Should I Spend Donuts On Toys “B” This?

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Grab your Santa hats and break out the tinsel because it’s Christmas time in Springfield! Yes the annual TSTO Christmas event has arrived in our pocket-sized towns, covering our usual perfect weather towns with a fresh blanket of bright, white, snow!   Of course, by now, we all know that a new event means a new excuse for EA to fill our stores with limited-time premium items to tempt us.

As we all know, that limited-time label can tempt us to grab everything in sight because it’ll be gone soon.  But don’t sweat it!  That’s where we come in to tell you what’s worth those donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add Toys B This to your Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this close down toy store to your town…

Building/Decoration: Toys “B” This
Donut Cost: 75 Donuts
$135, 15xp,4hrs/ During Week 4 it earns 11 , 70xp/4hrs
Consumerism +20
Can Be Placed:

Leaves stores January 2nd

-Comes with a short, 2 part, questline
-Earns event currency for Week 4
-Comes with a permanent 4hr task for Bart, Be Overcome by Nostalgia
-A reminder of a part of many of our Childhoods.

-Expensive for what it is/does

Final Thought
Premium or Freemium:
Yes, it has a permanent task and earns event currency but I’m really on the fence with this one.  For me, it comes down to Nostalgia.  If you have fond memories or Toys R Us and want a Simpson like reminder in your town, go for it.  Otherwise, I’d take a pass.

Of course, in the end, it’s your decision, we can only tell you what we would or wouldn’t do…and as a premium player, I’m still on the fence.  But whatever you decide, just make sure you make your final decision before it leaves our games for good (or for now).

Here’s a look at the questline…

Toys “B” This Pt. 1
Auto starts

Bart: Now remember, Mom. All I want for Christmas is FortFite: Platinum Headshot Edition.
Marge: I know, sweetie. It’s really hard to find that video game. The internet is sold out.
Bart: What about the toy store? You’ve exhausted every possible angle to satisfy my demands, right? You still love me, right? Right?
Marge: Bart, the toy store went out of business.
Marge: But I guess we could break in! Maybe there’s a copy of your game lying around in there.
Bart: I’ll bring the car around.
Make Marge Break Into the Abandoned Toy Store- 4hrs, Earns $260, 70xp
Make Bart Be Overcome by Nostalgia- 4hrs, Earns $260, 70xp
Marge: It’s kind of spooky in here.
Bart: We passed so many wonderful hours in here, didn’t we? I wonder why they shut it down?
Marge: Probably because we, and all the other people who cherish the magic of toy stores, ditched these places the second they turned on the internet.

Toys “B” This Pt. 2
Auto starts

Bart: How could we let this happen to toy stores? What were we thinking?
Marge: Well, it IS pretty great buying toys in your underwear from the convenience of the couch.
Bart: It’s not fair! You can’t drag your parents to the internet and make a scene until they crumble and buy you what you want!
Marge: We should get out of here. Ol’ Gil isn’t much of a security guard, but even he’s gotta wake up sometime.
Make Marge Try to Comfort Bart 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp
Marge: Bart, how come you’re not playing your new game? I worked very hard to track it down for you.
Bart: I can’t stop thinking about the store. Why do things have to change?
Marge: That’s just what happens when you get older, sweetie. The world keeps changing. But there’s one thing that will never, ever change. Not even if you live a million years. *kisses his forehead* And that’s —
Bart: How much you suck at videogames?
Marge: Right. That’s exactly what I was going to say. That the one constant in the universe is how much I suck at stupid Fortfite.

What are your thoughts on Toys “B” This?  Will you be spending the donuts to bring it to your Springfield? Did you already?  Why or why not?  Where have you placed it in your town?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

26 responses to “Should I Spend Donuts On Toys “B” This?

  1. I spent the 75 donuts on Toys B This, and…. It’s not paying out! I think I got cookies from it once yesterday. Now, it seems to reset itself every time I visit my town, so it is perpetually just under four hours away from a payout that never comes. Anyone else experiencing this? I think this may be what someguy is referring to in his comment below. I recall having issues like this when I bought the “Slaghold” building during the playground/bandit event a little while back. I opened a ticket on it with EA, and they never resolved it (but did quietly “close” the case).

    • Replying to my own message to give you all an update. I opened a chat session with EA customer service. The agent removed Toys B This from my Springfield and refunded my 75 donuts. He said I could re-purchase it if I choose. I am bummed because I do like the building–and I asked him to have the team research the issue and send me a follow-up email to let me know if the issue is identified and fixed. I will post again to this blog if I get any more info on this.

  2. Toys R Us is still going strong here, with 6 stores within 5km of where I live! Weirdly, locals pronounce the name more like Toysaurus.

  3. Made me laugh…remembering an “In Living Color” skit with the Wayons brothers about a toy store in the Hood called “We B Toys n’ S**t”…pretty funny stuff 😂.

  4. I worked at toys r us until they closed here in June. We spent the last day cleaning up the empty building for the landlord. It was really sad because I loved that job and loved the people there. I fell super hard for a coworker there and miss him every day. I’m 40 years old and never in my life have I met someone I’ve been so enamoured with. I thought he liked me and I gave him my number to keep in touch and he never did. That broke my heart and I still wish he would call me someday lol. That job wasn’t even like work. Lots of good memories. I miss it terribly. Had to buy the stupid building so I could torture myself with more tears.

  5. I have fond memories or Toys R Us … but I passed on this for the Springfield Pet Store (comes with Reptile Pet) so that Krusty’s favourite Monkey Side Kick has an 8 Hour Task (it was also discounted in the Vault for 65 🍩’s – and yep there’s a permanent Task for Bart’s favourite Elephant, too! ) 😊👍

  6. Gonna wait till I get the Toy Fortress and see if they can be placed together…we’ll see…🛷🏈🥏🍭😁

  7. I hit the buy button with tears in my eyes… sobbing like a little boy, remembering the days of old when I was going to Toys R us with my dad, and then with my own kids… and also remember the puns playing with the stores name.. lol

  8. I’m a sucker for buildings with names that make me laugh. So I bought this one.

  9. It was an 11th hour save in Canada and still open for business. I don’t recognize half the brands there anymore – I gave my grandson the Fisher Price Chatter telephone for Christmas because it’s a classic, and realized it might be the only ‘real’ telephone he’ll ever know.

    • I remain thrilled of that, that we still have ours. I don’t always recognise everything either, but having two year old twins around I’m learning a lot on the toy front. As for the phone, though? You’re probably right about that. My stepdad got them these little VTech ipodish things and seriously? One of them figured out how to turn it on herself to get it to light up, put it up to her ear and started wandering around singing a song from Moana in it like it was a phone.

  10. I like the building and also,

    🎶 i don’t wanna grow up, i’m a Toys B Us kid
    There’s a million toys at Toys B Us that i can play with 🎶

    And at least it pays something, which EA seems to be slowly stripping away 🤔🤔

    Picked it up

  11. I like the colours of the building and in would fit in an area am working on 50s 60s theme but very hard buy at 75 🍩, will consider it at the end of act 4,lots of building this time I think with no design factor for me, the ice Ohio for one an still considering 🤶🎅🎁🎄🎁🎄⛄🛷🎄🤶🎅

  12. Aww childhood Toys R Us memories!! This one got me. I picked it up right away. Going to work it into a kind of Christmas Toy Land theme area when event is over. Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. Wishing a wonderful new year to all.

  13. Hm. No memories triggered (no Toys R Us in my country) and too expensive. Pass!
    Thanks a lot Alissa ❤

  14. I bought it because of Toys R Us memories

  15. JANICE Wocelka OCHS

    I like it! Placed it with all the toys: Blocko, Slide factory, and whatever that Maggie factory is. Sorry. Have to recover from wonderful Christmas busy/fun! RevJRO

  16. “Wondering if you should add the TIMBERLOG DINER to your Springfield? Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding the 500th diner to your town…”

    Alissa is testing our attention span again, be careful guys 😉

    Btw. Hope you all had a great relaxed Xmas!

  17. I’d love to get this but it’s just too many 🍩🤷‍♀️

  18. Yes, nostalgia won out. This will fit right in in my mall area.

    • Exactly! I bought this one immediately because all I could hear in my mind was the TV commercial from the 80’s…

      “From Bikes!… to Trains!… to Video Games! It’s the biggest toy store there is- gee whiz!”….. yeah, we’re getting old.

  19. One thing I’ve noticed with the event currency buildings during this event, is that the timer for their yield will reset when you go to view your friend’s town. I kept noticing that my timers would keep getting off and that I never ended up collecting any event currency from the buildings. The timer reset is easy to recreate it happens 100% of the time. The premium items from this event are a wash and very disappointing as a whole IMO.

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