Should I Spend Donuts On the Cypress Creek Home?

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

The spies are invading Springfield!  Yes, the Secret Agent update has hit our games.  We’ve got hacking, drones, dossiers and a shrinking donut bank account because there are LOADS of spy items in our stores just tempting us with those sprinkles!

Of course with that limited-time label it can be tempting to buy everything that looks awesome because it’ll be gone soon.  But don’t sweat it!  That’s where we come in to tell you what’s worth those donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add the Cypress Creek Home to your Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this Scorpio inspired home to your Springfield…

Building: Cypress Creek Home
Donut Price: 45 Donuts
Conform-O-Meter: Indolence +20
Earns: $440, 40xp/20hrs
Size: 8×12
Tasks: Marge has a 1hr Task there (Drink to Cope with Ennui, Earns $70, 17xp)
Other Info: Can Go on the Boardwalk & Pier

Leaves Stores May 9th

-A house for Springfield, and there aren’t to many of those these days (that aren’t Brown, White, Pink, Orange, Blue, Purple…)
-Animated when in use, Front porch lights turn on, sprinklers go
-Marge has a 1hr permanent task there

-No questline associated with it
-Marge’s task does not earn at a premium rate

Final Thought
With so few houses available in Springfield (of variety), pick this one up.  It’s a different look, has a task and is fairly inexpensive. Hard to find reasons not to like it.  So pick this one up.

This is an ok buy.  It provides variety to residential Springfield, fairly inexpensive and comes with a task for Marge.  I’d say this is one to pick up if you have the donuts.

Of course in the end it’s your decision, we can only tell you what we would or wouldn’t do.  And , as I already say, as a premium player I picked it up. Can’t complete my (eventual) Cypress Creek area without it.  Just remember this is limited time, and will be leaving our stores soon.  Whatever you decide, So be sure to make your final decision before it’s gone from our games for good. (or for now..)

What are your thoughts on the Cypress Creek Home?  Will you be picking it up or have you already?  Where have you placed it in your Springfield?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

25 responses to “Should I Spend Donuts On the Cypress Creek Home?

  1. One of the better bargains in the Store now …. 😊

  2. I’m tempted by this, but I don’t know if it will fit in my pre-made areas for houses. I hope I make my mind up in time! 😛

  3. I had no second thoughts on buying this. I am a bit weird in my game and don’t like to buy more then one of any thing. Thank you very much buy a chain of pitas quest. So this allowed me to finally get my 5 star springfeild.

  4. Bought it, but was a bit disappointed that it is unique. I would have liked to buy 2 or 3.

  5. Theoriginalsteve

    I really wanted more than one for my CC area… I could only buy one – hoping EA update the store so I can pick up a couple more. Oh well!

  6. I FINALLY can get Duff Brewery with Duff Man, yet it is not to be found to “purchase”. Will it be back?? So bummed!! I’ve looked through EVERYTHING! 🙁

  7. I would have used it to replace one of my orange houses if it were smaller, but it doesn’t really fit in any of my neighborhoods. I would need to build another neighborhood somewhere with some of the other large premium homes I don’t own yet, and I’m not sure where that would go. Also it would cost me more donuts to get Stacey’s mansion and Herb’s mansion. So I’m probably passing on this one.
    They should open up more space in the Heights if they want us to buy stuff like this.

    • Shuffled a few things so it would fit into a small upper class neighborhood, next to a condo complex. Not many houses in this category…all mansions or simple houses. I really wanted more than one of these, but guess it’s not gonna happen.😞

    • Well, I decided to move Frink’s lab and tech complex today, which opened up some space near my residential area. Got this, plus the other big premium houses. Still tinkering with it, but I’m hoping it will all come together.

  8. A 3-house pack would have been ideal. Oh well. This is HUGE. And a house on the pier? Silly EA!

  9. I was gonna pass it but Alissa you talked me into it. 🙂

  10. Had to have in man

  11. $70 for a 1-hour task? Wish that it were true! 🙂

  12. Love it!

  13. Shouldn’t there be another story on it?

  14. Josephine Kick@$$

    You can only buy 1? Must be why it’s not in my store anymore. I think there was a glitch a few days ago when I bought it & it was going to let me buy more. Darn!

  15. The only problem is, you can’t buy just one, can you…

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