Tag Archives: Daily Bells & Whistles

Monorail Calendar: Act Three

Hey there Hoppereenos!

Sheesh, you think with all we do round here we can take a break now and then but NOOOOOOOOooooooo ya’ll decided to flood poor Alissa, Wookiee, and the site with…

“Where’s the Calendar…” “I need a Calendar…” “Is the Calendar done yet?” “Why don’t we have a Calendar?”

Patience crazy people. Allow us some downtime now and again. It’s the least you could do for all we give you and do for you, right? I blame Sandra. It’s all HER Fault! 😉 😛

Well… I got your Calendar… RIGHT HERE!!! This one especially for those impatient ones, like Sandra 😛

No, seriously… it’s right here in this post. For realsies n stuff. 🙂



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