Turbo Tappin’ (Animal Free) Thanksgiving 2017: Main Questline and Prizes

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s the holiday season! Here in America we’re gearing up for Thanksgiving…the one holiday that stands between us and Christmas….so naturally the Simpsons have to celebrate!  While I think it would have been awesome to get a confetti shooting Homer balloon from last Sunday’s episode, this mini event is fun too!

Of course, as with all events, a questline comes with it to help move us through the ins and outs of the event…and unlock all of the prizes.  As was mentioned on the rundown post this mini event is similar to the previous mini-events (like Homer the Heretic and the Most Dangerous Game before it), in that you’ve got to complete various tasks to unlock the prizes.

So let’s take a look at the questline to see just how to unlock all the Animal saving inspired prizes…

NOTE FROM PATRIC- I was one of you…no iOS. It landed this morning (11/15). HOWEVER…it didn’t just “show up.”  I needed to shut down my device completely…as in all the way off, not just clicking the screen. Shut. Down. Then go into the app store…and do a search for “The Simpsons Tapped Out.” That finally brought up the new updated screen.  Please try that before you write, reinstall, or freak out any further…Thanks!! 

This Thanksgiving’s Gone to the Birds Intro
Homer auto starts

Make Lisa Escape Her PTVD- 6s, Earns $35, 1xp

Once this is complete it’ll trigger the event content, prize track and questline….

This Thanksgiving’s Gone to the Birds Pt.1 
Lisa starts

Make Lisa Promote Tofun- 3hrs, Earns $135, 35xp
Make Springfielders Beta Test Tofun- x5, 3hrs, Earns $135, 35xp Freemium and $200, 55xp Premium
Earn Activist Badges- x150, Earns 10 Freemium and 15 Premium
Can Send:
Comic Book Guy
Rev Lovejoy

Completed Task Earns Meat Propaganda Billboard:

This Thanksgiving’s Gone to the Birds Pt.2 
Lisa starts

Make Lisa Update Tofun- 3hrs, Earns $135, 35xp
Make Springfielders Compete on Tofun- x5, 3hrs, Earns $135, 35xp Freemium and $200, 55xp Premium
Earn Activist Badges- x325, Earns 10 Freemium and 15 Premium
Can Send:
Comic Book Guy
Rev Lovejoy

Completed Task Earns Pr0grammer Lisa:

This Thanksgiving’s Gone to the Birds Pt.3 
Lisa starts

Make Programmer Lisa Hack Propaganda- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp
Earn Activist Badges- x325, Earns 10 Freemium and 15 Premium
Can Send:
Comic Book Guy
Rev Lovejoy

Completed Task Earns Slaughterhouse Express:

This Thanksgiving’s Gone to the Birds Pt. 4
Lisa starts

Make Programmer Lisa Call P.E.T.A. For Backup- 3hrs, Earns $135, 35xp
Earn Activist Badges- x325, Earns 10 Freemium and 15 Premium
Can Send:
Comic Book Guy
Rev Lovejoy

Completed Task Earns Slaughter House and Sir Loin A Lot:

This Thanksgiving’s Gone to the Birds Pt. 5
Lisa starts

Make Programmer Lisa Inspect Source Code- 3hrs, Earns $135, 35xp
Make Gluttons Take the Sir Loin-A-Lot Challenge- x3, 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp Freemium and $260, 70xp
Earn Activist Badges- x325, Earns 10 Freemium and 15 Premium
Can Send:
Comic Book Guy
Rev Lovejoy

Completed Task Earns You Don’t Win Friends w Salad Animation:

Activist Feature Creep Pt. 1
Lisa starts

Make Programmer Lisa Code Under the Sun- 8hrs, Earns $275. 70xp
Make Homer and Bart Do the “You Don’t Win Friends with Salad” Dance- 4hrs, Earns $350, 90xp

Activist Feature Creep Pt. 2
Lisa starts

Make Programmer Lisa Gamify Herself- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

Activist Feature Creep Pt. 3
Lisa starts

Make Homer Drink to Get a High Score- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp
Make Springfielders Gamify Themselves- x5. 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp Freemium and $260, 70xp Premium

And that’s it my friends!  All there is to the Thanksgiving mini event main questline!

What are your thoughts on the Thanksgiving Mini Event?  Any prizes you’re looking forward to getting? What do you plan to do with the prizes (design plans)?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

132 responses to “Turbo Tappin’ (Animal Free) Thanksgiving 2017: Main Questline and Prizes

  1. can we get a calendar to show how far along we need to be to “get it all” . …. <> <<

  2. Does anybody know if you can still unlock Montymort after this update hits?

    • as long as you don’t do the Thanskgiving Update from the App store, you can keep earning. But, there will likely be a kill date at some point soon.

    • I’m still grinding away for Montymort, the update is sitting in the app store. Hopefully I can grab him before they force it. I was one of the people that had him stuck on 1/3 for ages despite the battles. Lucky I don’t want the Thanksgiving stuff anyway.

  3. No matter how many times I’ve shut down my iPhone and iPad I can’t get the update! I didn’t play all day yesterday and seems like I won’t today. Oh well…

    • Mine was the same till I deleted and reinstalled my game.

      • On my older iPad, went to app store to update. Showed updated 1day, but only option was open. Hit open. Got request to update, was sent back to app store. Still “open”. Hit it. Back to game with update request. Back to app store. Checked updates. Back to search. Still showed “open”. Waited a couple of minutes, turned to “update”. All is fine.

        Moral: for those who are having trouble, maybe just wait on the page for awhile.

  4. IoS user here, and my update loaded just fine this morning, which was good news. I was able to get everything going before heading to the office. Hoorah!

    The bad news is that I’m still not getting the Daily Challenge in my B game, which is freemium. It’s been almost three weeks since one has been available. I reported the bug, and then reached out directly…and they referred me to the forums and said they’d give me 20 donuts for my trouble. I was really hoping the update would correct the issue, but it hasn’t. Bah, humbug. It’s been a few days and no donuts, either, so reached back out today. I saw on the forum others were having the same issue too – anyone here?

    It’s mostly annoying because it’s in my B game…I don’t think I would have noticed as quickly in my A version since I don’t log in as regularly.

    • I have the same problem, no daily challenge. I updated TSTO this morning and was hoping for a challenge tomorrow. I too was offered the 20 donuts and the promise that a fix would be arriving soon.

    • Hi @caleeksu this is probably a dumb question, but have you checked to see that your Big Box Store is out & unstored?

      • That’s a great call out – I forgot it was a shortcut for the challenge. Unfortunately it wasn’t in storage…I tried to store it and replace but that got the hoarder alert. Thanks for the solid idea tho!

  5. I’m still playing the Hallowen event !
    At this rate I might even finish it before being forced to update !

  6. Is anyone else finding that there have been daily (or more than once a day) in-game updates? My game also seems to log me out at these times, and it’s so frustrating!

  7. Tracy-1ltwoody920

    Sumpin’ was up last night for me. Was playing, got kicked off and couldn’t come back. I lost my ability to maintain my password connection to the internet itself.
    Cool this morning, but crazy weird last night

  8. Is anyone else finding that they have to constantly (like more than once daily) run an in-game update, and log in again? For the last few days I’ve had to do that, and it’s getting annoying…

    • When I had that issue someone on here recommended I make more space on my phone. Delete Facebook(apparently the cache is huge and rakes up more space than advertised), along with any apps/photos on the device you don’t want/use…and then delete and reinstall the game.

      I followed their directions and have never HD an issue again.

    • I have the exact same problem, using iPhone 6s, I have more than 3.5 free gb … it keeps reloading from scratch each time I launch the app. Every time I need to wait until it loads and then enter user name + password. As a result, I am only logging in twice a day.

      I would think that 3.5 gb should be more than enough!!!

  9. I’m taking a break from the game for a bit. I’m glad this mini event seems lackluster to me, so I don’t feel like I’m missing anything. I did get Mrs. Bouvier, but that’s going to be it. I’m doing 24 hour tasks for the next while. My grandpa is dying, and the funeral will probably be next week, so I’m taking a break. Real life is more important.

  10. Do you HAVE to buy jasper? I’m a Freemium player and don’t have enough donuts d’oh!

    • Assume it’s a bug, it’s nothing to do with the event.

    • I don’t know what’s going on with these glitches but it seems to be triggering old quests. I’m assuming there will be an update to remove it at some point but considering how bad the bugs have been lately I don’t have much confidence in EA at all.

      • I am stuck on the same thing. Cryogenics quest for Grampa & Jasper. But you have to buy Jasper for doughnuts. Not cool EA. 150 doughnuts for Jasper & Community Center. Maybe for 50, but no way for that many. New strongarm tactic from EA to get people to splurge??

        • I got this quest, and one for Hank Scorpio (who I also do not own…yet?). Bizarre.

          I was kinda hoping older mini-events triggered again, like they did last time (finally got Deep Space Homer & the Rocket Launch Pad, woohoo!), but nope.

          I have a vague recollection of these side quests being available with certain buildings IF you had the premimum character already. These launching reminds me of when EA rereleased Ice Princess (*coughElsacough*) Martin & the Ice Palace; many ppl complained of having an unfinishable quest due to not having the premium building…

    • I (and many others) have the same thing. Pobrably a glitch, with so many event/mini-events i think EA does’t have the time anymore to debug all of it (but they should). I will not buy jasper now, he could come with a discount on black friday

    • Considering all the issues getting the Thanksgiving event going, and the obvious mistake of a quest line requiring the purchase of a character, I am hoping as a peace offering from EA we get Jasper for free to complete the errant quest line. Hey I can dream can’t I? 😀

  11. Deleting and reinstalling the app activated the update on iPhone and iPad. Now I’m wondering about the Krusty Coat of Foxes skin. Has anyone bitten on this yet? Is it worth it?

  12. I just did the thanksgiving update and before Lisa’s prompt, I had a prompt from Grandpa to do “cryogenics pt2” and this needs Jasper, who I don’t have. Now it wont go away. Anybody else get this?

  13. Another quest has appeared that seems not to be possible to complete without spending 200 donuts: The Rule of Two Pt 1. It’s like the ice palace all over again.

  14. I know this isn’t the right place for this comment, but I have to post something. I totally understand the need and the right for the site to make money, but I have to tell you that these new video ads are horrible. They make your site almost unusable. They autoplay with the audio on and the mute button is disabled. I have to turn the audio down on the entire computer to avoid them… and they’re EVERYWHERE!

    On top of that, they don’t set cookies, so they play EVERY TIME I come to a page or reload a post. It’s just a absolutely horrible experience and one that’s going to cause me to find my TOS info elsewhere at some point.

    Just thought I’d let you know.


    • I’ve been complaining to word press for months. They put them on the site not us…and they’re awful. But apparently my complaints are falling on deaf ears. Perhaps you’d like to complain to them as well?

      • What’s the best way to complain to them?

        My biggest issue isn’t the volume/autoplay (I have my sound off all of the time already…) but that the page autoscrolls to the ad and I can’t scroll away from it for 30 seconds until the ad is over. Playing in the background is one thing, but forcing that ad to the top of the screen is ridiculous. I’ve definitely reduced my traffic to this site recently because of it :/

    • Might I add that the video ads also HIJACK your view? Sometimes they center the page on them and they don’t let you scroll up or down. As you try to do so, the page automatically jumps back to the video ads so you can’t get away from them. The only remedy is to reload the page and pray that it won’t happen this time. I think their ad player is broken.

      This doesn’t happen all the time but enough to be an issue. I mean, it’s already annoying not being able to mute or pause them, like NaviGATR has said.

      • Agreed on all points…and I can assure that Alissa is trying to find a solution. That part of the page is controlled by WordPress, who seems less than helpful in offering a solution. We will continue to work on it…as I am as annoyed as you. As far as “muting” I have found two solutions. Click the ad…and then close the pop up. Or simply mute your computer speakers. Neither is a perfect solution.

  15. Do the premium ballons have a Bonus % ?

  16. Go to the App store and search for Tapped Out. The update is there.

    • The update was in the App Store on my iPhone but not on my iPad. Had to delete TSTO app on my iPad then reinstall it to get the update to download.

  17. Cool exept for the skin for lisa. I have like eight and this is enough

  18. Still no update for iOS. Tapping for Dracula character 12 days after Halloween was ridiculous and I’m STILL stuck in this event.

  19. No update in my APP store.

  20. My plans for the prizes in order.
    1. Probably store.
    2. Use for event, then never use it again.
    3.Stick near a farm.
    4. Stick in my Vegas Strip.
    5. Use once for event and then never again.

  21. The IPhone update finally showed up.

  22. Great info! Any update on the IOS non-update? Thanks!!!

  23. Man, this is going to play havoc with my Rail Yard work

  24. Ahhhhhh…..short and sweet. But no turkeys? Lol.

  25. Still no update for iPhone. 😤

  26. Wow! We are live! Whoohoooo! 😄😂👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  27. Still no update for iOs! 😭😭😭😭😪😪😪😪😪
    In a couple of hours I will be off to bed. Funny how Ea out of the 196 characters picks up the ones who can work for donuts! Except for Luigi and Quinn the rest are all recycling workers! Thanks EA!

    • I am so glad to have that recycling monkey off my back. I quit when they made it an endless loop. Now I just collect blueprints from the Lisa Slurry Plant and settle for 5 doughnuts every week and a half about

  28. More of these “Send Springfielders” tasks annoying to say the least when I have nearly 250 characters. EA need to stop this if they want people to keep playing. I did like the slaughterhouse episode so I will play this one out.

    • I am so with you on this. Even with the premium character, which i did not get, it takes 3 turns (9hours) to get the 150 badges.

    • You dont have to send all unless you wanted to earn the income. I only send what was required.

    • I personally love them but I never use the unemployment office. They should have a send all button or allow the office to ignore tasks in yellow. As it is just send the required 5 or whatever and buck it up and sacrifice 3 hours of income. It is after all just a game.

  29. I still have not seen the update in the ios app store. Any one else having this issue

  30. There’s no takedown update in the Apple Store 😡

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