Early Valentine: Mystery Date Box

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

This morning a little early Valentine hit our games…the Mystery Date Box


Ok so it’s the Date Night Mystery Box, but doesn’t Mystery Date Box sound so much better? 😉

Anywho, this is a premium box full of your change to get those limited-time premium ladies & buildings generally associated with Valentine’s Day & dating. (oh and you’ve got a shot at 2 items that are always in the game…but still at a discounted price)

By now we should all be familiar with how Mystery Boxes work, so let’s jump to the breakdown of what’s inside..


First, let me point out that this is the EARLY Valentine’s Day release.  There’s more coming (and something for those who already have all of this) in a few days, so don’t panic thinking this is it.  Again, it’s just the early release…

And…if you already have everything in the box you’ll get the popup but you won’t see the box in your store. 


So for 60 donuts you can have your shot at a variety of Valentine’s Day premium characters and buildings from the past AND a character/building combo and building from the present.

Date Night Mystery Box Leaves Games February 17th…

Here’s what you can win…

ShaunaShauna- Should I Buy Post

unlock_brandineBrandine- Should I Buy Post

upupandbuffet_menuUp, Up & Buffet!- Should I Buy Post

aztecAztec Theatre- Should I Buy Post 

powershouse_menu unlock_laurapowersPowers House & Laura Powers- Should I Buy Post

derkrazykraut_menu charactersets_beckyDer Krazy Kraut & Becky- Should I Buy Post

Howard's FlowersHoward’s Flowers- Should I Buy Post

Phineas Q. Butterfat'sPhineas Q. Butterfats- Should I Buy Post

Now, while I know you can’t pick and choose which items you want from the box, I included the Should I Buy posts from the past so y’all can see how much they originally cost & what specifically each building/character does.

60 Donuts is a bargain for any of these items…as they originally all were more than 60 donuts.  So it’s certainly worth giving it a try if you have the donuts!

Also, a few new Around the World items hit our games over the weekend and today…

ico_stor_single_atw_sugarloafmountainSugarloaf Mountain- 100 Donuts

arcdetriomphe_menuArc de Triomphe- 80 Donuts

Yes, I will have Should I Buys on these AND ALL THE NEW ITEMS IN OUR GAMES…

Just give me some time.  Like I said EA’s keeping me busy with this update and I can only do so much at a time.  So I ask for a little patience.  I’m cranking them out in the order they expire.  (and the ones that provide the biggest benefit for the event, I’ve covered)

And that’s it my friends!  The details on the Valentine’s Day Mystery Box….who will you end up with?

What are your thoughts on the Date Night Mystery Box? Have you tried it yet? What have you won so far? What do you hope to get? Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

195 responses to “Early Valentine: Mystery Date Box

  1. Unrelated: I have 40605 pins now, so I passed the requirement for Cesar and Ugolin, but did not get them? The prize track screen says I can get them “free”, but tapping on it does nothing… Anyone else with that problem?

    • Marion (AnothrAddict)

      Had that happen with another prize. Go to krustyland and back, should award you the prize when you get back to your main town. How that helps!

    • That happened to me with the SkyCredits thing. I had to go into Krustyland and then back to Springfield; it synchronised and then the reward thingy popped up.

  2. I wanted to save all my donuts for the Japan phase of the event, but my chances to get a character were 4:2 in favor of a new character, so a good chance to get one of the girls. Rolled the dice aaaaand: got Becky and the Krazy Kraut! Considering i am german myself, a great result to now have a stereotypical bratwurstessende Pickelhaube building im my Springfield, heheh.

    Since the box will stick around, maybe i’ll try again when most of the Japan content has been released.

  3. Already dropped 300 donuts on this awesome mystery box and i have a feeling I’ll be spending at least another 250 donuts on stuff released later on. Thanks EA. 🙂

  4. The only things I’m missing are Krazy Kraut and Powers House. Not especially attached to either character or building… but a guaranteed character + building for 60 donuts is hard to pass up.

    Anyone have a favorite between Becky/Krazy Kraut and Laura/Powers House? I may do both, but donut supply is a bit low and I’d have to buy some to get the 2nd one.

    • To be honest if I was allowed to choose Powers house
      Laura is an most iconic one of characters and from the vintage Simpsons yrs again that’s my choice I wouldn’t be dissapointed either way but Laura would be my choice

    • Get them both.. it’s 300 donuts worth for only 120. Rarely can you get one character and a building for 120, let alone 2 of each for 120. Never again will you/we get a discount like this again. I opened all 8 with zero regrets. What a great deal altogether. Thanks EA!!

  5. I just got the two items I wanted in two tries.
    I kept going in and out of “viewing” the box until the items I wanted where on the far left or first from left to right.
    First I tried Der Krazy Kraut and I got it.
    Then I tried Up Up and Buffet. It worked again.
    Either it’s a legit method or I wot really lucky.
    Do this at your own risk. I’d try it again but I’m out of donuts now.

  6. I had everything but Becky and Der Krazy Kraut…so it was an instant buy for a character and building for 60 little sprinkles.

  7. I’d take Der Krazy Kraut and Becky for 60 donuts but I won’t gamble with donuts to get ’em. I’m going to hold off until act two when Akira and the Happy Sumo will supposedly pop up and if there’s a rebate attached I’ll be snagging that one immediately.

    • Won’t be a rebate because people who have got it full price will blow up lol and EA don’t wanna tick players off
      And don’t blame them I’d be furious if I payed full price for something
      Only to have some one get it for way less

  8. Is a SIB coming for the Americatown and Kukimo? I really thought I had her but I can’t find her anywhere, so will I get her with the purchase or just the Sailor skin for her?

    • If you don’t have her already you will get her and the skin (along with the building of course).

    • Price for AT + Kumiko + skin =175 donuts, if you already have Kumiko it’s 135 donuts. So Kumiko costs only 40 donuts as part of the package. just look at the price in the store and you’ll know if you have her. As far as I’m concerned 135 donuts is too expensive for just a skin and a building. Kumiko will earn only a little extra event currenty with her skin, not enough to justify the bundle price IMO, other than that it’s just a big, ugly building that doesn’t contribute much. If you don’t have her already, a character, a premium skin and a building may be worth 175 donuts but it’s still pricey.

  9. ellieoftheflump

    emailing EA is not working- they do not even understand the issue 🙁

    • You got infected by the CapsLockStuck virus.

    • ellieoftheflump

      Apologies for previous caps lock- my bad!
      Info for other kindle fire users.
      There is a known issue on kindle fire (EA boo boo not amazon- (no option to buy donuts just in game cash) and no way to find mystery box (been through entire buying options) now for chance to buy/win Brandine Spuckler 🙁

      EA 4x emailing help was abysmal but have now actually spoken to someone ((((Dean)))) at Galway phone help desk who has made the techy folk aware of the missing content so may be a few days and hopefully the mystery box will ALSO be resubmitted/ return for Kindle fire users to be able to purchase the mystery box items before the time elapses on the 17th feb.

      Apologies for moaning- it is not like me at all, would be helpful to have a button for informing tech of tech issues within the game so you know the email is going to someone who actually understands the game.
      Final apologies if this is the wrong place to post this but maybe it will inform other Kindle fire users who are as confuddled as I am.

      Other than that I am able to play the World event and am enjoying it immensely—–hoping Bart washed his feet before he started treading grapes mind 🙂
      happy tapping

  10. Yay, Brandine! FINALLY!!

  11. Only needed Laura Powers so insta-buy for me.

  12. I got the up up buffet as first prize and Branding as second. Nothing left for me to buy.

  13. Just got Brandine on my second attempt! Interesting side note, Mr. Sparkle is in the oddballs section now! Can’t wait to get him!

    • I just saw that as well! I know he shows up in the event section banner in the store so I assumed he’d be coming in some form, but it looks like it’ll be as an actual character. I hope he has some great visual tasks!

    • There’s a whopping dozen new characters added to the character collections. Not many other events added this many new faces to our towns. Some of them look really interesting, but Mr. Sparkle is my favorite of the bunch! I believe he will be a premium character during act II. And the group of vicious monkeys looks fun, I believe that will be a prize in act III.

  14. I got 2 characters and two buildings for 120 donuts. Bananas!

  15. I’m missing Becky, Brandine, and Laura, so I’ll probably buy boxes until I get those three. I kind of want the Aztec Theater (not having an automatic 4hr task for SVT is annoying), and I wouldn’t be upset at the plane. That just leaves the final two (Howard’s and Butterfats) as ones that I don’t really care for, so hopefully I won’t open them while trying for things I want.

    • … so right after posting I buy the boxes, and sure enough two of the first three end up with the two things I don’t want. Oh well. I ended up buying them all, and even considering those two the overall price for everything is good. 🙂

  16. I was up late last night and saw this pop into my store. Normally I’m super frugal with my donuts but I couldn’t hit buy fast enough. Got the Aztec Theater, which makes me happy, though honestly anything in the box is great. Really tempted to buy a couple more even though I’m trying to save for more World event loot coming.

  17. Wanted Brandine but I got the ice cream parlor which isn’t too bad but now I’m pretty much out of donuts.

  18. I jumped on this immediately. I didn’t have any of those 8x items but I got the 3x I wanted (Brandine, Powers, and Becky) after only 5 purchases.

    I’ll find something to do with the flower shop and Butterfats restaurant, I guess.

    But an excellent value where 300 donuts spent got 400-donuts worth of stuff I WANTED… plus 2x building I don’t care about.

  19. I saw the mystery box this morning, but I no longer have the ability to purchase it.

  20. Donuts sucked up… didn’t get Brandine til try five… at least all the other stufff was incredible value.

  21. Gave it a shot and got Der Krazy Kraut & Becky, so I am pretty happy about that. Not sure about pushing my luck for more.

    • Based on what I saw about lining up what you want with the far left, I got a second box with the Powers house. It does seem to work!

  22. So after reading the comments, searching through every section of the store… still no joy locating the box.

    I got the notification, bought donuts to go back and buy it… and its nowhere to be seen.

    Hope EA fixes this ASAP 🙁

  23. It would appear that you can only get two of the items. I used the box twice, and now the option is gone. Is this how it was supposed to work? I would have liked to get more than just two of the items/characters.

  24. Went ahead and spent the 180 donuts on the three items I didn’t already have.

    I ponied up the full donut price for the Aztec, Brandine, Shauna and the Powers House, the latter two within the last couple of months, but I’m *not* even a tiny bit upset.

    Whenever I pull the trigger on an item at full price, I know there’s a risk I’ll miss out on a future sale. I also have tons of items that started out free and became premium later, and others where I was able to take advantage of a sale.

    It all evens out in the long run.

  25. I cant seem to find it on the store!! 🙁

    Anyone know why??

  26. Since I have everything except Becky and the Aztec I took a chance. Got the Krazy Kraut and Becky for only 60 donuts. Happy days

  27. Love it. All the things available I’d love to have in my town. Just a matter of budgeting donuts

  28. Boo, I have everything. I’ll have to be patient for the next update

  29. I have wanted brandine forever it feels like, so when I saw this I was super happy! Unfortunately I had to purchase it four times before I got her. I got krazy kraut, then butterfats, then Howard’s flowers, then finally brandine, but at least I have her now! Then of course all I had left was powers house and up,up buffet, so I tapped it again and got powers house. I spent all of my donut savings and most of my Christmas sprinklies, but I got brandine, woo-hoo! 😁

  30. I was hoping to get Brandine, too. But I got… Aztec Theatre instead… 🙁

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