Cecil Terwilliger’s Daily Tasks 5/18

Hey there Hoppereenos!

This is your Daily Bounce By to let you know what time drops I saw for Today’s Cecil’s Daily Tasks.

Cecil Victory

Here was the breakdown of Cecil’s Daily tasks I got in both my games…


1st Daily Task 4hrs
2nd Daily Task 2hrs
3rd Daily Task 4hrs
4th Daily Task 4hrs

Remember, the tasks and Character Groups will vary for every player. Let us know if you see anything different in your game.



In case you missed it in the rundown post, as of Act Three there are new payouts for completing these.

Corn DNA Theater Masks Music Notes
 ico_terwilligers_corn_lg  ico_terwilligers_dna_lg  ico_terwilligers_theatremasks_lg  ico_terwilligers_musicnotes_lg
1st Daily Task 10 150
2nd Daily Task 30 150
3rd Daily Task 100 150
4th Daily Task 250 150



Here are the Top 5 I always leave free for the Daily Tasks (also in the post below). This allows my other Characters to focus on other Material earning tasks. (This list was made to be friendly to all players. If you have some Premium/Freemium Characters that you feel you could replace them with, feel free to.) 

Comic Book Guy WolfCastle Rod OR Todd Quimby Grandpa Abe
Brainiac X
Entreprenuer X
Celebrity X
Civil Servant X
Criminal X
Glutton X
High Roller X X
Dimwit X X
Youngster X
Kook X
Pessimist X X
Saint X
Senior X

You can find a lot more detailed post on the Daily Tasks HERE.  😉

FYI… If you did NOT complete a task from the prior day, it rolls over to be the FIRST task of the next day. You will lose the higher payout. So finish them BEFORE the reset or you will have it become the next day’s task. 

How are your daily tasks coming along? Getting them done? Visiting Neighbors still going well? How are your New Music Notes counts coming along?  Let us know.


25 responses to “Cecil Terwilliger’s Daily Tasks 5/18

  1. My first task on May 19 is 6 hours long – I’m on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) so ahead of all the American players.

    Just a heads up in case anyway wants to stay up until after midnight to get a long first task started! My tasks lengths/orders nearly always match the ones that get posted here.

  2. Mandy (amandajane797)

    Thank you Bunny – perfect match again today. On a slightly different note, has anyone else noticed how rare the mutant seed drops have become? I must apologise to my neighbours for not responding when they drop seeds in my town – I’ve hardly got any!

    • My biggest regret of the event. I keep my seed count at zero so they at least know they are donating to charity and not initiating an exchange, esp. if they give me 9 seeds.

  3. spideyivan956

    Mine today were 2, 2, 4 and 4. Last task will finish in less than 2 hours.

  4. Monday’s task schedule has been: 2 / 4 / 6 / 6. Who needs sleep? =)

  5. I don’t bother keeping anyone free except for Homer and Lisa when I am working on a questline since I can’t easily free them up. I figure I can free someone anyone else up I need by storing a building. I want to get as much stuff as I can so no one is left to wander around doing nothing.

  6. OH! I may be late to the party today – but for the first time today when i got donuts while visiting neighbors or just by getting an extra donut for tapping on my own place – Homer pipes in and says “mmmmmmpremium currency….”

  7. With only a few days left to go in the event, I’m not sure there are enough days to make back the cost of upgrading from level 9 to level 10. Have you done the math on that? It would obviously depend somewhat on how many and which characters a player has, but I think that, for the average player, time may have run out to recoup the cost of those higher-level upgrades…

  8. …really thought that EA might have follwed the trend of a couple days being more manageable but NOPE back to 16hrs again …wonder if it’s just cos the staff want shorter days at weekends or they pay less for them *rolls eyes* …groan.

  9. I’ve been tracking Opera House upgrade payouts in a spreadsheet, in case anyone’s wondering whether they should spend the Masks. You see a significant increase at level 10, but after that the increased payouts are less than the thousands of Masks you’re spending on the upgrade. You’re better off saving those Masks for crafting.

    Sing Like An Angel
    Lvl 9 pays 5 masks (5/hr)
    Lvl 10 pays 6 masks (6/hr)
    Lvl 11 pays 6 masks (6/hr)
    Lvl 12 pays 6 masks (6/hr)

    Hide from the Law
    Lvl 9 pays 8 masks (4/hr)
    Lvl 10 pays 8 masks (4/hr)
    Lvl 11 pays 9 masks (4.5/hr)
    Lvl 12 pays 9 masks (4.5/hr)

    Sell Seat Cushions
    Lvl 9 pays 13 masks (3.25/hr)
    Lvl 10 pays 13 masks (3.25/hr)
    Lvl 11 pays 14 masks (3.5/hr)
    Lvl 12 pays 14 masks (3.5/hr)

    Understudy To The Undervalued
    Lvl 9 pays 18 masks (3/hr)
    Lvl 10 pays 19 masks (3.16/hr)
    Lvl 11 pays 19 masks (3.16/hr)
    Lvl 12 pays 20 masks (3.33/hr)

    Adopt Foreign Children
    Lvl 9 pays 23 masks (2.8/hr)
    Lvl 10 pays 24 masks (3/hr)
    Lvl 11 pays 25 masks (3.12/hr)
    Lvl 12 pays 26 masks (3.25/hr)

    Be Inspired By Science
    Lvl 9 pays 33 masks (2.75/hr)
    Lvl 10 pays 34 masks (2.83/hr)
    Lvl 11 pays 36 masks (3/hr)
    Lvl 12 pays 37 masks (3.08/hr)

  10. Need your opinion. Got 107 donuts saved up. Not enough to get really anything great from this event. Being freemium, doubt will get enough in time in a week to get either Bob’s kid, or wife. So I was thinking of maybe just picking up some rakes and the holoflag before that’s gone? Yet just found out if I get the sushi place I can grow the bansi plants? And think it’s 100 donuts. Just don’t know what I should get or save for. There are lots I want and don’t have so it’s a tough call. Though I would like to see Bob run into more rakes. Just makes me giggle lol

    • If you want something from this Event… it is better to get it before it’s gone. The other items, like Akira… are around all the time and you may be able to acquire enough donuts in the future to pick him up.

      As always, we say to make sure it is something YOU want. For instance, in 3 months… will you still be happy with the purchase? Or wish you passed on the item?

      • True… But I’m badgering you about this 😉 hehe.. But saving up for later may not happen so well, if they drop another event real quick like this one. Wasn’t much time since the superhero event. But yeah. I’d like the holoflag but just don’t know

  11. My 4th daily task for today, May 18, is 6 hours long, not 4. My counter resets in 4.5 hours too /sigh. I wonder if my starting in a different timezone had an effect. Its currently 6:35am EST but my dailies reset in 4.5 hours

  12. Just a thought. The ticket booths will make nice guard posts beside the gates of secure compounds.

    Back to around midnight and 2 donuts a night.

  13. Oh mine were different. 2-4-2-6. Manageable!

  14. Hey how many acts are there going to be? I figured Act 3 was the last but it shows the Mutant Seed hunter license available for 17 more days

  15. HAPPY Victoria Day.
    a.k.a. Happy 2-4 Weekend!

    • Enjoy! 🙂

      I’m jealous… Didn’t sleep very well last night and would love to be having an extra day off today. Oh well….our 3-day Memorial Day weekend comes next weekend!

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