Where Did THAT Come From – X-Ray Truck, Painted Horse, Milhouse’s Trailer, Radioactive Man Film Set & the Spirograph Factory

Faster than an event speeding donut spender! More powerful than a local Addict! Able to leap long comment threads in a single bound! Look! Up in the TSTO-niverse! It’s a building! It’s a decoration! It’s Superheroes 2016!

In our silly lil game, we sometimes see things pop in that we have no clue as to their Origin. They seem familiar, but we just can’t pinpoint from where. So that is why we decided to make a fun lil reminder out of it. To let you know just Where did THAT Come From?



So unless you’ve been locked away in Lucite, by now you’re probably similarly stuck in the latest new in our beloved game. Lots of new stuff and that means I have one heck of a job to do letting you know where all the new “super” things come from. Origin stories are sort of the bread and butter of any comic book story worth its proverbial weight in Booster Gold, so I’m back at my usual antics again. For this issue of WDTCF, we’ll be looking at:

X-Ray Truck – 2nd Issue 3 Prize – 16,850 Crab Juice
Painted Horse – crafted for 790 Trading Cards
Milhouse’s Trailer – 40 donuts
Radioactive Man Film Set – 150 donuts
Spirograph Factory – 5th Issue 3 Prize – 61,900 Crab Juice

Once again a bunch of the prizes, premiums, and crafting items come from the same episode. Let’s head off to “Radioactive Man” (S7:E2) to find them. The long and short of this episode is that it all revolves around Hollywood choosing Springfield as the location for filming the Radioactive Man movie. A local kid is chosen to play Fallout Boy and to most people’s surprise, the pick is Milhouse. Bart was trying for the role but was an inch too short. He did try hard though.

Fallout Boy Casting Simpsons

Bart obviously is bummed but decides to visit his best friend on the set. While they are filming the Fallout origin scene take one, we see the X-ray Truck.

Fallout Boy Origin Radioactive Man Movie X-Ray Truck Simpsons

Love the stuntman playing Milhouse. Of course, Milly has to film some principal photography too. Probably not the best idea to use a real x-ray machine.

X-Ray Truck Milhouse Simpsons

We also see the painted horses on the set. They’re using them as cows.

Painted Horse Cow Simpsons

“Cows don’t look like cows on film. You gotta use horses.”
“What do you do if you want something that looks like a horse?”
“Eh, usually we just tape a bunch of cats together.”

Later, we find Milhouse in his trailer. I’d love to have my own personal Squishee machine.

Radioactive Man Movie Fallout Boy Milhouse's Trailer Simpsons

Similar trailers are seen earlier but they could be other stars’. Also a backdrop that probably was used for the Alien sequence of the Rad Man movie.

Movie Trailers Simpsons

Strangely, Milly is none too thrilled with fame and ultimately, he runs away from the fame monster. His absence is noted clearly when he isn’t there for his epic shot to “untie Radioactive Man and pull him to safety moments before he’s hit with a 40-foot wall of sufuric acis that will horribly burn everything in its path. Now, that’s real acid, so I want to see goggles, people.”

Radioactive Man Film Set Simpsons

“My eyes! The goggles do nothing!” Rainier Wolfcastle ends up crashing into yet another trailer. I wonder is it was his?

Radioactive Man Film Trailer Simpsons

Poor Wolfcastle. At least we saw this awesome film set though. Bart goes in search for his missing friend. The Spirograph Factory is one of the old haunts Bart went looking in after checking Slot Car Heaven. Bet you forgot the CBG won Champion of the Universe. Unfortunately Dr. S tells Bart he hasn’t seen Milhouse. “Did you know that there’s a direct correlation between the decline of spirograph and the rise in gang activity. Think about it.”

Spirograph Factory Simpsons

Here’s where I just have to point out that anyone who calls this the Spirography Factory needs to stop just reading the TSTO files and watch some episodes.  The extra ‘y’ is driving me crazy. Dang… who makes these soapboxes so small? Anyhoo… that’s it for all these new items. What do you think of all of them? Glad they found homes in our game? Sound off in the comments and happy tapping.

TTFN… Wookiee out!

5 responses to “Where Did THAT Come From – X-Ray Truck, Painted Horse, Milhouse’s Trailer, Radioactive Man Film Set & the Spirograph Factory

  1. “Cows don’t look like cows on film. You gotta use horses.”
    “What do you do if you want something that looks like a horse?”
    “Eh, usually we just tape a bunch of cats together.”


  2. I love Krusty’s delivery of “Where’s the producer?!? I WANT TO TALK A-BOUT THIS COFFEE!!!”

    One funny thing I just realized on my last viewing of the episode was the joke about the characters he plays: When he comes in, insisting on being given the part of Krispy the Clown, he shows his portfolio (“But look at my range!!”) I’d never paid much attention, but it turns out that the parts he’s offered coincide perfectly with the other 3 of his headshots: Angry the Clown (arms folded, angry expression,) Silly Sailor (saluting with sailor cap,) and Dr. Clownus (examining a test tube.) I guess the joke is that Krusty didn’t know about those parts (since he was only asking for Krispy,) and it was just a lucky break for him that those other 3 characters were available.

    I’m a little slow on the uptake, sometimes.

  3. I’m holding out hope for the Estonian Midget and Dr. S.

    One of my favorite moments of this episode (and there are many) is Homer lounging with the Teamsters. One of my parents had to be in the Teamsters as a requirement of their job (which I’d always understood to be illegal, but their reasoning went like this: “We’re not forcing you to join the union, but if you don’t join them, we can’t offer you this job,”) and everyone featured in the monthly newsletter was just like the guys on the movie set: So lazy and surly!

  4. Has to be a favourite episode! Love it 😉
    I was wondering if you were going to add the origin of the ‘Brass Knuckle’ when you did origins of consumables because that appeared in ‘Lisa goes Gaga’ and the promo poster for ‘Treehouse of Horror XXVVII’ which is COMING SOON (4th of October 2016) to be the 600th episode! Really excited!

  5. All I needed was to see the painted horse in the title with the film stuff to remember that moment – hilarious!

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