Should I Spend Donuts on Chippy?

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Viva Las Springfield!  Bring on the Casinos, as it’s Vegas time in Springfield!  So bust open that change purse and stock up on donuts because there are loads of Vegas inspired items in our stores!

Now with all this new content I know you may be trying to decide if any of it is worth YOUR donuts, but don’t sweat it!  We’re here to tell you what’s worth the donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add Chippy to your Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this casino mascot to your Springfield!


Character: Chippy
Donut Price: 50 donuts

Leaves Our Games March 12th

-awards 60 ico_mhub_casino_eventlevel when you purchase and place in your Springfield
-Animated when tapped, jumps in the air
-Will award 1 Casino token every day.

-Non Playable Character (NPC).  So it’ll just walk around your Springfield. (No tasks)

Final Thought:
Premium or Freemium:
I think NPCs are a personal decision no matter what kind of player you are.  Some of you love them and some think they’re useless.  I’m in the in-between camp.  There are some NPCs I love (like Freedom the Falcon) and some I stay far away from (like Mutant Veggies from Terwilligers).  It all comes down to what you like or don’t like.  Don’t weigh it based on the 1 free token each day…those are pretty easy to come by.  1 really isn’t going to make or break you…

I can tell you I’m 99.9% sure I’ll be passing on Chippy.  Of course in the end it’s your decision.  Just make sure you make your final decision before Chippy leaves our games on March 12th.


What are your thoughts on Chippy?  Will you be spending the donuts to bring these mascot to your Springfield (or did you already)? Thoughts on the Casino update in general? Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you! 

61 responses to “Should I Spend Donuts on Chippy?

  1. In the store it said something like “this character helps earn event currency” so I thought it had tasks or a short questline or *something* but nope. And only 1 casino chip a day is so stingy that I almost wonder if the programmers made a mistake and it was supposed to be 10 or even 100? I’m averaging about 60/day just from the casino task and random drops from the gamblers roaming around town, so it seems like a single chip is crazy low. Anyway, I bought it and shouldn’t have. I’d advise everyone else to save their money.

  2. Keith1Roon991

    Prefer to spend on main characters

  3. Too cute to pass up, always smiling. lol

  4. Russian Tigger

    Sorry Chippy but you’ve lucked out on this occasion, saving my donuts for something else…..

  5. I’ve seen it in a neighbors town, It does a Back-Flip

    Con: EA creation/ not from the show (right?)

  6. Did you count the number of people who said they got Chippy versus the number who commented in general? Is that how you got your 99.9% figure?

    For me, Chippy looks kinda big. Makes sense, I suppose, because there’s a person in the suit? I didn’t want him, but some people seemed positive about him or have him in their towns to tap on. The flip isn’t extra fun, that’s right. I’m not getting him. 🙁 (Oh, you wrote the article just for me. The “you” is “simp7fan”. Now it makes sense.) But if I had way more donuts than would be proper for a freemium game, sure I’d get him.

  7. Honestly, I had to get him just because he was so cute! And I know tokens are easy to get, but I was really behind at the time he first showed up in the store, so it made a difference to me because I was looking for any little thing to give me a bump, and I figured a guaranteed extra chance at the slots/dice wouldn’t hurt.

  8. I never touch NPCs, but for some unfathomable reason I got Chippy on impulse. I probably shouldn’t have, but I have no regrets.

  9. Meh, I got him but will probably store him once I hit max items amount lol.

  10. I think he’s cute, so I went for it right away. =)

  11. santasLTLtapper

    “I can tell you I’m 99.9% sure you’ll be passing on Chippy. Of course in the end it’s your decision.” That comment almost made me go right out and buy it. Hehe

  12. I used to have tsto on my old phone and I got it synced on my account.. And i noticed now, on my new phone, tsto said “dont forget to log in if you have an EA account”.. Will I still be able to access my previous springfield synced with my Domain account? Omg please i need my springfield back ;((

  13. I went ahead and spent the donuts and I’m so glad I did! Chippy just makes me so happy! I cannot resist tapping on him each and every time I see him in my town and my friends town! For some odd reason I like NPC and I try and buy one from each event if I can, and this is one of my fav’s:))

  14. I know how much you love it when people point out typos, but the word “decide” seems to be missing from the first sentence of the second paragraph for the recent SIB posts where you say “…I know you may be trying to [missing word] if any of it is worth YOUR donuts…” I figure it probably got left behind in the copy and paste. Feel free not to post this comment.

  15. Definitely a pass for me. Not so worth it for the one casino token per day once the event is finished.

  16. Chippy is such an obvious cash-grab that I was expecting some level of Poochie-esque ironic commentary on the need to goose their income to climb back up the top grossing app charts and stay relevant. But there’s none of it. Just a chip walking around. And he didn’t even change to green or anything. Seems like a missed opportunity.

  17. Kinda seems like you’re trying to use a Jedi mind trick on us when you say “I can tell you I’m 99.9% sure you’ll be passing on Chippy. ”

    “Ok, I’ll be passing on Chippy. And these are not the droids we’re looking for. Move along.”

    • lol honestly I didn’t even realize i did that. This is the problem with writing posts when I should be sleeping….and now I’m sitting here at work and I can’t stop laughing about it

  18. I got Chippy, i really wish they would add like a 3 day refund of like 80% donuts.. i wasted my donuts on him but hey now with the maggie game u can get free donuts…

  19. I ended up buying him because I want to actually be able to complete the character collections this time around, and seeing as I already have the Vegas Wives, Casino Boss Bart and Cat Suit Ms Springfield, this should be doable.

  20. ddfromatlanta

    I typically will pass on spending donuts on NPCs… and I will be passing on Chippy (even with the free coin) 🙂 .. but I think something EA should consider in order to entice more people to buy is having all NPCs released during crafting events randomly drop event/crafting currency when you tap them. They could make random drops duration of the event. Kinda of like the Leprechaun who randomly drops XP or cash.. what do you think?

  21. I’m so glad I bought chippy! I like buying npc’s even if they’re kinda useless, it’s like a little memento from the event. His animation is cute too. No regrets!

  22. Bringing this to your attention (sorry to put it here) when I scroll to crafting the cowgirl sign today (and only today) the game force closes, anyone else have this problem?

    • Close out of your game. Close all apps and restart your device completely. Use the trophy icon on the bottom right to access crafting instead of the shortcut on the top right. If it happens when you use the arrows to scroll, try just swiping. Those are the most common fixes. Hope one of them helps. 🙂

  23. I could not resist the bear from the Maggie event (I love bears) but normally I am of the view they are a waste of donuts.

  24. Major pass for me I hate npc’s useless waste of memory. Thanks for the info Alissa.

  25. I couldn’t resist Chippys’ smiling face so I got him right away. In hindsight, he was probably a waste of donuts but I like him so I don’t regret it. Plus I love that backflip 🙂

  26. He’s so cute. I love my NPC’s

  27. Pass,
    I thought we were supposed to keep NPCs stored to avoid slowing down the game,

    I’ll let my friend who likes NPCs do the talking

  28. MaddietheCool101

    Good Morning all,
    Feeling rather “Chip-er” now that the Spring weather has returned to this area of the country. Just wanted to say Thank You! to the three of you for such a great website. As the “designated tapper” for kids off at school/college now, I rely greatly on your advice for donut purchases, how-to’s, etc. The kids have been playing for a while but I am a newcomer so I love the fact that I can search your website for archived articles on past issues/problems/events. So Thank You again!
    PS – The only thing the Casino event is missing (so far?) is a tomato stand. Could use one before crossing the bridge to the casinos 😉

  29. Meh , meh and thrice meh……. 🙂

  30. I got him straight away! Love npcs ♡ …and he gives me a free gamble a day ☆

    …wonder if it’ll give cash after the event…

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