Winter Removal Update and New Content (Incoming)

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

The Winter Removal update is currently pending in the files.  We’re just waiting on it to hit both iOS and Android stores (oh Kindle too!).  As of typing this…4:30pm ET…it is NOT LIVE.  But it’s sitting on the servers so it’s only a matter of time before it hits your app store. Currently live on Android and iOS, you will likely have to search your store for Tapped Out.  Update did not appear in my update list.


So why am I writing about something that’s pending?  Because it’s 4:30 here and nearly time for me to go pick up the Tiny Addict and head home.  It’s very likely that the update will hit the stores before I get home and get her settled for the night.  So consider this post your “heads up” that the snow should be removed today and Springfield will return to normal.

Is there anything with the removal update?  Yes.  It appears that there is a phase 2 for The Great Phatsby tie-in that should be hitting with the removal.

Confirmed: Phatsby Gil Deal AND changes to SH, new characters can earn SH currency (and increased storage).  I’ll cover it all when I get home.

I’ll cover the details for everything later tonight after the Tiny Addict is in bed.

For now consider this post your place to talk about the removal and the new content…once it hits.

I’ll be back later tonight with more details!  Thanks guys!


101 responses to “Winter Removal Update and New Content (Incoming)

  1. Thank You Ebron & Dr Tyler for your design suggestions. I’ll get around to tinkering with my fairy glade & enchanted circle concept – would have been so much easier if the mushies had been redcap toadstools! Flowers may provide some contrast. I didn’t buy the Spirit Tree as it seemed overly large & not a Rowan – which all pagan Spirit Trees should be!

  2. I don’t quite get removing winter already…
    It’s the middle of January

  3. Princess Martin task is still here in my game :/

  4. Thanks for the update Alissa
    Yeah, time to buy more land in Springfield Heights 😜

  5. I’m not going to touch the first two tease possibilities but there is plenty, if fact the first can certainly cause the world wide romp (viva la France) and also work with the military education maybe (YVAN EHT NOIJ) but this Vanentines I still would like a “little” dancing and some Tappa-tappa-tappa.

    But way people think Sarah Wiggum is a/the Gluttonous Gal (that feels like wishful thinking,I’m not getting my hopes up)? My first thought was Dia-Bettie Splucker.

  6. I updated 11am Aust ESDS time this morning – a few mins before that time there was no update; & then there it was on my old ipad!

    I’m happy to see the snow disappear in one way – It’s Summer here in Australia – But the enchanted fairy circle I made with a big mushroom set in the middle & little ones circling it looks horrid on the very green grass! The mushrooms are such a pukey green & yellow without the snow! My fairy glade just looks so wrong & clashes with the grass in a way that makes it look much less than enchanting! It looked so lovely with the Winter snow!

    It appears the mushrooms can only go on dirt other than the grass, but the dirt won’t go in a circle, which spoils the effect I was wanting. Any design ideas anyone?
    As a shout out to EA – Could we buy snow tiles that stay white all year please! (Like the ice blocks I’ve used for fences around some features – I’ve had them for ages & they look great in certain placements) Pretty please EA?

  7. I was hoping the Martin task would go away with the new update. But…still here. Any idea when it will go away?

  8. I (and probably 99% of other tappers) think that the valentines day hint relates to Sarah Wiggum and I’m SO ready to have her in my game! Also, virtually impossible, but I’d love to see Bob Dole and Bill Clinton skins for Kang and Kodos and Bush with rainbow hair with regards to the inauguration bit….makes me think of a presidential/election parody

    • Yes!! I was going to post here to ask who people thought might be the gluttonous gal, but it’s so obvious that you’re right! That will be an instabuy for me.

  9. It was pointed out on the EA forums that the description in the Amazon Kindle teaser was different:

    The heretics have had their time and a new year has been celebrated. As the religious riots settle and the townsfolk get back to their normal lives, what’s next for your town? An inaugural incident? A romp around the world? An invasion of bow wielding gnomes?

    Ahh the intrigue!!

  10. Tiny Addict looks AWESOME,!!!! 😁👍

  11. Fortunately I had 666 of every resource, which made the Heights upgrade easy. Disappointed they didn’t raise the $2 billion REV cap.

    • How did you get so many, mine were capped at 200.

      • I’m guessing a combination of maximum stuffing of each one using the same method I do when I fill up the recycling pants each week (getting as close to the max as possible, then sending everyone you can to earn that currency, this getting almost a full round extra), using the Googleplex (terrible payout though), and getting extra pharmaceuticals via the giant turkey.

        • Josephine Kick@$$

          😂 I wore my recycling pants today!! 😊😊😘 Sorry Sandra, I couldn’t hep myself😁😁😁

      • Exactly what Sandra said. I’d get to 199 and then send everyone I could to go as high above 200 as possible. I got many more as daily challenges. And the rest I always have something “playing” at the Googleplex. You canplay around with buying items to make it land exactly at 666.

  12. Oh I see the new land now.. hellerrr I had to go into the design mode thing.. lol

    Hope everyone is doing great!!

  13. I’m not seeing the new land in SH?

    I did get the Gil offer and passed on it..

  14. Recently, I finally decided to just ditch/store the elements of the game I’ve never liked.. That included storing almost everything SH related. (I made a large “mall” for the stores that I quite like.. but all the buildings/parking garages/beach stuff is away.) I am at 499 million and it stopped being any sort of fun for me to continue – why play this silly game if not for enjoyment??

    I should have known this would happen! I was in the process of designing a full-time Nightmare-Before-Christmas-esque holiday area in my (now empty) Heights. Hopefully whatever is upcoming will trigger some inspiration to renew it, but the idea of pulling everything out of storage is no fun. I might just grind to get all the new characters that can earn materials and the new land and keep with the original plan. Guess I’ll see what it has in store! Not complaining yet. On a serious yoga mat quest at the moment.

    Also that Gil deal is so cool looking but I only have 70 donuts and can’t bring myself to spend $ as times are hard right now.

    Thanks addicts for your hard work on the site.

    • I get the idea that the Heights was a long term project from EA and and didn’t have a problem with that, but the heights was a painful experience and the worst thing EA has ever foisted upon us. My “A” town has all of those gosh awful ugly buildings in storage.

    • If you have so much in game cash, why don’t you turn on your collider for one day and spend 20 mil on rat trap trucks? That ought to get you more than enough donuts for the Gil deal, and you wouldn’t even notice it with so much cash on hand.

  15. Sweet! Now I can get to designing.
    Please, please, please don’t do anything with the heights.

  16. Well many tappers have been asking for more land in S.H. Now youv’e got it !!!
    So well done EA, credit where it’s due.
    I have a feeling the next update is going to be a cracker !

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