Act 2 Questions, Clarifications, and Concerns

Hey there Monorailers!

Hopping on by to go over some main concerns I am seeing in the comments in regards to things going on now with Act 2 of the Monorail Event in our game.

Take a peek at all the issues below to see if it addresses the one you are going through.

Addict Tech Support



Smelly Garbage Building

During this event you can dump garbage on your neighbors Buildings creating “stink lines” to fume up from their Building.

The issue arises when you go to try and clear the stench off your Building. For whatever reason it is causing Players games to crash. I still have not found a specific reason as to why this is happening, but there is a workaround for it.

If the Building is one you can store away into your Inventory, do it. Tap on the Movement Menu to go to the moving/storing screen and then tap on the Building and store it. Then exit out, go back in, and replace it. You will lose that Duct Tape and payout, but it is the main way to keep it from crashing your game.

Outside of that, you need to reach out to EA.



Project Board

This one is very common and we have been seeing it from Act 1. You are now earning Trash, Metal, and Plastics. Each one can be used to clear Projects off the Project Board.

If you haven’t been paying attention, you may have not noticed that those Projects rotate around on what they Require as well as what they Pay Out. I have found that if I clear small payouts, there are usually larger ones further behind them but still random when and where they pop up.

So if you have Material maxed out, just keep clearing those Projects until you get capped out and eventually the Materials will come back to being Required so you can use them.



Project Board Capped Cobb needs a rest

Speaking of caps, many questions on the Project Board Cap for this Act 2. I am still working through it and to FULLY test it out… we like to spend a few days to be sure on our games. So please hang in there while I go through and test it over a period of a few days to see what my games show me live in play.

Otherwise, the details I see show me that it SHOULD be this…

The cap is 7500, BUT there is a daily Cap too that it applies to. That cap did not start until today. So, staring on the 24th the cap will be 15,000. Then going forward…

24th- 15,000
25th- 22,500
26th- 30,000
27th- 37,500

And so on. Each day an extra 7500 added to the cap. So if you are a bit under the prior day you have a bit more wiggle room the next day. If you are OVER the day before, you will have less room.

Remember, these caps are ONLY for the Project Boards. You can still get bonuses, collect Duct Tape from Neighbors, and from everywhere else no problem. ONLY PROJECT BOARDS ARE LIMITED.

Again, it will take a few days of actually testing this out and ONLY the Project Board Payouts. No bonuses, friend taps, possums, etc.




I covered this in another post, but will put it here again…

Memory Drain. It is a big issue in highly outside animated Events. This is why keeping 4500 items in game helps among other things. Help your device when this hits really hard, like this Event.

  • Disable Monorail. Pull the track pieces away from the station to prevent it from moving around your game or when Neighbors Visit.
  • Players stating moving Project Board to an isolated area is helping with crashing too. You may want to try it.
  • Store the Building with the “stink” on it if it’s crashing (see above)
  • If this happens while Neighbor tapping… see if it is ONE Neighbor crashing or specific ones, they may be having issues getting in too. So “hide” them and don’t visit them until they can fix it or replace them if concerned about your game play.
  • Store NPC’S and any other animated items not in use.
  • Don’t push the 4500 limit. If you do, expect the game to slow and more “texture” glitches to name a few things
  • Keep non essential Characters on indoor tasks or store them in your inventory.
  • Play ONLY this App. In other words kill all other Apps that are running BEFORE launching this one. Anything in the background while this is going (Facebook, SnapChat, Twitter, etc) will take Memory away from the app as they fight over the availability.
  • Give it space, LOTS of space. Like 2-3GB of empty space on your device. Insane I know, but highly active Events take a lot and so do the game files.
  • Run on highest stable internet connection as possible. WiFi usually works best, and also doesn’t wipe out your Data Plan

Remember, if you are having trouble getting in your game… so might your neighbors. Memory Drain impacts more than just you. So help you and your Neighbors or they may not visit if your town crashes their game each time.

Outside of that. EA knows how big this one is pulling on the Memory Drain. Hopefully they can make some cuts to help combat it too. Until then, try the tips to see if it helps. In the meantime, keep reporting to EA the Crash Issues.



mansionclassicmainbuilding01_menu mansionmodernbigbuilding_menu

This is still in effect. You still can’t store them. Period. No indication when this will change. I am sure we will post on it when it does, so in the meantime… still can’t store them and still not date when you can. 😉



tetanusterminal_menu krustystation_menu

Right now we currently have THREE total Terminals in the game (including Premium Krusty). Many of you wonder what would happen with them if you connect them all to one track. To my personal disappointment, no crashing involved. BOO! Lol. But seriously, you essentially then see just one Monorail running the line.

So keep this in mind. You can have 2- 3 running or just one.



Mr Burns 3

A very odd one is creeping in that I am seeing in the comments. Complete sections of the game just disappearing. All the Characters and Buildings from that area. Makes me wonder if it is linked to the Crashing and Lagging above and the games way of almost forcing items out of the game play area to combat it.

Either way, if a Character goes missing… check for their Building. If it’s in your game store it and then put it back to see if Character returns. Also check the Inventory Storage Character Tab.

For a missing Building, check Inventory Storage under the Buildings Tab.

If these steps do not help bring the Character and/or Buildings back, try other Basics. Even to a complete uninstall/reinstall. Overall, this does need to be reported to EA so they can track it and put a stop to it. So please reach out to them too.



This one comes and goes and only impacts a small amount of players. Essentially you progress in your game, but somehow when you return hours later… you are back to BEFORE you started. If this happens, note all the missing items and contact EA for support.


If you do not see a particular issue here, use our handy Search Tool in the Menu links. We may have already covered it in another post.


If you need to reach out to EA, here is the post.

Troubleshooting 101- Contacting EA


There you have it. Other more detailed items we will cover in the usual breakdown individual posts, so keep an eye out for those.

Did these help to clear up your issue? Did you run into any of these? Tips to your fellow players that you used on the issue you would like to pass on? Let us know.



190 responses to “Act 2 Questions, Clarifications, and Concerns

  1. Have just finished Day 3 and the cap is again near enough 9500. Just from the project board. The 7500 figure is not what is been seen in the game.

  2. Hi I’m level 32 n when I log in n tap to play it takes me to the beginning cut scene when homer blows it up n then starts at level 1 how do I fix this

  3. I’ve two questions, maybe you can help. 🙂

    1. I heard that there might be a glitch if someone creates a monorail loop. Is that true? Would it be better to create a way from A to B to C instead of A to B to C to A (ABC are monorail stations).

    2. There’s this thing about 4.500 items in each Springfield. Can I see how many items I have?

    Thanks! <3

    • I have not tried the loop… but as you can see in this very post you are commenting on, a HUGE crashing issue is caused by the Monorail running.

      As far as total… all you can do is start counting. Until you get the pop up… there is no way to know without you keeping track of every single piece. I wouldn’t worry about it anyway until you start to see the pop ups.

      • Thanks Bunny. 🙂 So the pop-up is a warning that there can be issues so I can store some stuff – not telling me that I’ve build too much? I’m not worrying that much anyway, some of my neighbors have far more things in their towns. 🙂

  4. My game crashes every time I try to go to Krusty land. It is so annoying because this stupid ! on Krusty sits atop my character stack in the corner and I can’t do anything about it.

  5. If your game started acting up after placing Tetanus Terminal without a continuous connection between all tracks (i.e. you have two trains running on two track sections) make it one track to get rid of one train.

    If you can’t get in your game to make this modification because it starts freezing to quickly, try loading your game on a different (even borrowed) device. This may allow you to make the fix and get it working on your own device again.

    Just got a Twitter friend’s game successfully troubleshooted this way. The issue is not necessarily game-specific, but also involving certain hardware limitations.

    • I try to disconnect my monorail at night (central time) in case others get crashes in my town…..

      Plus then everyone knows the cops are sleeping so dump dump dump the garbage like a Beirut city worker.


  6. Hi

    I thought I’d share some of how I’ve used your advice recently.

    I’m hoping the ability to store the Springfield Heights buildings will be restored ASAP simply because I’ve been using my currency to build & upgrade instead of buying all the available land in that area. My SH looks a ghastly mess of buildings stacked side by side, with a few decorations scattered throughout because I had to spend the currency not required for upgrades or land purchases.

    The Monorail & trash collection is also there, to make the actual tasks all in the same area, but I’m thinking of moving them all to elsewhere in the main Springfield town.

    I’ve been able to buy extra land in Springfield recently, which has happened partly thanks to the events which allows me to collect the rents & tasks money & not spend it on buildings for a while.

    If I have donuts to spare, I prefer to invest in decorations that earn % bonuses. I am currently earning a little over 202% after playing for around 15 months. I also regularly check the Conform-o-meter to ensure it remains full, & that I am getting the full % bonus that comes with that.

    As for the lagging issue, there have been several times I’ve noticed that the screen seems to break up & show different pieces of town instead of what should be seen.

    After reading the advice on this site I took the time to “edit” my decorations. I go thru the town & put into storage approximately one in every three trees or flowers & do the same with walls & fences (where possible). I’ve stored almost all my NPCs, (only keeping out the ones that earn money, so technically they probably aren’t NPC).

    I do this “edit” every few weeks, to make sure that I’m not going to extreme when developing new areas. Instead of going straight to the shop to buy, I see what I have stored & consider reusing it.

    I’m not always well enough to visit my neighbours daily, but I definitely appreciate that they come to visit my town.

    So I thank you for everything you do here for all of us addicts, & hope my use of your advice will in turn help others

    • Having the monorail away from the project station might help, too. My garbage is in the heights (haw haw, eminent domain) and the monorail stations are In the main area.


  7. Venting here…I have lost out on SO many Duct Tape. It’s gotten to the point where I dread visiting friends and tapping those little rats. It’s a constant crashing nightmare. On average, I can only gather 2 duct tape rolls when I tap on my town’s building tops, before the game crashes. Phase 2 is really bad. I’ve done all I can with the advice on these pages. Disabled everything within the game as well as other apps on my iPad. (Sad panda)

  8. Ugh, my grand plan for large monorail route through my hometown seems like it won’t happe by my estimation I’ll need another 90 straight track pieces I don’t think that’s going to happen lol.

  9. Had none of these listed problems at no point

  10. Maudlin Monarch.

    A couple of questions, please?

    1. Are the S-curve tracks only available to players who purchased the Premium Krusty Station? I’ve have held back my collected donut hoard for something “sweeter”, and have yet to get a single one of that track type.

    2. Is there a way of placing the monorail track so that it can move from Springfield proper over to the Springfield Heights subdivision on the other side of the mountain range?

    * If these have been answered in previous posts, then I’d appreciate the link.

    • Maudlin Monarch.


      I just looked at the ACT 2 Calendar and found out when the S-Curve Tracks can be achieved. [Unless the track awarding is random, that is. 😕 ]

      I also found out that I’m within the BluPrint quota, so far! 😅
      Good 2 know, since I started late and got only 1/2 way though the progression on ACT 1, before the turnover.

    • Yes more of those curved pieces would be awesome! And to add onto what you said about the Monorail between sections of town would be ideal.

      I would go further and would love for them to add a ‘X’ piece for some cross path and figure eight action.

      • Maudlin Monarch.


        I was also thinking of a cross piece as well! That or a part which would be elevated over another track to cross over. Reminds me of my old electric racing car tracks in the basement!

        BTW, any info on if getting the monorail to span over to both sides if the mountain range?

      • Maudlin Monarch.


      • Tah X piece is a great idea, a Y piece would also be nice
        Love the tought of having a whole network

  11. My suspicion with crashing buildings is that it ties to a specific neighbor. It’s happened to me twice now and both times it was three buildings clumped together, but not the same three.

  12. I noticed something odd too. Brandine birthed another Spuckler today even though she had 24 days left. She remains pregnant without me doing a thing and I now have to wait another 24 days for the final Spuckler. I wonder if this is a bug or has something to do with her character’s trash collecting tasks. Has this happened to anyone else?

  13. Ok I may be way over tired from playing this game too much but I now have visions of my apps fighting each other in the background and it’s making me giggle.

    • Pew pew pew pew “there can be only one” Pew pew pew “OMG they killed Kenny” Pew pew pew “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh” (Wilhelm scream)

  14. Crash and lagging issues. I’ve been having trouble with the game not loading and it crashing my kindle. I plugged it in and all worked fine. I’ve done this twice now and it seems this current event is requiring of my kindle hd7 that it either have an almost full battery or it needs to be plugged in. Thought I’d pass this on for others having issues.

  15. How about a thread dedicated to the funniest graphics glitches?


  16. I am already at 22500 duct tapes. How did I get a day ahead in collection?

  17. I have been noticing that garbage has been dumped on my buildings by the same person several times a day – it will show that tape was acquired, however, since it was already received, it will not add to the total.

    • Odd glitch. Same Buildings? If so, try to store them and replace them.

    • I wonder if it is related to the crashes. My game crashed while I was visiting neighbors today. I never know where I stopped so I just flip through the carousel until I get to a town with available actions. Today when I entered the first town with 3 actions available it was one I had already dropped garbage on-I recognized the building configuration because I liked it, and the three buildings I had already tapped had stink lines. I went ahead and dumped garbage three more times, so that neighboreeno would have gotten six visits like you saw.

  18. Anybody else having an issue with Akira not earning Bonsai anymore?

  19. If I lose any of my buildings or characters I’m gonna flip out! What a terrible glitch. That should be number 1 on EA’s fix it list. Does that cause their entire questline to reset too if you have to re-buy the building?

    • It is only a very small few I see reporting it, so I do not think it is wide spread. If it was, they would be all over it. I have a feeling of other things going on, but will leave EA to dive into the cause and watch it on our end too in case it spreads.

      • I lost Mr Burns. Stored towers, he came back to restarting his original quest line. Then he just disappeared again. I’ll get onto EA after work.

  20. I think Springfield Heights not allowing building storage is to prevent people from maxing out value on a building, then store it and start another on the same patch of land. This way you need to keep unlocking land to keep building and add value.

    • Yup. What I keep saying in comment after comment. 😉

    • Yes, but this is exactly what I was doing, because as soon as I can store the stupid Coffee/Pill/Statuette/etc earners, Im going to. Its so frustrating having their icons appearing in my character list. Monorail is fun, albeit glitchy Heights is not fun and the moment I can ignore it forever, I will

    • The problem is though, that there is not enough land in SH to reach the billion mark without cramming it all together. If there were enough room, I’d say fine, ok.

  21. ****

  22. I’m having real trouble with Project Management: Plastic Part 2. I’m just not getting the opportunity to use the plastic in the project board. I’ve had 130/100 in the plastic depot since I did part 1 a couple of days ago. I play 4 or 5 times a day and hand in plenty of resources but it never asks for plastic. It always wants metal. It is getting really frustrating!

    • Just keep going and clearing them. They’re random. It seems to me, the Plastics pop up with the higher paying ones.

      • You should do the dull garbage only ones if they are in the way, though. Most times I see plastic, it’s over five hundred (event currency) to turn in. 2, 3, 5, and (20?)currency for garbage, if you don’t turn it in will block that slot.


  23. I capped out at 10,044 duct tapes today (24th), yesterday’s cap for me was 8,966. Two day total on duct tapes from Projects only for me is 19,000.

  24. When assigning characters to indoor tasks it often then triggers animation in the buildings where they are assigned. I’m assuming this animation is also a drain on device memory. Which is a bigger drain, the animating character or building?

    • The animation on a building is very minimal. Most have been cut way down and simplified. The many actions of a Character outside take more. Especially as a building stays still where as a Character/NPC more likely roams all over town.

  25. What does it mean to keep 4500 items in game and how do you know when you are over 4500?

    • It is a Warning built into the game that when your Building and Decorations totals reach 4500 you can start to experience game issues depending on YOUR device. Some will start slower than others. You will get a pop up in the game telling you that you reached the Warning. Pushing it is YOUR choice.

      Basically this is what happens as you push it…
      Texture Glitches (Characters in place of bushes and Trees. Buildings shattered in place of Fountains)
      Then the Crashing starts. Just a lil here and there.
      Then the Lagging starts too. You find it takes a lot longer to be able to do simple tasks and actions.
      Then your neighbors start getting locked out. Can’t visit you as their device can’t handle it. Can’t even open it.

      Then… comes the worst if you push TOO far (I know cuz it happened to me). You get completely locked out of your game. NO ONE can get in. The only option is for EA to roll back your game to the different “save” points in the past. They have to continue rolling until they find a spot your game will let you back in. This could be hours, days, weeks, or even months. ANY activity from that roll back point forward is then lost. Not fun.

      Our devices are not home gaming systems or PC’s. They are limitied. They do not handle TONS of activity the same nor are they meant to really. So we have to take a bit more care of them and help them to function to a point they can handle. The App Market Game Houses do all they can to cut back on the Memory Drains, but there is only so much they can do without ruining the overall gaming, Event, or functionality of what they try to put in the game. It is up to you to play wisely. 😉

      • I haven’t reached that point yet. I must be close. I’m thinking the best solution is going to be to nuke everything. And only put back out characters that are fun (bye bye expensive Sharry Bobbins, good bye Chester Dumbbum) and anything that earns me a percentage. Then finally enough to get a 5% town. If I can be bothered :). All Springfield heights can go. The heights land is great for hiding away a housefarm!

      • That sounds like my blind date last Friday night.
        Was not good at all .

        See ya bye . Shine on you Crazy Diamond . 👽

  26. I’m to tired to read that, so what’s going on now?? (KIDDING! KIDDING! Put down the torch and pitchfork Bunny) :p

    I read the whole thing, while I magicaly don’t have any of those issues (since I packed up most on my NPCs).

    I LOVE these “Special -repost answers- Report”s (or SRAR for short – Trademark pending) or STOP (Special Thread of Other Posts) but than that might be STOOP. I seriously love these posts, I tried to marry Alissa’s last STOP (yeah, I’m going to stick with that I think)

    Saddly I think what helps these people the most are the Pictures :p

    good job Bunny 😀

    • I am a VERY visual person, so I tend to add lots to my posts. I think it helps to draw attention to an issue if you have a picture of the issue too. 😉

      STOP IT TOTBOX!! 😛

  27. This is really helpful info. I’ve never had freezing as an issue until last night. Complete freeze up with no warning signs like texture glitching. But I used Troubleshooting 101 and then derailed (see what I did there?) my monorail(s) and it seems better for now.

  28. The cap appears to be 7500 BUT the calendar calculation says we need more than 12000 duct tapes a day. This is a major problem. Most of us can’t get there.

  29. Oh that is so cute. I love what Yr trying to do here. Although I love the idea of not waking up to 140 new emails of people too lazy to read asking the same questions over and over and over. It’s a nice thought, as nice as it is naive.

    • Says the guy that asks questions on posts with the answer 😛

      Never know… someone new to the game may just be running into some of this stuff… so even if it is not helpful to you, it does not mean it won’t help others. 😉

      • You (and Alissa and Wookie) are too kind

      • I only ask as a duty to my deep rooted sense of sarcasm. I think these posts are great for newbies. I may not need the help but when I first started coming here they were like gold. Now I read them for the same reason as Totbox, I just love every word you guys write. I’ll read posts as many times as I’ve read ‘The Time Machine Did It’. (Please tell me you know that reference). I just have to remember, just because you say something in yr head with a sarcastic voice doesn’t mean it translates into the written text.
        But really if people would scroll just a bit into the comments they’d see the same question has been asked and save you guys from having to listening to ‘where is the post on _______’ because they’d be done already instead of spending hours answering the same thing.

        • Lol. You know I adore harassing you and giving you a hard time back. 😛

          I mean… Ummm….


          • I figured you understood, you seem to have that sharp edge, I’m just used to offending when no offense is meant. I’m an aging gay man in NYC, we can’t survive without a quick wit based on a jaded world view. (See Ab Fab, if you don’t know you should, speaking of which, you do know ‘ The Time Machine Did It’?)

            • Lol. Let’s see… a book by same thoughts as a TV show and game I am fond of.

              Then a Brit comedy? You KNOW I’ve seen that!! 😉

              • Bunny DAAHLING!!! I should know better than to question Yr knowledge of the ineffable Mr. Swartzwelder. You should have told me to ‘Piss off’ while spitting vodka in my face.
                P.S. I’m like Patsy except my member doesn’t fall off, at least not yet!

              • Bwahahahahaha. But I truly do adore some good ol’ Brit humor. Sat at night with my gramms watching Faulty Towers, Are you being served, keeping up appearances, some OG Doctors, Black Adder, Mr Bean etc. Loved it. Later on I started catching episodes of random ones like Ab Fab, Hex, being human, The office, my hero… so many. I blame the “English Tree” in my family geneology. Lol.

              • Keeping Up Appearances, Monty Python and Are You Being Served, I own the complete series. Faulty Towers is on my list but really know nothing beyond the previews on said discs.
                Good thing I called you a scruffy looking nerf herder and not a cheese eating surrender monkey, you didn’t seem french. You have more of a stiff British attitude, not so much an aloof french snotty one. I cling to my cold harsh German blood. We have no good classic Comedy. No offense to my parisian neighboreenoes. But honestly Yr wine is overrated except St Emilion, a must have with lamb, unless there’s curry involved then that’s something else. Oh dear, the monorail in my brain has derailed, I’ll shut up now

              • Lol. I have German on one side of the Tree and English on the other… so I got both running through me. Each side offers its own quirks. 😉

                And of course Monty Python. That’s why I got fangs. Got to watch out for the holy hand grenades from Antioch. 😉

      • I never mention British stuff, because I always think you yanks won’t have heard of it 🙊


        • Oh, you’d be surprised…there are a lot of us anglophiles over here! Plus, we get a fair amount of British television. So, I’d say, go for it and we’ll let you know if we’re mystified. 😉

        • I can’t speak for the rest of the country since I live it NY which is more global than American but many of my friends love brit humor. Especially the doctor

  30. I have all three terminals connected in a oval with track in between. Also I am now getting 12 rats at each terminal that pays out 10 duct tapes per rat. Hope this helps.

    • how did yours look like? very curious? I only have 2 terminals, and not enough tracks to connect for a full circle, tried to do half circle and my train only down to 3 cabins, instead of 5. for some strange reason, I like to see 5 cabins running around. I wonder what the maximum number of cabins you can see running around…

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