Should I Spend Donuts On Krusty’s Clown College?

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Gather your friends, call your neighbors…or just roll your eyes as I write another one of these intros…it’s update time in TSTO! The long-teased Krusty event is upon us!  While this is a mini-event, and really nothing like we thought it would be when first teased, it’s a new event in our games!  Of course, an all-new event means all-new premium content in our stores, just tempting us to drop those pink sprinkles!

As we all know, that limited-time label can tempt us to grab everything in sight because it’ll be gone soon.  But don’t sweat it!  That’s where we come in to tell you what’s worth those donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add Krusty’s Clown College to your Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this laugh a minute to your town…

Building/Decoration: Krusty’s Clown College
Donut Cost: 100 Donuts
$300, 30xp/12hrs
Consumerism +20
Can Be Placed:
WDTCF?: “Homie the Clown” S6, E15

Leaves stores September 25th, 2019

-Comes with a questline
-Has a permanent 4hr task for Krusty, Pass on his Wisdom

-Overpriced for what it is/does
-Lackluster design

Final Thought
Meh.  100 donuts is just too pricey for what it is/does.  Feels like a throw-in with the event, and doesn’t really seem connected.  Unless you’ve been waiting on this one I think it’s a pass.

Of course, in the end, it’s your decision, we can only tell you what we would or wouldn’t do…and as a premium player, I got it but mostly because I wanted to see what it did.  Knowing what I know now, I’d pass.  But whatever you decide, just make sure you make your final decision before it leaves our games for good (or for now).

Here’s a look at the questline…

Komedy 101
Krusty starts

Krusty: What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be running my restaurant, movie theater chain, podcast, and Krustydog stand.
SVT: I wanted to go to Clown College so I could stop working so many jobs and be famous like you.
Krusty: Kid, you came to the right clown. No one can show you how to take a pie to the face like I can.
SVT: It says on my schedule that my first class is ‘Pratfalls 101’.
Krusty: *pushes Squeaky Voice Teen over*
SVT: I’m finally experiencing the real college experience!
Make Krusty Pass On His Wisdom– 4hrs, Earns $260, 75xp

What are your thoughts on the Clown College?  Will you be spending the donuts to bring it to your Springfield? Did you already?  Why or why not?  Where have you placed it in your town? Design plans?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

And feel free to share some photos of your design plan as well! If you need help (or a refresher) posting photos in the comments, check out this post

27 responses to “Should I Spend Donuts On Krusty’s Clown College?

  1. I has the prefect spot for it so I love it and it only took me getting kicked out of the game 3 times before I could place it. Seriously EA fix this. I’m barely playing because of this.

  2. I am going to get it because I recently rebuilt my map to mirror the (un)official Springfield map here and it’s on there. I must have missed it the first time around. There are so many buildings on that map that TSTO has yet to release, they should make it a point to release every building on that map. 🙂

    wanna see my map? friend me at 7O457 (thats an O not a zero)

  3. Since I donut farm, I had plenty of donuts, so I bought it. It is a nice little part of Simpsons history. I would pay real money for more items if it meant them being able to fix these Bart screens. I have an iPad 5th Generation and still get a lot of Bart screens.

  4. I have plenty of donuts but not shelling out 100 for something that should be no more than 60.
    If the game is still in existence in months to come, then hopefully the building will be on sale.

  5. Krusty’s Clown College

    Thank you for the “should you give in to your inner 🤡 ” , Alissa …. and with your wisdom? I will pass on spending sprinkles for this. 2 reasons:

    -This should’ve been an Event Prize (and it would’ve been back in 2016!)
    -This will be in a Mystery Box (sooner vs later, or I will hoard my sprinkles until L-EA-Z-Y gives me something to spend them on!)

    Now Sideshow Raheem w Adult Krusty Retreat was worth it, so at least this Tapper got 1 Premium piece of fun (and that’s all the 🤡 business for tonight!)😂

  6. Yep
    EA could of really developed a full on event (or at least one act of an event) around the clown 🤡 college, giving everyone clown costumes instead of throwing this in to an event as an “also-ran sideshow” ……… I would of even been happy if they made it with the same functionality as the zombie dumpster..

  7. Bought it, have enough donuts. Buyers remorse, though. It’s blah. Shoulda waited for the SIB like I do with everything else. (Thank you for these, and all the hard work that goes into this site!)

    So, so tired of the BART screen. Even logging in takes 3-4 tries. Can’t visit more than 5 neighbors without getting kicked out.

  8. Completely, utterly useless. BUT…..its the dang clown college!!! Cha-ching! Done deal.

  9. I still bought this, mainly because Homie the Clown is one of my favourite Simpsons episodes but I do agree, it’s very pricey for what it is.

  10. Had to get it…Clown College!🤡👍🤪

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