Should I Spend Donuts on – Fourth of July Edition

Hey hey tappers.  So EA dropped a mini-event on all of us based on America’s Independence Day but with a new thing came a whalloping amount of new items that you could potentially spend your hard-earned money on in the game. This inevitably leads our fellow Addicts to wonder where the SIIB is for said stuff. While I am not the usual moderator who types up my thoughts on this, I didn’t want to leave y’all hanging while our der Alissa the Amazing a much deserved and needed vacation with her beautiful familia.  I decided to lump everything together in one humongous Wookiee-sized post for everyone. It may be a little different than what your used to but if it’s awful, Alissa will return and we’ll be back to our normal program. Sometimes I wonder why Alissa let me out of the attic. Without further ado… info below the break.

Wookiee Attic

Fair warning, this is a long post. New stuff is on top and old stuff is below it. I included links to any old posts and also the origin posts if those will help with your decision. I hope this is helpful. If something is left out, just ask questions in the comments.


Building/Decoration: Springfield National Park
Donut Price: 200 Donuts
Earns: $135, 15xp/4hrs
Size: 13×13

Where Did THAT Come From; Theodore Roosevelt & Springfield National Park

So my thoughts are this is a really cool offer but definitely a bit pricey at 200 Donuts. Add to that the frustration of the deal disappearing for some folks and it’s a divisive one. The history nerd in me had to snatch this up as I’m a big TR fan since I was a little boy and my dad took me to Sagamore Hill. The Park is big and is just a decoration but has animals appear and Teddy has a task there. Expensive but it is a premium character combo. There’s a 5% bonus to your town that this adds so that’s nice. Teddy’s questline is 7 parts with a bonus one including the other presidents. If you’re freemium, this is most likely a pass unless you love the character, premium is sort of based on opinion too. I think the dialogue is pretty funny and has a bt of history in it. I know this is gonna be one of those items people ask about in the future so if you want, and can get it, snatch it up. I love it.

Here’s a look at the questline that comes with it after Teddy appears with “Speak softly and show dialogue in a big font.”

My Fair Quimby Pt. 1
Teddy Roosevelt (TR) starts

TR: “Our country — this great Republic — means nothing unless it means the triumph of –”
Lisa: President Teddy Roosevelt! I was just wondering which ex-President would appear in Springfield this July fourth.
TR: You mean I’m not the first?
Lincoln: Not even close. Sorry. Nice glasses, by the way. *snickers*
Washington: Yeah. Super cool. You look awesome. *snickers*
Lisa: I should explain how you got here. You see, every July fourth a rift in the pace-time continuum opens and… What are you doing?
TR: Knee bends. Vigorous squatting is the key to a powerful, manly physique.
Lisa: Okay, great… Anyway, as a champion of the national park system, what do you think of our new park?
TR: Beautiful. Now, if you’ll hand me that shotgun, I’m going to go hunt every living creature in it to death.
Make Teddy Go Hunting- 24hrs, Earns $1000, 225xp


Springfield Tea Party
Teddy Roosevelt (TR) starts

Washington: Well, now that Roosevelt’s here, I guess we know who the “Big Four” Presidents in U.S. history are.

Lincoln: That’s true. No reason to bring back any but the cream of the crop.
TR: Here’s to the best of the best: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Richard Nixon.
Nixon: Uh, yeah. Nice to be here.
Washington: I wonder which one of us is the greatest, though?
Lincoln: I know. Like, we’re ALL great. Definitely. But if you HAD to choose one, is it me? Is it you?
Nixon: Geez, that’s a tough one. Four really strong contenders.
Lincoln: Let’s all go around and name the accomplishments we are most proud of.
Nixon: Oh, let’s not…
Lincoln: It’ll be fun. I’ll start. Freeing the slaves!
Washington: Winning the War of Independence!
TR: Reining in out-of-control corporations!
Nixon: Resigning before formal impeachment proceedings could begin!
Nixon: Er, uh, opening relations with China!
Too late, right? Yeah. Yeah, Dick Nixon thought so.
Make Presidents Argue About Legacy (send 4)- 12hrs, Earns $600, 150xp

My Fair Quimby Pt. 2
Teddy Roosevelt (TR) starts

Lisa: How was your hunt, Mr. President?
TR: Not bad. Shot a million rabbits. I don’t like rabbit meat, so I left them there. Still, fun stuff.
Lisa: Isn’t that kind of wasteful? I thought you believed in conservation?
TR: Say… how much do you want to bet I can lift that big rock over my head?
Lisa: Mr. President? I asked you a question?
TR: One… two… three…
Lisa: And… he’s doing knee bends again.
Homer: Man, this guy’s got a shorter attention span than Bart.
Lisa: Well, he was INCREDIBLY accomplished. An author, historian, statesman, explorer, businessman, naturalist… I guess you’d have to be a little hyper to do all that.
TR: I’m still the best arm-wrestler I know. Some men’s arms look bigger than mine, but I have excellent technique.
I went to a zoo, and you know tigers? I watched the tigers and I figured out why they’re so strong and I copied it and now no one can beat me.
TR: I’m thirsty, Point me to the nearest tavern.
Make Teddy Take Refreshments (requires Moe’s Tavern)- 4hrs, Earns $260, 70xp
TR: I do so enjoy sharing a pint of ale with the common man.
Lenny: Could you please stop calling us “the common man?”
Carl: And could you also maybe stop doing jumping jacks? It’s weird.
TR: I’m bored. I need a project. Are there any hills in town crawling with SPanish soldiers? I could storm one of those.
Homer: We stormed our last Spaniard hill a few months ago. Sorry.
TR: Any giant corporations in town I could bust up?
Lenny: Not really. Just Mr. Burns.
TR: Tell me about this “Mr. Burns”…

My Fair Quimby Pt. 3
Teddy Roosevelt (TR) starts

TR: So you’re basically telling me that Mr. Burns and his corporation run this town?
This is exactly why we must never allow corporations to grow too powerful.
Carl: I thought you were a Republican?
TR: What’s strange about a Republican being anti-big business?
Lenny: EVERRYTHING! If President Ronald Reagan could hear you, he’d never stop being sick.
TR: Ronald Reagan the future actor becomes future President? Now I’ve heard everything!
Gentleman, I busted up Standard Oil, and now I’m gonna bust up Standard Burns! Take me to your mayor!
Make Teddy Meet With Quimby (requires Town Hall/joint task with Quimby)- 2hrs, Earns $285, 67xp

My Fair Quimby Pt. 4
Teddy Roosevelt (TR) starts

TR: Mayor Quimby, all that is required to stem the tide of corporate greed is for men of courage to stand shouldr-to-shoulder.
Quimby: Hold on, this is good stuff. I want to write this down.
“Men… of… courage.” And where do we find such men?
TR: Why, you and I will be the men of courage. And together —
Quimby: Now see here! I am an inveterate coward, and proud of it!
TR: Not anymore, you’re not! We’re gonna go right at Mr. Burns, just like I stormed San Juan Hill! Charge!
Make Teddy Lead the Charge- 8hrs, Earns $420, 105xp
TR: When someone scream “charge!” that’s your cue to ante up and run laughing into the face of death.
Quimby: Yeah, see, huge coward. I thought I explained this to you.
Anyway, I heard the real heroes of your little charge up San Juan Hill were the Buffalo Soldier regiments.
But since you were a more convenient hero for the media than a group of black soldiers…
TR: One… two… three…
Quimby: As soon as things get uncomfortable, he goes back to the knee bends.


My Fair Quimby Pt. 5
Teddy Roosevelt (TR) starts

TR: I’ll make a man of you yet, Joe Quimby.
Quimby: Mr. Burns is too powerful. He’s got the nuclear plant, a basketball team, vast real estate holdings, and the best cupcake shop in town.
Homer: Really? He owns Lovin’ Cups?
Quimby: No, no. Mr. Burns’ cupcake shop is Sweet Emotions. It’s way better than Lovin’ Cups.
Homer: I oughts kill you for saying that!
TR: Grown men do not debate the merits of dessert treats! Quimby, grab your rucksack. We’re gonna toughen you up with a camping trip!
Make Teddy Go Camping With Quimby (joint task with Quimby)- 24hrs, Earns $1600, 375xp
TR: Quimby! You couldn’t even last one night in the woods? I woke up an hour before sunrise and I was all alone!
Quimby: You were not! I left behind a fact-finding committee to investigate the feasibility of future mayoral camping.
I eagerly look forward to their report. It should be finished in the next six months.

My Fair Quimby Pt. 6
Teddy Roosevelt (TR) starts

TR: Quimby, you may not be an outdoorsman, but there’s other ways to be tough.
Did you know I once gave a campaign speech moments after being shot in the chest?
Quimby: Good Lord. Why?
TR: Probably because I have poor self-esteem that I mask with extreme risk-taking behavior. Who knows? Here, I’ll do it again.
Quimby: No! Please don’t! This won’t teach me anything!
TR: Me first, then you!
Make Teddy Give a Speech- 60mins, Earns $105, 26xp


My Fair Quimby Pt. 7
Teddy Roosevelt (TR) starts

TR: Hoo boy. I’m not going to lie — that hurt. Wow. Okay Joe. Your turn to get shot.
Make Quimby Hide from Teddy- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp
TR: There you are, Quimby! Have you no shame?
Quimby: Of course not! And whatever you say, It’s never stopped me from winning elections before.
TR: Well, I acted with courage, and won my presidential election all the same!
Quimby: ONE election! You won ONE election?
TR: See, I was intially the Vice President, but then McKinley was assassinated.
Then I ran for re-election the one time, then I wearied of politics and retired. Why?
Quimby: One election! I’m taking advice from a political noob!
TR: What does this term mean, “noob?”
Quimby: It means come back when you’ve been elected a half-dozen more times and MAYBE I’ll listen. Noob.
TR: I don’t appreciate your tone sir. Put up yer dukes and fight like a man.
Quimby: Hey look, a defenseless squirrel!
TR: Where? Out of my way! Get my gun and give me a clear shot!
Quimby: *chuckles* Noob.

Teddy Roosevelt’s Tasks

Task Length Earns Location
Give a Speech 1hr $105, 26xp Outside
Take Refreshments 4hrs $260, 70xp Moe’s Tavern
Lead the Charge 8hrs $420, 105xp Outside
Catch up on History 12hrs $600, 150xp Springfield Library
Go Hunting 24hrs $1,000, 225xp Outside at Springfield National Park

Phew… that was a long one.  Next up…


Building/Decoration: Old Faithless
Donut Price: 40 Donuts
Size: 8×8

So this one is cool and offers a 2% bonus in your town.  It’s a bit pricey at 40 donuts but not awful. I think this is one of those items that fits in better if you splurged on the National Park but I like it. It’s neat that it is animated and erupts on occassion (every two minutes?) but also if you tap on it.  If you really want a geyser, get it. I think that premium players probably snatched it up immediately but freemium may be more on the fence. Ultimately up to you. I bought it, I like it, not a bad bonus for donuts ratio IMHO. No questline and just a decoration so those may be cons for folks.

For for the next items, Jebus bless Alissa that they’re old items and she already did the hard work. I included my thoughts if I thought they were helpful. I own all of these items.

Tapped_Out_Pinwheel_firework Pinwheel Firework: 40 Donuts, 2% Bonus

If you really want fireworks in your town, get it but it’s pricey. I have two of these from the past but I didn’t go crazy. It’s expensive and for that bonus I would rather get the geyser. Up to you. Deifnitely a pass for freemium folks. Here’s Alissa’s Should I Spend Donuts on Fireworks, Candy & Puppy Dogs?

holoflagpillar_menuHolo-Flag: 15 Donuts, No Bonus

Origin: Episode Recap: Mathletes Feat

I think this is super cool. I already had one so I won’t be getting more but I’d add it to my town if I could afford it. Here’s Alissa’s Should I Spend Donuts on the Holo-Flag?


lisastatuepatrioticboxoffireworks_menu Lil Lisa & Patriotic Fireworks Bundle: 95 Donuts

So this is a 20 donut increase from last year’s price and comes with fireworks that are freemium. I hate to say it but unless you absolutely have to have this… PASS. Here’s the post Alissa did last year that included it.

Abraham-Lincoln lincolnscabin_menuLincoln’s Cabin: 150 Donuts, comes with Abraham Lincoln

Origin: Whatever you are, be a good one.

It’s Abe Lincoln! So happy all the presidents were brought back for tappers to buy. This is my favorite of the four presidents in town. Here’s Alissa’s Should I Spend Donuts On: Abe Lincoln Again?!

yeoldecherrytree_menu unlock_georgewashingtonYe Olde Cherry Tree: 180 Donuts, comes with George Washington

Where Did THAT Come From; George Washington

The man who is regarded in America as the good GW and tops most lists as the Best. President. Ever.  I’m a history nerd so I bought all the presidents but I adore having General Washington in my town. I love to have him swashbuckling all over my town year round or chopping on his cherry tree even if it’s not something he actually did. Here’s Alissa’s Should I Spend Donuts On George Washington & His Cherry Tree?

unlock_richardnixon watergatehotel_menuScandal-gate Hotel: 150 Donuts, comes with Richard Nixon

Where Did THAT Come From; President Nixon

Tricky Dick Nixon. Of the four presidents, he’s at the bottom of my list but I loved adding him to my town. Here’s what Alissa said. Should I Spend Donuts On Richard Nixon and the Scandal-gate Hotel?

presidentialestate_menuFreedomPresidential Estate & Freedom: 100 Donuts (if you already own Freedom, store the bird to see just the Estate in your menu to buy). Freedom is an NPC.

Freedom origin: Episode Recap: Diggs

Where Did THAT Come From – Presidential Estate

So for those of us who got these items seperately, we spent 125 donuts so this is actually a deal, sort of. I like both of them but in the gammit of all these deals, I might pass. I wish the estate had come with President George Herbert Walker Bush so if I dind’t have the donuts to splurge, I’d have probably passed on this one.  Here’s Alissa’s Should I Spend Donuts On the Presidential Estate? and Should I Spend Donuts On: Freedom the Falcon

fireworksbarge_menuFireworks Barge: 80 Donuts, 2.75% bonus

Origin: Episode Recap: Yellow Badge of Cowardge

Hmmmm… this is probably a pass for me as I think as a premium or freemium player. It shoots off fireworks when tapped but otherwise just takes up space in your ocean. Here’s Alissa’s Should I Spend Donuts On the Fireworks Barge?

nighthawkdiner_transimage rexbanner_idle_image_1Nighthawk Diner & Rex Banner: 90 Donuts

An accidental WDTCF; Rex Banner & the Nighthawk Diner

OMG… Rex Banner. This is my #1 pick for this event followed closely by Lincoln. I love this episode and the building just looks so cool. Not a bad price and really the cheapest offer this time around. Buy it, buy it, buy it if you can! Here’s what Alissa said last year when he returned. Should I Spend Donuts On: Rex Banner Again?!

And last but not least…

all american apuAll American Apu (Costume): 30 Donuts

Where Did THAT Come From; All American Apu

It’s a really inexpensive skin and adds premium tasks for Apu. In my town, this is how Apu spends his days. I love this, it’s cheap, I think it’s a good buy. Here’s what Alissa wrote about it. 

So there you go… one massive Should I Buy for all of the premium content for this mini-event. Hopefully it satisfied all you wants. What are your thoughts? Did you buy any of it? Sound off in the comments and keep on being the classy tappers I know you to be. Just remember this stuff is limited time (LEAVES JULY 6TH!!!) so don’t wait too long to make your decisions.

TTFN… Wookiee out!

80 responses to “Should I Spend Donuts on – Fourth of July Edition

  1. I broke my freemium status for the national park and the geyser!

    😭😭😭 to have lasted as freemium for so long, but the time was right.

    I could have probably scraped by with the $5 or $10 levels of donuts, but I didn’t want to be left high and dry in case something cool comes out. So, I bought the $20 version.

    I don’t have buyer’s remorse. That park is so cool! I hope it comes back for all who were missing the deal.

    • I love to tap on it and see the different animations. I love watching the raccoon go cliff diving and whenever that dolphin appears in the water, my smile is worth the purchase.

    • I bought the national park too as a freemium player. I think we made the right call! 😁👍🏻 It’s the most expensive donut purchase I’ve ever made outside of Barney and the bowlarama. It’s beautiful and the nuanced animal animations are impressive. Worth it.

    • Thanks for the validation 😄

  2. I’m a freemium player and have been on a spending spree. I got the steel mill, plopper, Nixon, and Rex in the last month. Only 4 donuts left. Lowest I’ve ever been. Time to stockpile for black friday.

  3. barleecreations (canid88)

    I finally got to see TR in my neighbor’s town giving his speech. I just about died laughing when he throws the bullet back at the shooter. Shut up and take my donuts!! Now I just got to have him. Dangit EA! Please hurry and fix the missing deal issue.

    • Thank you EA for working out a way to re-released the Gil deal, you rock! This is the first Gil deal I’ve ever bought. Well done Gil, hope you get a raise. 😉

  4. So, I’ve got 200 donuts in the bank (hard earned freemium) and not sure which to go for, recommendations welcome. I’m thinking either
    A)Springfield national park
    B)Abe Lincoln and the Geyser
    C)Rex banner and the geyser and keep some sprinkles back.
    I’m mainly bothered about aesthetics rather than multipliers.

    • Tough choice but if I had to pick between them… I’d get Rex and then save donuts for future offerings.

    • I agree with Wookiee. Nighthawk is must have for Edward Hopper fans, and Rex Banner is one of my all time favorite fly-by Simpsons characters. His 8-hr Interrogate Flanders task makes me smile every time I use it, which is quite often. I’m freemium and spent hard earned donuts when he first came around. Pull the trigger and let the beer baron know that you will find him.
      “No you won’t…!”
      “YES… I… WILL.”
      “*quietly* D’oh!”

  5. I love visiting national parks when I can, so this particular Gil deal was a no-brainer for me and not too bad considering you get a character and a hefty bonus with it. The geyser was an easy pick as well.

  6. fineyoungknives

    As a history nerd (with a worthless degree to prove it), they need to add my favorite president, William McKinley. He was shot by an anarchist. I can’t think of a better way for an autocrat to go out.

  7. So I caved and bought Rex. Been back and forth on him the last few years. Debating one of the presidents, but they are all a little pricey.

    Really hope we get Jefferson one of these days, one of the greatest presidents we ever had and had a great bit on the show too.

  8. Why do you say the old faithless and pinwheel fireworks are pricey? The bonus is 5% of the donut cost, which is the best donut per bonus ratio we get in the game (like the jet engine bike).

    • I actually don’t care about the bonuses so I figure a small decoration that only taps when animated is pricey. Old Faithless is awesome but just a decoration. I know a lot of donut poor folks mainly want characters so I figure “pricey” as it uses up donuts that could be used on “better” things.

  9. hey tsto team just to let you know incase you dont know yet it seems as of today the super jeb statue is in the superheroes store for 25 donuts just logged in my game but te store item didnt show any new item number on it but i always check store daily and there it is 🙂 maybe you can do a should a buy for it for other players cuz i have it already 🙂

  10. I got Teddy and the geyser. Could not be happier as a history buff, Teddy has always been a favorite of mine and Yellowstone is so awesome.I don’t find the park so big especially compared to recent things like the pro shop and the cavern. As for the fireworks items I must admit I have them all from past events and have no regrets but I grew up in the fireworks capital of the United States so it’s kind of a personal homage in my mind. SHOUT OUT to Zambelli and Pyrotechnics. I would love to see Jefferson next year with either Mt. Rushmore or Independence Hall.
    Happy Fourth to all my fellow rappers.

  11. Not interested in the slightest by the presidents but the diner and Banner are tempting

    • I love the Nighthawk diner & Rex. I purchased that combo way before I ever got any of the Presidents. He’s got a neat 4hr visual task of eating a banana split and an 8hr combo task where he interrogates Flanders. RachelS

  12. Totally would have gotten the Gil Deal if it hadn’t disappeared from my town.

  13. I’ve seen a Soylent Red factory in a couple of friends towns. Anyone know where that came from? I’m not seeing it as a craftable prize or anything. Am I missing out on something else besides the Gil deal? 😢 RachelS

  14. For what it’s worth it looks like the $8 scratcher is coming back on the 4th.

    • If you are talking about the platinum scratcher, that was released at the beginning of the week and is due to EXPIRE on Monday, July 4th … at least that’s the option my game gave me this week.

    • It’s only for a one shot deal; it greys out after you buy it once. I tried it again & only got the minimum. This was my second time & I don’t know if I’ll do it anymore. I’ve had really sensational luck with the other scratchers: lots of 100 & 50 donut payouts, but no luck with the bigger one. I’ll probably just stick with the dollar ones from here on out. RachelS

  15. George Bush Jr. & Jeb Bush

    I’ll pass on the pinwheel firework, and wait for the real fireworks on the 4th 😉

    • Are you upset Teddy got the call for the 4th this year and not your Dad?

      • George Bush Jr. & Jeb Bush

        Almost as upset as the fremium player who spent 40 donuts on a pinwheel fireworks set, not knowing that was given away for free today 🙂


  16. I’d love to pick Rex up but I’m saving my donuts for a certain leader of a youth group rumoured to appear in act 3. Also Canadian so until EA throws Sir John A MacDonald or WLM King or either Trudeau into the game I’ll be forever passing on presidents. Although Teddy is tempting.

    • Based on PMs that have actually been in the show, their choices are Sir John A (Who turned up in a couch gag) and Louis St-Laurent (From a gag based on Martin’s nerdiness…Perhaps we’ll get Eisenhower next year?)

      I was hoping for a different President this year, but I gladly bought Teddy the second Gil’s deal came up. Thank God I had the donuts ready. I’m sure one day we’ll get to hear Rappin’ Ronnie Reagan.

  17. I purchased the other presidents previously, I love them they crack me up, since I love history. I purchased Teddy Roosevelt as soon as the Gill deal popped up & the geyser. I think EA did a great job. Each year I wonder what president they pick next. I’m kinda hoping for Ben Franklin especially flying a kite in a lightning storm next time.

    • I just want to make it clear to anyone else that reads this comment (especially those outside tge U.S.) and does not know, Benjamin Franklin was NOT a president of the U.S.A. despite the fact he is on the $100 bill, he was only a founding father … if you didn’t know, now you do 😆 🌟🌈 … Happy Independence to all U.S. Citizens!

      • ‘Only’ a founding father sounds a bit diminutive of a true renaissance man whose accomplishments include entrepreneur, author, inventor, statesman and diplomat (I probably missed a few) without whom securing French allegiance, it’s likely the U.S. could not have won our independence from Britain. How many people can say they changed the world? Ben Franklin can.

  18. I already have presidential estate but not freedom. Is there a way to get it separately?

    • You can try storing the estate to see if that brings him up as a seperate purchase. Only other option is to ask EA. They may be able to hook you up if it’s not showing as a seperate offer.

  19. Saw that the Gil deal was missing for some in the store so decided to get It this morning. Glad I did looks great & then turned around & got Old Faithless too. They go together nicely & glad to have them in my town next to the summer house & lake. Thanks for the info.

  20. I bought Teddy right away. I’m glad I did. I can’t believe it that’s like 3 Gill deals in a row that have been screwed up. Heads should roll over it.
    I bought Rex Banner and old faithless. I’m passing on the estate especially since we got Freedom for free.

  21. What’s L-I-N-C-O-N doing here?

  22. Is it too soon to speculate whom they might release next year?
    (Keep in mind they’ve only released deceased U.S. Presidents)

    F.D.R.? G.Ford “would you like some Nachos”? Taft? There are many to choose from.

    Or do you think EA will confuse us by releasing a non-president? Ben Franklin? Paul Revere? J. Edgar Hoover? :p

    • My vote is for Jefferson next year but I’d be thrilled by George HW Bush, Carter, or Clinton. Heck, they could do a whole event and I’d be thrilled.

      • Yeah, they better make it an event next year or we’ll never get all the presidents before the game ends. 😉 There’s like 44 presidents, so that would take like 40 years to get them all. Come on!!!

        • I think I can speak for all non-American players when I say that such a U.S. presidential event would have very limited appreciation from the public at large… it might be the one event I pass on, especially if you happen to elect Trump this year. But hey, I could use some time away from the game.

        • There’s Taylor, there’s Tyler,
          There’s Fillmore and there’s Hayes,
          There’s William Henry Harrison:
          “I died in 30 days!”

    • Taft, you old dog!

    • I like to see Jebediah Springfield in the game. Fighting Washington could be one of his jobs.

  23. 🙂 If only T.R. was voiced and said “Bully” I may have snatched it up.
    Also wish he had a carry a Big Stick task (or some other clever Pun titled task).

    Yes, he is an awesomely popular president. His Character and Caricature are also popular within the Movie world, as everyone knows the Night At The Museum films but (I mentioned this before) also “Arsenic And Old Lace” (if you haven’t seen the film, I suggest you do or at least find a local theater company putting on the play version). It’s an oldie but a goodie (it’s best to go into it without knowing the plot) – it’s a dark comedy, but in the end a comedy that makes you think, just enough to want to watch it again. 🙂

    Bunny ever see “Arsenic and Old Lace”? Sandra? Anyone?… Teddy Brewster?

    • “Doctor Livingston!”


      “Well, that’s what he presumes.”

      That movie only got better as I got older.

    • Charge! Lol. One of my all-time favourite movies. Definitely worth seeing one or two or ten times 🙂

    • I actually saw arsenic & old lace in the late 80’s with Jean Stapleton who played Edith on the sitcom “All in the family” would definitely like to see it again now that I’m older.

    • Arsenic and Old Lace is one of my favorite films. Every time I tap Teddy, i think of the movie. 🙂 Let’s go dig some more canals, Teddy.

    • “Insanity doesn’t RUN in my family, It practically GALLOPS” :p

  24. As a freemium player with only 125 donuts, I had loved to add Rex Banner combo to my Springfield, but since we’re in the middle of a Superheroes event, I’d rather wait to see what Act III have for us and try to pick him if he ever come back next year.

  25. I don’t do it often, but I spent $ on the park and geyser. They look great together as Wookie mentioned, and also with other similar items such as the gorge, falls and rock formations. I put the geyser in such a way as to make it look like it’s at the top of the park.

  26. Dear Wookie, I beg you if you have any sway with the good folks at EA to put some pressure on them to work out a solution to the missing Gil deal. 😉
    never wanted one of their Gil deals this badly before and I’m getting very nervous this glitch is gonna exclude me. :'(

  27. EA is dropping the ball on this why not just put the park in the store if the gill deal is missing up

  28. Thanks for covering all these items!

    I’m a bit confused by your take on the geyser (“…not a bad bonus for donuts ratio IMHO.”). Is there a better ratio available on any item being offered now? I ask as a freemium player looking to maximize my bonus % above just about every other consideration.

    • There’s other items for 2% that cost 40 donuts. Off the top of my head is the cop car, Old Gray Mare, Knightboat, left-hand roadster. There are certainly worse bonus per donut offerings.

    • The only thing with a better ratio is the jet engine bike at 30 donuts for 2%. I got Old Faithless. I think it goes great in my town next to my old west town. I placed it behind a fence with the steaming pond from the old west event. This part of my town reminds me of Yellowstone. Natch.

    • I consider 20 doughnuts per % to be a standard multiplier ratio. Items with a better ratio are few and far between – the Jet Engine Bike is the only permanent item with a better ratio, and the Inanimate Carbon Rod Monument and the Nature and Whacking Day Bundles had a better return. That’s all I can remember that come in with a better doughnut to % ratio. Most multiplier items are much worse, price-wise.

  29. Finally! Thank you!

    • Just took me a while to get through it all. Also spending my donuts vs waiting to complete the questline to complete normally delayed it. I ended up spending some but I wanted to get the info out.

  30. DrF0nkenstein

    Just picked up tricky dicky yesterday… woohoo!
    the other presidents are far too boring….. as dickie says….. ‘people have got a right to know if their presidents’ a crook’…… hilarious! 😀

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