I spend most the game.)

    Mini-events – I enjoy these. While I like to play a couple times a day, I don’t have much time to dedicate to TSTO so these are perfect for me. I try to get all the prizes for all the events but sometimes it’s just not in the cards. I did spring for the fireman skins for this past event because they were so cute. I don’t know how often I’ll use Homer’s because I like keeping him in his moo moo most of the time. 🙂

    I didn’t mean to sound so pessimistic in the first portion of this ^^ I really do like the game! Been playing for years.. I just don’t like the grinding portions.

    Hope everyone is having a great week! Happy Thursday.

    -Jocelyn (droptherock)

  6. Here’s a new guess the episode

  7. Think the most recent update(s) might have made some changes to the submarine. I seem to be getting the boardwalk tiles more often now, and when I don’t get a tile, there’s a pop up saying the submarine didn’t retrieve anything, although I still get cash. Used to be when I did get cash, no pop up so something has been modified at least.

  8. Happy Thursday everyone! Sorry neighbor’s I feel asleep in middle of tapping!
    Been trying to stay positive but, yesterday sucked! I set my alarm for doc appointment, turned it off and feel back asleep, husband knew I had appointment & let me sleep grrrr. My fault, but you would think? Called doc said I might be late should I reschedule, I’ve never been late and am usually early, she no go ahead and come since its you. 40 minutes drive each way made it in record time was ONE minute late and poor girl at counter said we have to reschedule. She also informed me they received letter from insurance company they will NOT pay for anything to do with my back!
    I was there for something else that could be another nasty problem, plus had 3 other bad things happen (all live changing)!
    WTH! I live my life not hurting anyone or being a bad person and I feel beat to heck! It’s so hard to keep going. I need my TSTO family today. Sorry I’m trying to stay positive but hard when you keep getting knocked down to get up with a smile on your face!

    • *hugs*…sending smiles and positive energy your way ♡

    • Most (all?) insurers have a claims appeal process…maybe you should look into that (probably with your doctor’s help, so she can substantiate that you do have a real issue with your back). OTOH, it sounds like your doctor’s office isn’t very well run…I think I remember you saying that you really like that doctor, so maybe that’s worth putting up with, but, if not, maybe it’s time to look for a new/different one? Maybe there’s one closer to home?

      • I called the FL Dept of insurance as my appeal was rejected, she said if I insisted they would file a complaint but she has never seen an appeal reversed. She was less than helpful & asked what did I expect insurance companies are corporations not nonprofit agencies. Kind of attitude I expected. There is a very limited amount of docs in this area that will accept ACA (Obama care) for this reason. I’ve been looking, also no primary doc contacted to date will give me anxiety meds would have to go see psychiatrist and you got it not covered under insurance, so either way screwed!
        Both my back doc & primary care have called & written insurance company with no luck.
        I also asked about injections being surgery, she said yes in FL, even a flu Shot!
        I’m trying as hard as I can believe me. Never been through stuff that I am now. Think it’s other person’s that I live with karma.
        Thanks for suggestions Sandra.

        • I feel your pain on insurance woes. Tried to get obamacare but not only were we given the wrong information but when it came time for enrollment it would have been $700+ a month PLUS a $13,000 deductible. So needless to say none of us have insurance :/ Hubby has to go through the VA for everything and when he tore his ACL he had to wait 8 WEEKS just for an appointment. Hoping you’re able to find a reasonable priced, speedy solution.

          • Absolutely Shameful! I’m so sorry, this should not be happening in our country. At risk of being moderated….All our elected officials should have and pay same for insurance as we do, you better believe it would change. They only have to serve one term, and do a lousy job and they have benefits for life! I don’t know how people can go to sleep knowing what they are doing to the people of our country, rather what they aren’t doing for us!
            When CA was in trouble Gov. Brown, went in took all state, county& city employees state paid for cell phones, cars along with the free gas and insurance, and they now have to pay for health insurance. They weren’t too happy, but it’s working, the state is out of debt and everyone in California has quality insurance, which they pay according to what their salaries are. His approval rating is also pretty high, much higher than FL gov (one of lowest in country). I wish you luck and hope everyone stays healthy!

            • I believe HH is in Florida, one of the worst states when you need a helping hand. I love NY. For years I worked hard and paid a LOT on taxes and never cared. I knew it was doing good for people. Then I got sick, really sick. I’ve lost over 20 pounds in a very short period of time. I keep saying ‘must get back to work’ and my social worker is like ‘look at you, you’re to sick to work. Let’s get you healthy then worry about a job’. Instead of stressing out it allows me to go to my appointments (I have 4 Dr visits this week) and soon will be able to get back on my feet. There are so many programs available. I’ll gladly pay a little more so when someone else is healthy one day and bed ridden the next they don’t have to worry about losing their home or being able to get help.

        • Too bad you can’t move to a more progressive state, like Massachusetts or California. I’m pretty sure things would be significantly different for you if you lived here. 🙁

    • Hey HH , sending+++vibes+++ from across the pond . Take care of yourself , hope everything works out for the better . 🙂

    • Sorry to hear of your misfortunes neighbor…try to stay positive and I hope things start getting better for you 🙂

    • Hey HH

      Sending loads of calm, healing energy your way!

      I won’t even pretend to understand how the American health care system works (or doesn’t work!) but it seems like you should all move to Canada – especially after having watched ‘Sicko’ by Michael Moore as well as the docudrama ‘Damaged Care’ with Laura Dern (about Dr Linda Peeno).

      My sister-in-law died of pancreatic cancer 6 years ago in Vancouver and although my brother is well off, they did not have to pay for anything because everything was covered by the state and it was world class treatment (although chemotherapy and it’s benefits/side effects is a whole other debate). They hoped to take her to Sweden for an experimental treatment and even that would have been covered by the State because it was not available in Canada (including accommodation for my brother to be there with her for 6 months). Unfortunately she died before she was able to go.

      It makes me mad to hear how so many of you struggle to get needed treatment/medication in what is supposed to be a wealthy, 1st world nation.

      When people struggle to get treatment etc here (South Africa) it’s somehow more understandable, if no less maddening, because our health care system has to cope with huge numbers with limited resources. But the government is (slowly) working towards closing the gap between the standard of public and private healthcare

      I apologise for the rant HH, but I really hope you manage to get the treatment you need while also being treated with respect by those providing the care.

      Good luck

      • I know this makes me so angry, we are supposed to be one of richest countries in the world and our health care sucks! Last year 6,000 people died in FL because they were turned away from hospitals! It’s shameful. When I filed a complaint with the state I asked the witch (shame to call her that cuz I like witches lol so it starts with a b, didn’t want to be moderated) if she has insurance, of course, who pays for it, the state of course since she works for the state, I said oh so in other words tax payers pay for it, so you have the best money can buy while we beg to be seen. More Doctors are leaving FL as FL refuses to support Obama Care and insurance companies aren’t paying bills, so try getting into a new doc. This state currently has 26,000 open requisitions for doctors,
        I asked her about her lousy attitude and lack of compassion, she actually said that isn’t her job to care ending the conversation with “Have a nice day” I can’t print my reply but it was two words second word you! Sorry for the rant I’m just so pissed and sore. Now that shots have worn completely off and no meds, I didn’t realize how much those shots were actually working. Pain is making for a very grouchy person.
        Makes me wonder if some of the rude people in public are in pain too. I’m not rude unless someone pushes me to it. If I’m that upset I stay home and isolate with doggies of course. Then I come here and vent lol! Thanks for caring, sorry if I’m driving you crazy!

        • I really feel for you HH. What a horrible set of circumstances for you to deal with! I don’t live in the US but it sounds crazy that the health care system varies so much from state to state. In Aus. The health care system is run by the federal government so the same for everyone.
          That witch is way out of line telling you it’s not her job to care. OF COURSE ITS HER JOB TO CARE. Politicians are running a country not a business. As for insurance companies, they certainly have no trouble taking your money but won’t pay out too readily. (I speak from personal experience)
          I wonder if the media would be interested in airing your story. It seems to work here when people are being unfairly treated by the government or a business. It’s surprising how quickly politicians respond when they are being criticised on air.
          There was a case here recently where a young woman claimed on her travel insurance because she had to cancel a trip due to a serious bout of depression. It took her years but she finally won the case! Even though the company had a clause in the policy that excluded mental illness as a reason for cancellation. She claimed that the company was discriminating against people who have a mental illness, which they were, and won compensation.
          Since this case many more people have come forward and now it looks like there might be a Royal Commission into insurance companies and their dodgy practises. There have also been cases where people with terminal illnesses have been refused payment even though there policies include this. The companies work on the basis that the person will die before they can be compensated.
          It’s horrifying how disgustingly people are treated when there is a dollar to be made.
          Really hope your health improves soon.💕

          • Thank you so much for caring and writing! Hopefully by July I will be on my way back to California.
            My husband got royally screwed over yesterday in court, he was in accident he was stopped some jerk hit him going 55. Dave had a very high rated crash tested car, insurance company paid for car, but put through hell with medical bills. When benefits ran out he used the benefits on his policy. He filed a claim against other guy (duh), in FL you cannot say the words insurance or benefits, I kid u not! Well jury was too stupid to realize if the jerk was driving he HAD to have insurance, so they felt sorry for the guy who hit him and Dave list case two years ago. Two weeks ago he gets summons in mail long story short lol, they funded him $10,500 for his insurance lawyer’s fee, which goes to Allstate! He is in accident not his fault, permanent injury and he gets fined! Needless to say our last straw with FL. We were going to move to another part of FL cuz his older parents are here but I can’t take this bloody state anymore! Feel like it’s a different country! I want to go back home to CA where their are sane intelligent caring people.
            Probably will be able to get back fixed with proper doctors and insurance.
            Hard decision, because of his parents we haven’t told them, but his Mom has said you guys need to go back to CA.Plus have to really scale back on what I move, not to mention 12years of orchids and plants, including one from fav Uncle’s funeral have to be left. I took all my paperback books, hundreds to Humane Shelter thrift store today, some I’ve had since a little kid, but it will help feed and shelter and save many doggies, which makes me feel good. They asked when you move will u be close as this gift automatically qualifies you for our annual dinner. I very nicely said knowing I’m helping dogs is way more important than a dinner with humans, she laughed. I called ahead and asked if they could handle or want that many books or should I spread them out to other shelters. When I got there she was over moon, had tears of joy and I got a big hug. They are going to turn corner of store into lil library now.

    • I hope the reschedule was unrelated to you being one minute late. Your doctor’s word should win over that of a receptionist.

      I’m less fighty lately….still “angry” but what’s the point in expressing it sometimes? I showed up to an appointment on time and was told that I was late. Nice, huh? 😉 That’s because I was supposed to sit in the waiting room for 30 minutes before my appointment. So I wondered why didn’t they make my appointment 30 minutes earlier? Hah. So on my reschedule date I just wrote the time down AS half an hour earlier. When I showed up, I still ended up waiting like an additional 10 minutes. Most people there had to wait longer than scheduled.

      No one else ranted on that topic. You’re welcome. 🙂

  9. I know you shouldn’t laugh at what was meant to be serious , but can’t help it , it’s my kind of humour . There’s an online poll to name a new Antarctic survey ship . I think the organisers want it to be named after someone who is famously connected with research or exploration in the Antarctic. Trouble is , apparently the run away leader in the poll is …… Boaty McBoatface !!
    Oh do stop…… it hurts… hurts 😮


    Happy Thursday, Tappers

  11. As I sit here eating my Lindor truffles, oh so yummy, I find myself with a query for all you TSTO Addicts out there: Does anyone have a strategy for the weekly Rail Yard donuts? I usually finish with 3 days + left, but I’ve often found myself with too much plastic and glass while I’m constantly chasing having enough metal to smoothly make my small parts, sprockets and thingamajigs.

    Once I get my donuts, I always max out my recyclables…so for instance, you can only have 70 glass….unless you only accumulate 60 or 65…then send everyone on one last round to top off at 120 or 125. I do this for glass, plastic and metal, which usually gets me my first 5,000 blueprints right when they become available.

    But, is it better to just go after the Huge Thingamajigs or to complete whatever you can when you have enough resources? HUMMMMMMM….in deep thought.

    Right now I’ve got 37,988….so should be done on Friday sometime, but I was just curious how you all do this? Do you do it every week? Am I psycho? Wait, don’t answer that last one. I have difficulty with self-reflection when it comes to my TSTO obsession.

    And why are tasty chocolates always wrapped in crinkly wrappers that make a lot of noise? HUM? Answer me that one! I’m trying to quietly eat my chocolates and annoy myself with all the noise.

    Just curious. :o)

    • That’s not the wrapper crinkling , it’s your conscience. 🙂

      • Lol!

      • My conscience loves truffles too. It told me so. 👼😜

      • My strategy is simple. I make what I can when I can based on what else is going on in the game. The one thing I will do is prioritize Handing In anything that is over or close to being over the limit for that type of recyclable. Five donuts is great, but missing out on an item in an event could cost me over a hundred to get it later. I currently have 122 curves and 108 S pieces I wish we could trade for straight one.

    • New record for me just finished the rail yard grind. …I don’t have a system I just do every available option when it highlights big or small. I think sometimes it’s just the luck of the draw like the other week when all it wanted was glass took me till Saturday!

  12. I have a question regarding neighbour visits..
    Sometimes when I visit a neighbour, the crops growing at Cletus’ farm have been neglected….
    So I have been tapping on the crop to help restore it (because I am a good neighbor) 🙂
    But… does it actually help my Neighbours crop to be restored (will it be
    restored for them too) or can only I see this?
    Have always wondered and thought may as well ask.. 🙂

    • Yes, it does! However, don’t click on the crops if they’re NOT withered, since that tap isn’t as helpful as tapping on a building (since there isn’t the same kind of “clock” to restart).

      (Well, I shouldn’t say “don’t” click on them….it’s not harmful in any way…I just meant it isn’t as helpful as clicking on some other things.)

  13. Someone mentioned the other day how many characters they had which made me curious. 188 playable characters! I was shocked no wonder it takes so long to set them all to task.

    • Wow! I have fewer than 130, I think, and, even with that money, can’t deal with having to send everyone manually anymore. I even stopped sending them on tasks today, because the 6hr task screwed everything up for the Unemployment Office.

      • And those of us who didn’t start at the beginning….I’ve barely got 100. Ugh.

        Sandra, saw your handshakes in my Springfield today, thanks!

        • I haven’t always been managing to do daily visits to all of my neighbor’s these days like I used to, but I do think I’ve been visiting everyone at least every 2-3 days.

          If anyone wants to drop me for not necessarily visiting daily, I’ll understand. I do visit my own town several times a day, so there should pretty much always be something to tap. (I have taken to collecting from all of my buildings, except some of the lower earners, like brown houses and Kwik-E-Marts, but I clear handshakes quickly, so that should keep enough available at any one time. If anyone is finding that they’re regularly not finding anything available to tap, let me know and I’ll scale back on what I collect myself.)

          • Same here. It takes too long and becomes a chore. If there’s an event that will help my neighbors I’m pretty diligent but most my neighbors are established players and my visits really won’t help. My town is getting so big it takes forever to just keep up and I’ve been on a redecorating kick lately. When I’m done with all that, I’m done.

          • You aren’t getting rid of me that easy (jk), you tap enough plus I ❤️u, & u put up with me!

      • I have actually only used my unemployment office less than a dozen times. It can take me an hour to set jobs. And I have bumblebee man being chased by Bees for half an hour to Mr Costington blustering for 24 hours. Whatever I feel like at the moment. And I take my time. I like to follow Selma as she looks for Jub Jub. I really think the unemployment office takes a lot of the fun out of the game.
        And it helps me design my town. My town looks like a flea market in an urban center. A whole lot of different stuff crammed into a small space. But as I bounce around town I see small details to correct. Like shifting trees and flowers around just by a space or two. It’s a slow, natural evolution. I think after a point in this game you hit a point where money or XP mean nothing really and you can just lose yourself in it. I know I could make more sending bumblebee man to a 10 hour buffet since I’m going to sleep but I like to watch him getting chased by Bees.

        • I envy the amount of free time you must have…. 😉

          (Well, kinda sorta… Unless I won big in the lottery or something, having that much free time would mean that I would have lost my job, which would mean that I’m pretty much totally screwed…)

          • Actually I’ll ignore the game for long periods of time I just don’t care about income anymore. I pay no attention to payouts when sending characters on task. Just whatever I enjoy but when I sit down to play, I put on headphones and really lose myself. Music and this game are my escape from watching the world come to a boil.

      • I have a confession…..I enjoy having the Unemployment Office…and unless I’m totally pressed for time trying to send everyone on tasks before going out the door. I cannot will myself to pay the “tax”.

        But I’m a little crazy….I’ll send Jay on his 6 hour task to earn 350, and Lunchlady Dora and Chalmers to do their 2 hour task (175) at Vesuvius Pizza because its as much as the 4 hour task. Why does Skinner only earn 175 at the Stonecutter Lodge instead of the premium amount? Same with Brockman, except he earns 200 in his regular character 4 hour task.

        Yes, ladies and gentlemen – I ponder these minutia of the game daily.

        • I think of all that just somewhat differently. Like, I should really set them for shorter tasks more frequently but am I really going to be able to commit to that frequent of tapping today? Won’t I just be losing more by NOT sending them on longer tasks when I know I’ll be able to tap?

    • I think I counted them in order to answer this question but I’ve forgotten already, but it was over 100 but less than Sandra

    • Hi Ryan ♡

      Does this mean that there are currently a definitive 188 playable characters in the game as I know you gotta have them all?

      If so it’s a long way yet for me…

      • Yup. Not missing anyone. I may have miscounted as I checked by my task manager at City hall and around 112 my eyes started going a little fuzzy so maybe 186-190

        • An easy way to know without doing a manual count is to make sure everyone’s free, then see how many characters the Unemployment Office would send on, say, a 1-hour task (which I think every character has). That’s pretty much how I keep count these days…

          • Thank you. I’m not familiar with the unemployment office but I’ll use it for that. Thanks for the tip-oreeno. Sorry having a talk like Flanders kind of day.

          • Smart!! I definitely need to try that. I took the time to count all of them a while ago but I forgot pretty much instantly how many it was.

    • I can’t remember how many playable characters I have (around 100) but I speed tap them all on 8-12 hour tasks at night (depending on how late I’m going to bed) then during the day set them on 2-4 hour tasks so they free up at different times during the day. Of course I’m still grinding away in SH and that takes a decent chunk of characters away but I haaaaate paying the unemployment office to send my characters on tasks so I refuse to use it.

    • Ok now I have to go count my characters thanks!

  14. Odd observation, but anyone else notice that although the Snow Monster has a task where he can sweep, yet during the Spring Cleaning event, he isn’t allowed to “clean house”?

  15. Kim (kimberlyah794)

    I just got my second Quick Thought iTunes card yesterday, and I’d earned the previous one just last week! Finally that app is starting to pay off. I was getting nothing but $0.10 for weeks and weeks! Now, the big question is to keep earning more and work toward a bigger donut purchase, or spend it now. I broke down and bought some a few months ago, so I’m pretty good right now… I’ll probably wait. Free donuts for answering surveys. *drool*

  16. Quick Alissa update and Gil deal……..

  17. When I read comments about people thinking the Simpsons game is ending, it always makes me think of the song “we’ll never stop the Simpsons” I couldn’t remember the episode name, but I found it on Google it is from “Gump Roast” episode 17 of season 13. They sing the song at the end of the episode. And… Now that song is stuck in my head lol 😛 Sorry in advance if anyone else now has the song stuck in their head.. That’s if anyone else has heard of it? 🙂

  18. Oh; Also ; As Suerees mentioned above Aussie tradesmen are rather “whatever” & “No Worries; Love” I’m having a kitchen, laundry, & loo renovation starting Saturday morning this week. Whilst I tap all day when awake; My visiting may be compromised for 2 weeks while the renos go ahead.

    Power may be turned off, water as well, & I may have to get into grumpy old bat mode to wrangle the tradies. Please allow me a little slack! Cheers; Karon.

  19. Hi again all; I think I’ve managed to ask Suerees & One W for friend invites on my D One persona. Cannot find you Phil & didn’t receive a request from anyone except someone with a nice town with apple in their name.

    I am dexterous. As in Dexter. My accounts are One & Two. No numerals or spaces. Think Dexter the TV show & add ous. (Not dextrous – in fact ironically my hands are crippled! – but I can tap!)

    One is my older town, two is my freemium. I hope to see you all soon! (So to speak!) Remember I’m an Aussie, so asleep when most others are awake! Cheers; Karon.

    • Ok , sent invite to dexterone and dextertwo . Not sure if that is you ? You should see philgadd11929. 🙂

    • Hi new neighboreeno! Good luck with the renos. It’s never fun until completed.

    • Hi Karon, my newbie friend – love your town. I see you have a lot of work in progress. Did you see my goofball mass of fountains in my casino “area”? I finally gave up pondering it and just created the loopy mirror image symmetry with all 40 or 50 or however many it is.

      I still have your request for your second town. I maxed out this morning with my ten spots, but I’ll keep your request and add you if the other additions turn out to be inactive. Sometimes it is hit or miss with the add me page.

      Let me know if you have any ideas to share for my little piece of heaven, 0neSpringLissField. I just came up with that. :0) I’ll be sending you some handshakes in…..46m and 10…9…8…7…you get the idea.


    Happy Wednesday, Tappers

  21. This morning I had a song stuck in my head. Led Zeppelin’s “Over the Hills and Far Away.” This afternoon I heard it on the radio. Also, earlier today, I made my version of a Carnac the Magnificent *joke*. Tonight, watching Better Call Saul (recorded yesterday), they made a reference to Carnac. It’s déjà vu all over again!

    • I’m behind a could of episodes (so no spoilers!), but I’m loving Better Call Saul! So well done and it has a really original tone and style.

      • Did you watch Breaking Bad? It’s one of my favorite shows but it took me a little time to get into it. Not long, but a few episodes, for sure. With Saul having the same show runners and the character already introduced I was hooked from the start. With that said, season two hasn’t quite lived up to season one. But when the bar is set so high it can be hard to maintain.

        • Loved Breaking Bad!

        • Yes – I did some *serious* binge watching of Breaking Bad when I was out on disability…watched the entire series in, like, 2-1/2 weeks or something (I can’t remember exactly…I did the same thing with The Sopranos while I was out, too, but I think that was much longer, like maybe a month?).

          I like that Saul isn’t quite as dark, though….now that I’m back to work, I don’t always feel like watching something uber-dark at the end of a long, hard day. (Although I did love the humor in Breaking Bad…without that humor and comic irony, I wouldn’t have watched the show.)

          I’m not sure I agree with you about Season 2 of BCS…I think it’s equally good, but just different.

    • I was crushed when they said there are only 2 more episodes to the season! We have to wait soooo long for new seasons! I’m originally from Albuquerque NM
      ., so I especially love Better Call Saul (and Breaking Bad) because I know so many of those places. The Dog House is an Abq Icon, the apartments that Jessie and his neighbor GF lived in are a few blocks from where I grew up, I had college friends that lived there where there were many parties. Good times. Our block was walled off for days when they filmed at a convenience store on the corner, etc. I’ve only watched BB recently because at the time of its release for me and my soon-to-be husband, Walter having cancer was too close to home (don’t worry, not us) I couldn’t imagine it then, but I actually think I like Better Call Saul more than I liked BB!

      • I only started with BB about two years ago on Netlfix. I can’t say I like Saul better but I will say I liked season one of Saul more than season one of BB. But BB just kept getting better and better. Only time will tell with Saul. And I keep wondering when is he actually going to become Saul lol!

      • HAHAHAHAHA…..the 505. BURQUE. Live there now…..30+ years minus leaving for school and my first couple professional jobs.

        I simply hate to love it because I grew up here, but now that I have kids, well, just wish we had better schools. Can’t beat the diversity, culture, general friendliness of people everywhere. And with ZERO HUMITITY EVER…I swear…it’s still dry when it rains…we have NO BUGS, ever.

        Have the Simpsons ever done a shout out to Albuquerque? I know it’s one of the more famous places no one knows about. Just ask Bugs Bunny – “take a left at Albuquerque”.

    • Really loving “Better Call Saul”. Seriously impressed with some of their musical choices in season 2. The season 2 premiere opening with Billy Walker’s “Funny How Time Slips Away” was pertinent to the storyline and really set the mood and tone for a great season. Another great musical choice was the use of the Gipsy Kings A Mi Manera (My Way) in the sequence where Kim was trying to land Mesa Verde by working the phones…brilliant and sublime!

  22. Alissa, aren’t you delighted I’m back lol!
    How did Yanks do, haven’t been paying enough attention to tv to see other scores?
    Did you find new home & sell yours?

    • Always delighted to see you HH. They’re doing ok…and work in progress 🙂

    • Given the sunshine in Fla., no doubt you’d hate the NW, but I’d make room for you 😘

      • Was used to it as used to live in Santa Cruz, CA. Spent a month last year in N CA, NEAR Eureka, was so hard to come back to FL.
        I like the sun, but most of our water, beaches and rivers are contaminated near me, thanks Rick Scott, beaches on east coast are fine, so the things I loved to do can’t do anymore, plus back.
        If I could I would move out of this state faster then you can say pack your Bags!

  23. No but sounds like someone might have lost his mind! Lol

  24. I suffer from depression and I should be feeling good because I saw my fav uncle doing so well. I am not feeling good today!

    • I suffer from depression too and I’m on medication for it. No such word as should! Take care, tomorrow might be better.👍

      • My father used to always say, “You can’t should on yourself. Take how you feel and manage it. But you cannot should yourself into feeling better.”

        He was a bit hard nosed and not the most sympathetic, and I think his words ring true as long as you don’t feel insulted. Put it this way, in the long run, it helped me a great deal. You can only feel how you feel, and manage that…a day at a time. Sometimes an hour at a time.

    • Depression works like that! I suffer from it too, sometimes even when you know you should be happy it just doesn’t work that way! I sincerely hope you are getting help and have support. I’m Here almost everyday as are other caring people you can talk to.
      If you are severely depressed you need to tell someone and get help, there are a lot of people out there that suffer depression and it can be very scary!

  25. I’m on a roll with this I imgur thing now. Here’s another pic for you all to ponder.
    My daughter went to a pop culture convention a while back and met Maggie Roswell. Wish I could have been there to ask about voicing characters in the game.
    Can you name all of the characters?


    🎆 🎈 🎂 🎁 Happy Birthday Ellie G 🎁 🎂 🎈 🎆


  27. So this while this is going to be my first post ever…. I may or may not have started tapping/lurking in October of last year and I may or may not have just got to level 54 in the game. That might be a little indicative of my slight addiction to this game. Maybe. I made my husband download the game during the Christmas event mostly because I had yet to make an EA account at the time and I really needed neighbors to tap merrymakers and whatnot. He likes the game and all, but he’s nowhere near my level.

    On baseball: I’m a Dodgers fan and my husband is a SF Giants fan. For those of you who know baseball, you can imagine how the last few days were in my house. Let’s just say my husbands bragging may have gotten him the stink eye and the silent treatment once or twice or thrice.

    First birthday gift: my son actually just turned 1 in February and I completely second one_Wysliss on the suggestion of wipes 😂They’re seriously his favorite. He also loves to play with shoes, especially flip flops and socks. Honestly at 1 they play with everything that’s NOT a toy. Sandra, there’s too many comments for me to dig through but is your nephew walking yet? If he’s still learning most kids love these:
    This is a simple one but it’s pretty sturdy and easy for them to maneuver.

    On being neighborly: I just recently started adding neighbors from the add me lists and I’ve noticed a handful of them don’t play anymore and some I don’t think have ever visited my town. I try and leave some tappable buildings open for neighbors and I diligently tap my neighbors towns because I’m still trying to get the friend prizes but also because I like to borrow layout ideas and get inspired for my town. Is there a friend maximum? I’ve been holding onto some neighbors that don’t play anymore in the event they do start playing again or for the next event but I’m debating now if I should just let them go.

    Anywho, happy Tuesday tapping!

    • Hi Stephie,
      I don’t envy you on Giants/Dodgers split house. When I lived in Santa Cruz I used to be a Dodgers fan, we went to a couple of games in San Francisco to see them (dated myself I even got to meet Steve Sax and he signed my hat, I was over the moon). As game went on, I’ll call him jerk (so as not to be moderated) kept getting more aggressive, husband said take your hat off & put my jacket over your shirt before you get hurt. Now Queen Alissa would have moderated him as the things he was teaching his very young to say! So that is one ugly rivalry! Wish you luck!
      As for neighbor’s max is 100. As most will tell you if they are not playing (you set your own time limit), delete them & move on. Most events you need neighbor’s to visit you as well as you are visiting them (that is fair and neighborly), but even on a daily basis when it’s quite you get $ xp and a chance at free donuts “bonuts”, so more neighbor’s better your odds at bonuts and progressing along in game, like you mentioned friend prizes! I feel, just my lil opinion friends are a very important part of this lil game if you are a serious player, but remember more friends, more visiting, more time in game. So don’t overload you with 100 if you can’t put that time into tapping, usually takes me between 30-60 minutes a day depending on if event (longer) everyday tapping 30 or less if you just go in and tap first three things you see. My “friends” I tend to take longer & wander through their towns to check out their new designs.
      So if you are still reading a long rambling response to your question! Don’t be surprised if you get more then one of these! Good luck.
      Welcome to our lil community which isn’t so lil anymore! Come back and post now that you got that one out of way. There are some really cool people that hang here!
      Tell your hubby I said go Dodgers! Harder being a fan now that I live in FL and American League team here so try to be a TampaBay Ray Fan who are leading as I speak, but still an inning left and they find creative ways to loose!

      • Yay another Dodgers fan! Although this season isn’t starting off too well… It’s only worse for me because the frikken Giants keep winning 🙄 I grew up going to Dodgers games and I would love to see a dodger/giant game with my husband but he had a similar experience in LA with “jerk” fans. Some fans just get way too rowdy and it’s completely unnecessary.

        Is it when you reach your friend max that you have a chance for bonuts? Or when you reach the end of “1FP for the next # actions”? I currently have my friends split so that half of them I tap in the morning and the other half I tap before bed. I stop and look around if my neighbors have a decently organized town. I like to look at setups and different decorations/buildings that were released before I started playing.

        I’ll definitely tell my husband go Dodgers to which he’ll probably respond with “Gross,” lol.

        • It’s neither. You’re eligible to earn donuts from taps in your neighbors’ towns once you’ve gotten all of your Friendship Prizes. At that point, you stop earning FPs, but you start earning TRIPLE cash and XP and have the .05% chance per tap that you’ll earn a donut (which, if you have 100 friends and visit them all, means you should *average* 1.5 bonuts a day).

    • I think the limit is 100. I certainly don’t have that many, it takes me long enough to visit about 40 that I do have. Feel free to cull those who do nothing. I do and many others on this site do as well. It took me a while to gather friends who play similarly to me so keep at it.
      Feel no guilt!

      • No pressure….but being that you are “my type” of player that is…ADD ME. After reading over and over about people and non-tappers clogging up their friend list – I got rid of mine too. Weeks+ to be fair. Because oddly enough there is this strange sense of guilt. So, I’m letting go and hoping for bright futures with a few (10 to be exact) new friends.

        I play every day – multiple times a day – my “relationship” with my game makes people question my sanity. I figure I was insane long before this….just keep going…just keep going.

        0ne_Wysliss (that’s a ZERO, not an O).

        AND serious SHOUT OUT to the rest of them, my friends – I bet over 30% played in the last hour, with another 30% wihin the past 8, and the remaining 30% no one had not played in more than 1 day. So totally awesome. I have such great tip tippety tapper friends. Sorry to the 10% that got let go, but I figure if you haven’t played in 3 weeks, the likelihood of you realizing you were let go is negligible at this point. Ta-ta and HOOOORAH for TSTO Addicts!

        • I actually added you before I read your comment! Hahaha. I was actually playing when I saw the “new!” notification and my first thought was “oh crap I just tapped all my buildings.” I’m in the middle of rearranging my town (pardon my weird areas), I want a more solid industrial area and I’m thinking of moving my Halloween area close-ish to my Christmas area. I’m constantly tweaking it’s actually pretty bad lol.

          • I saw! And sent you a few handshakes of my own. AND…as for having the itchy sky finger syndrome. I’m a member too. If all else fails, I have some brown houses set up that are usually free. That’s okay. I just like to see who’s stopping by.

            AND PLEASE – comment on what you think, any ideas you have (especially for those darn fountains). What do you think of the casino set up with the resort extras? I figure I’ve never seen a casino that doesn’t have a giant hotel attached, so I went for glitz and glamour on my set up.

        • Howdy new neighbour! I try to visit every day. Sometimes I forget but not a day goes by when I don’t visit my town. Hope you find something to tap on. Apologies in advance if you don’t. I have an itchy sky finger.😊

    • Welcome to the posting side of things! Now that you’ve started, I hope you’ll join in more regularly. 🙂

      And thanks for the gift idea (not so much the wipes or socks…that would be kinda weird for me to send 😉 ) – I’m going to go take a look at that link as soon as I finish typing this. I don’t honestly know if he’s walking, but I do know that he’s speedily mobile in some fashion now – my dad says it’s almost like he teleports himself or something.

      • They get reaaally fast at crawling before they start walking so he might or might not be walking. The link I attached is actually a toy my son has and he used it more so before he was solid at walking but still does sometimes. If he’s walking fairly well this is a good idea:
        Most little ones start walking around a year so something that he might not use right away still isn’t a bad idea.

        • That looks adorable! But on the Evite I got the other day, it said “No presents.” In the comments section, someone questioned that and my brother said there was just no more room left in the apartment.

          Now, I have no intention of paying attention to the “no presents” thing, but I think if I got him something as big as that, his parents would NOT be pleased, lol!

          • Honestly…you know what your best bet is? Clothes. As a parent I love getting clothes for Riley, because she goes through them so quick. Even if it’s just a gift card to carter’s (or wherever they shop)

            • I might go that route, but I’m worried about sizing…he’s short for his age (no surprise, since my brother is only 5’2″), but he’s also heavy for his age. I know that the stuff I crocheted for him turned out to be too small when I saw him in December, even though I followed the instructions/measurements for his age (or even a little older).

              But I haven’t ruled that out yet…

              • That’s common. Riley’s 5 months and almost into 9 month clothes. She was in 6 months at 3 months lol.
                A gift card may work. I know they seem impersonal at times, but personally I like them for riley. Then I can go and grab what I need when I need it. 🙂

              • You’re probably right, but a gift card seems more like a present for his parents than for him. 😉

              • Lol he’s too little to get what’s going on anyway

              • Yes, but if it’s something I gave him, his parents can say things like, “Do you want to play with the xxx that Aunt Sandra gave you?” (which will probably sound to him like “blah blah play blah blah blah blah,” but maybe if he hears the words “Aunt Sandra” enough times when he’s doing things he likes, he’ll come to associate that sound with a positive feeling).

              • Don’t take too much stock in that aspect. I’ve got 8 nieces and nephews and most of them couldn’t tell you what I gave them for their birthday or Christmas (and they’re 13, 8, 6, 4, 3, 3, 1.5 & 10 months. They just know that I’m the fun aunt when I see them I play with them and tickle them etc. That’s all that matters, the time you spend with them. They really won’t remember the gifts. Plus, if you get him clothes (or a gift card) his parents can say “Aunt Sandra got you that outfit”. I do that with Riley a lot. When I put clothes on her that someone gave her I say “this outfit is from Nonna and Poppy” or when I read her a story I say “this book is from pop pop and nana”

              • All true. But the sad part is that I can’t see him and play with him and tickle him, because he’s clear across the country. The best I can hope for is maybe once a year, when they come East to visit their parents around Christmastime. 🙁

                But, when he gets a little older, I think maybe I’ll ask whether we can have some Skype sessions or something.

                I’m going to keep noodling over the gift thing for a while yet, since I still have a little time, but I truly do appreciate all of the advice/input from you and everyone else and will definitely be taking it all into consideration!

              • Oh I thought they lived in NYC…i must have missed something.

              • No – they’re in the Bay Area, along with a bunch of my other “turncoat” relatives, including my favorite aunt (who I think of more as my big sister, even though she’s 13 years older than I am and we haven’t lived in the same state since I was a kid).

                I don’t know why so many of my relatives had to relocate themselves clear across the country — it’s very annoying, since I actually like these folks!

                Fortunately, both my dad and stepmom (my brother’s parents) and my sister-in-law’s parents live in NYC (well, if you consider Staten Island NYC 😉 , because that’s where my SIL is from), and her parents don’t seem to travel to CA as much as my dad & stepmom do (plus, my SIL has siblings in NYC, too), so they’re pretty committed to making the annual trip, thanks goodness.

                In the past, before my nephew was born, they would even come up to the Boston area, because they have some friends in this area, which meant I didn’t have to travel down to NYC to see them. This past Christmas, though, they didn’t want to make that trip, I think because their trip was shorter and it was too much of a hassle to do that with the baby, so I had to make the trip down to the city. We’ll see what happens this December, I guess.

              • I miss my family more than anything. I’m the one who left. Nearly all of my family is still in South Dakota. I love and miss them dearly but I could not take South Dakota anymore. I fell in love with NYC (which Staten Island is very much a part of by the way even if we make fun of it) and feel very at home here. Now that my health is failing I’d love to be closer to Family but here my main support system is GMHC (Gay Men’s Health Crisis), my general practitioner works at an HIV exclusive clinic. I’m getting set up on HASA program that assists those too sick to work because of HIV. I’m pretty much stuck here until I get back on my feet. Not that I’d ever want to leave.

              • Oh, I just couldn’t help myself with the Staten Island crack, even though I really didn’t mean it. It’s just that, growing up in Manhattan, Staten Island always seemed kind of “exotic” – you had to take a ferry to get there and then it wasn’t anything like the city. I don’t know that I’ve actually ever been past the ferry terminal in Staten Island, unless maybe to go to funeral. Honestly, I never spent much time out of Manhattan (once I moved there from the Bronx when I was five years old), other than to make very occasional visits to relatives in Queens and Brooklyn.

                I can understand leaving South Dakota for so many reasons, especially if one is gay (although I would guess that South Dakota might be a little more laissez faire than some other states…I’m guessing a little more “don’t ask, don’t tell,” but I really don’t know much about SD culture). I don’t know why there are so many hate-filled states still left…it all makes me sick and ashamed to be in an American sometimes. (Although, I gotta say, I was never more proud of my adopted state of Massachusetts than when we were the first to legalize gay marriage!)

                I do hope your health comes back…is that something that’s likely to happen? Once you’re feeling better, no reason not to take a little trip “home” to SD and see folks. Even if you’re not super close, you don’t want to have any regrets and only end up traveling home for funerals, IYKWIM.

                I don’t visit family that much, but mostly just because they’re too far away. I feel bad that I haven’t once gone to the big Passover seder that a lot of my relatives on my dad’s side go to every year at my cousin’s house in Cleveland. I did used to travel to California once ever year or two several years ago, because I wanted to make sure that I got to see my grandma as much as I could before she died, which she eventually did at the nice age of 102. Then I didn’t go for a few years because I really hate flying and had been growing to hate it more and more, then I got this “disability,” which now pretty much precludes flying (especially that long). But the “clan” has been gathering there for Thanksgiving now for the past few years and they’ll all be there in a few week’s for my nephew’s birthday, and I feel bad that I can’t be there, too.

              • I’ve also only been to the ferry terminal and the park about a 5 minute walk away. Really nice memorial to 9/11 that had a beautiful view of downtown Manhattan, Brooklyn and Jersey city. Brooklyn downtown is probably much more impressive than you remember but from across the harbor it looks like one giant continuous skyline. It’s hard to tell the rivers separate them.
                Staten Island looked like the Bronx or outer Brooklyn near the ferry but I understand once you get away from the water it becomes like Jersey. Very suburban with like individual houses with yards and stuff. Like you need a car kind of thing. I really don’t know.

                Don’t ask don’t tell is very South Dakota. Nearly all my friends were straight but really cool about it even if they did act kinda weird about it sometimes. By that I mean asking really naive questions and thinking there was something different about me wish which is an attitude that doesn’t exist here.

                Yeah my health will be OK. Just a ways to go.i went untreated too long. I’m on a great new drug that in a matter of months has my levels back to normal, almost. I should be there soon then just keep an eye on it and take one pill a day. Once it’s under control and I’m working on getting disability and that goes through, I’m going back to SD for a month. I haven’t been outside the city for two years now.

              • Yes, you’re totally right about Staten Island being suburban with houses and such…my SIL’s parents live there and you definitely need to be able to drive. There is bus service (like, to the ferry), but you have to get to where the bus stops are and that can involve driving.

                Glad to hear things are under control (and will be even more so) medically – you’re really lucky that you weren’t born 20 years earlier, I think.

    • HI! And welcome. 🙂 I’m kind of new to the site…post now and again. I’ve posted more than usual lately…because I’m feeling withdrawals with nothing really going on in the game. So – glad to have you. I second the “Go Dodgers! and my son turned 1 in Feb, too. 5/5.

      Friends aka Neighboreenos – just made a few spots from people who hadn’t played in weeks+ and sent you an add request. Hit me up! Looking forward to seeing your Springfield.

      Also, my $0.02 when putting up an add request – be specific. Tell others how you play, the kinds of neighboreenos you are looking for, that you not only play but tap friends each day. I have a GREAT LIST of friends and most are on multiple times a day. Took me a few tries to get here….but literally out of 100 I let go of 10 and have had the same list of friends for months now.

      Oh, and I’m also late in arriving to the game. I’m not a real tech/app/game savvy person, so heard about it through a friend of a friend back in 3/14. There are a lot of people around here (the site) that have played way back since 2012. Awesomesauce!

      • I tried replying to your other comment but there was no reply button!! Not sure if it’s just because I’m using the app? It’s never happened before BUT- as for your resort/casino combo, it looks little crowded in the front with the resort pieces but I’ve yet to max out my resort in SH to see if it would look better in a different setup or just brought back a little so burns casino is sticking out a little more. I really wish the fountains were placeable in water as that was my original idea for them, like a tribute to the water show at the Bellagio in Vegas. But I’m going to try and arrange them so that they go off in like a wave in some sort of shape. I need to play around with it to see how well it works out.

    • How could you sit there since October and not have anything to say?
      You probably know us all quite well by now,

      • I do know that you almost always get first comment on nearly every post 😆 But yes I do feel like I’ve been hiding in the bushes nearby eavesdropping, stifling giggles lol. It wasn’t so much that I didn’t have anything to say, just that I would start to leave a comment then change my mind last second.

    • Congrats on finally contributing the delicious, Kool-aid that is the Addicts blog- and Welcome! With the down time from the mini event, I almost feel like I’m cheating here by checking out other blogs 😲😱 but the difference I’ve noticed is, for the most part, people here are really positive and supportive of one another, especially here on open thread. When I carouse, it seems to me that internet comments are a chance to be anonymously mean and nasty like most people would never be face-to-face. TSTO is the only game I play, the only blogs I contribute to but I consider the regular commenters here my friends. I wish I could invite them over for coffee and friend visits.

      • From my months of lurking I really noticed that everyone here is very friendly and seem pretty close. It’s definitely more of a community feel which is nice and definitely persuaded me to finally post.

      • I’ll take a decaf! 🙂

        • And I”ll take Sandra’s caffeine! In fact, I think I’ll go grab a coffee right now! I have a problem. The first step is to admit it, right? Are there any others? I think awareness is the best place to exist.

          I have to second the awesomeness of this site and the people who post here. It is really unreal. And I have often thought how extremely amazing it would be if we could all have a “TSTO Addicts” convention.

          Why not? Next May? I like May. A bring all the kids leave the TSTO hating spouses at home fun in the sun (has to be somewhere with SUN-shine as we are all so bright and cheery). So, not ALL the time, but we make each other bright and cheery.

          Ok, great, we agree – May 2017. (Late May – as I have grade school age children).

          Awesome! Any suggested places? (I say, swing for the fences!)

          • May is my birth month so there really couldn’t be a better month 😉 and do I have to bring all my kids? I have 5. We’re one shy of a modern day Brady Bunch haha. And where I live it’s nothing BUT sun. So can we settle for partly cloudy?

            But May 2017…. East coast? I’ve never been!

          • NYC in May 17?

            Now doesn’t that have a nice ring to it? And Sandra wouldn’t have to fly anywhere!

            OK, well….the kids…I’d have to have my 3 cuz its just me, so yes. Five? You must be a super hero.

  28. The Heights can make one frustrated. Chairs, coffee cups, Yoga mats. Pills, statues; wonder who thought this method up. Wish they would have made it simpler; I can never seem to get my Heights finished.
    Hope all are having a good Tuesday.

    • I only sent one or two characters to make stuff like ads and pills so my yoga mat production could keep up. It worked pretty well, especially when I could send just premium characters and get more stuff for my resources. I got to a billion in December.
      You’re right though, it isn’t terribly entertaining. Don’t feel like you have to get it done. Take a breather from it so your characters can do something else for awhile.

      • Unless you have a username I’m not aware of, you are at the top of my ‘gotta catch’em all’ friend list. Pick me!

    • I don’t think you’re supposed to “finish” Springfield Heights, any more than you’re supposed to “finish” regular Springfield! I look at my Springfield Heights as a gradual work in progress that I work on when my characters and I have the “spare time.”

      Most of the people who really seem to hate SH are treating it like one really long, annoying event. It’s not meant to be an event – it’s meant to be an expansion! Most of the people who seem to like (or not mind) SH tend to look at it the same way I do, not as a race. 🙂

      • As usual, I agree with Sandra. Personally, I don’t care for billionaires haven (until they release something better later) so I was done after getting Ziff’s mansion. I thought Nero’s casino would look best on my SH pier, so now I’m only working on things that get me pier tiles.

    • Having a strategy can help…you need more yoga mats it seems than anything else. I would do Furniture, Coffee and Yoga Mats until they were maxed out – then send characters to do the pills, trophies and….um….ads. Right. There is something else I’m forgetting.

      If you are trying to “rank up” per se – you can get 600k in real estate value with 200 coffees (which doesn’t take too long if you send #1 to get 15 every hour while sending everyone else to the coffee shop). That means you can pretty easily get $1.2 million per day – which if you do that for a couple months is an extra 60+ million. Just saying.

      I really think Sandra has it right though – it’s an Expansion and meant to have perpetual growth in the game, not a beginning and and end. I used a lot of casino decorations in the Heights – starts around the theatre – fountains and spotlights,. Just a little added pizazz.

      LAST – when I felt overwhelmed – I would focus on what items were needed for what I was trying to buy next. So if to upgrade I needed 70 pills – I would just focus on getting those and forget about the rest.

      Hope that helps. I feel like I know how you feel. It was hard to feel like I was making progress for a long time – and now I don’t have much to do. Slow and steady wins the race. Or so they say…….enjoy it while you have things to accumulate still.

      I have had to let it go. I got super crazed when I started seeing people getting billionaire haven – got up to 6 on my list of friends – then just had to stop. It was WAY TOO MUCH TIME. The person at the top is at 1.6+ BILLION. For the life of me – I can’t figure out how. They’ve got me beat by over 300 million.

      • Lol – when I reached billionaire status (during the last major event), I was still only in 42nd place on my Springfield Heights leaderboard!

        I guess I have a lot of over-achieving neighbors. 😉

        • I keep moving down because people keep accumulating real estate value. Is it sad that kind of bothers me? My 42nd friend is also my first with 1,000,000,000. Is that odd? I found you on my list too….you are at 33. In the top 1/3!

        • Your still 24 on mine and ahead of me. Does that make it a lil better?

          • Oh, I don’t feel bad about my place on that particular leaderboard…I realized pretty early on that this was one leaderboard I was never gonna be near the top on (at least with my neighbors) and I’m okay with that. I tend to feel a little more competitive about the event leaderboards though, and like to be at least in the top 10 on those, if I can. (Once I even made it to #1!)

          • Oh, sorry. I wasn’t trying to poke fun. I was excited when I saw you. I also got to be #1 once….for about an hour. I took a picture I was so proud. Its the little things in life that can put the biggest smiles on your face. 😁

        • Sandra, you’re 16 on my list. That’s one above me.😊

  29. Some time ago I noted that the aspirational section was removed from the store (during the Casion event, maybe?). I didn’t think anything of it at the time because I could never afford anything in there, and I figured they just shuffles some things around into other categories. Now I have a pretty good amount saved up and can’t find any of those items (Fortress of Choclitude, Sit-n-Rotate, etc.) Were these removed from the game or is there just an issue with my account? Thanks!

  30. I really hope the game adds Julio as a character soon. I enjoy him. Maybe he’ll pop up in June though.

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